Final Speaker Letter - Sample


TO: DESTINATION Intercity Visit Speakers




RE: Session Information

Once again, on behalf of YOUR ORGANIZATION and its XX-member delegation, we want to thank you for participating in the Chamber’s DATES intercity visit to the DESTINATION CITY by speaking to this group of community and regional leaders.

As promised, here is more detailed information about your session(s). If available, we’ve included more detailed information on YOUR CITY/REGION as it may relate to your topic. If you have any questions or comments about your session or role, please feel free to get with either one of us at PHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL FOR BOTH CONTACTS.

Also included is a list of our delegation as of this date – if you are participating in a breakout session, included is a list of those delegates who have signed up for your session.

If it is possible, it would be appreciated if you could show up for your session 30 minutes early so we can insure that everything is in order! Except for the breakout sessions, each session will already have an advance team in place at that time; each breakout session will have a staff member who will connect immediately with you upon his/her arrival with the group; however, final breakout session details of set-up, etc. will have been covered by on-site staff visits that week before.

We will be in DESTINATION CITY beginning ARRIVAL DATE FOR ADVANCE TEAM and can be reached at the HOTEL (PHONE NUMBER) or on our cell phones CELL PHONE NUMBERS FOR BOTH CONTACTS. We will be in touch with you immediately prior to the visit to make final detail calls.

By now, you should have received your invitation to the “Thank You” reception on DATE at the LOCATION - and we do hope that you will be able to join the delegation for this event.

Again, thank you for your generous sharing of your talent and time with our delegation. We look forward to seeing you soon.


Roster of Delegates – Name, Affiliation

Complete Agenda with individual speakers session highlighted

Background information on your city/region

Issue specific information