Shadow of the Dragon

Unit 4: Core novel


Shadow of the Dragon (Harcourt, 1993) A Vietnamese teen living in Houston is trying to fit into American society, but the arrival of his cousin from Vietnam throws him into a conflict between gang violence, family loyalty, and the love of an American girl.

Works Cited: This unit is used and/or adapted from:

Urban Dreams
OUSD Curriculum Unit
Shadow of the Dragon
by Sherry Garland
Lesson Plan Author:
L. Delaney
School: Skyline High

Goals: Students will…


·  Learn about what it is like to be a Vietnamese immigrant in Houston, Texas the challenges that go with immigration

o  Discord within family

o  Differences of belief

o  Prejudice

o  Forgiveness

o  Loyalty

o  Violence

o  Racism

o  Culture shock and conflict

·  Illustrate what is read.

·  Reflect on what is read.

·  Share text that specifically impacts the student.


·  Define symbolism and characterization.

·  Take notes/chart daily reading.

·  Increase vocabulary.

·  Write an essay answering the essential questions


·  You can choose your identity (national, cultural, personal, family etc)

·  The identity you choose (national, cultural, personal, family etc) affects all parts of your life and others

Essential Questions

1.  How does the characterization of the two main characters, Danny Vo and Sang Le Ly, illustrate the challenges faced by immigrants from war torn countries?

2.  How do the two main characters work through, struggle, and eventually find their identities – personal, national, and cultural


Student driven


·  Core novel: Shadow of the Dragon by Sherry Garland

·  Lesson plan and activities are written by Sherry Garland, but adapted for AISB

·  Language Network Textbook

·  Background material on Vietnam

·  Maps

·  Worksheets/writing resources/additional readings provided by teacher

Length of Unit: Approximately 5 weeks


·  Background on Vietnam, gangs, Vietnam war, reeducation camps, Houston

