Prepare for, and participate in, planned law enforcement operations
/ This unit is about taking part in planned law enforcement operations. The unit applies to all types of pre-planned law enforcement operations (e.g. public order, sporting events, Royal visits, co-ordinated structured searches or firearms operations).
You will need to prepare for planned law enforcement operations. This means being clear about your roles and responsibilities, obtaining the right equipment and completing the necessary documentation.
You will also need to participate in planned law enforcement operations. This means carrying out your roles and responsibilities according to the brief, using authorised equipment correctly, and co-ordinating your actions with others involved in law enforcement operations.
There is one element
- Prepare for, and participate in, planned law enforcement operations
Performance criteria
You must be able to: / P1identify and confirm your specific role and the roles of others within the operation
P2gather, clarify and review all the available information and intelligence in relation to your role in the operation
P3comply with your specific role in the plan at the commencement of, and during, the operation
P4liaise and communicate effectively with others involved in the operation
P5deal with individuals in an ethical manner, recognising their needs with respect to race, diversity and human rights
P6access and use authorised equipment in response to individual circumstances in accordance with your training, legislation and current policy
P7gather information and intelligence in accordance with legislation and current policy
P8carry out allocated tasks in accordance with the brief and your specific role
P9keep the appropriate person in the command structure updated with any developments or emerging issues
P10take any necessary independent action in accordance with specified guidelines and legislation
P11maintain the health and safety of self and others during the operation
P12challenge and deal appropriately with any unacceptable behaviour
P13use appropriate personal safety skills in accordance with current policy, legislation and training
P14contribute appropriately to any de-brief concerning the operation
P15fully document all decisions, actions, options and rationale in accordance with current policy and legislation
Knowledge and understanding
You need to know and understand: / Legal and organisational requirements
K1current, relevant legislation, policies, procedures, codes of practice andguidelines in relation to law enforcement operations
K2current, relevant legislation and organisational requirements in relation torace, diversity and human rights
K3current, relevant legislation and organisational requirements in relation tohealth and safety
K4the importance of adhering to national guidelines relating to workingappropriately with children and young people
You need to know and understand: / Command structure
K5the command structure and how it functions
K6the procedures for communicating within the command structure
You need to know and understand: / Planned law enforcement operations
K7the types of law enforcement operations in which you are likely to take part
K8how law enforcement operations are planned
K9the roles and responsibilities of other personnel in law enforcement operations
K10the roles of other agencies in law enforcement operations
K11the purpose of briefings and debriefings for law enforcement operations
K12the importance of being clear about your specific role in law enforcement operations
K13the information you need to carry out your role effectively and how to obtain it
K14how to carry out your role correctly
K15your own capabilities within the law enforcement operations based on your skills and level of training
K16the type of equipment required for different law enforcement operations
K17how to use authorised equipment safely and correctly
K18how to communicate effectively with others during law enforcement operations
K19the limits of your responsibility during policing operations and the types of independent action that may be necessary
K20how to challenge and deal with unacceptable behaviour
K21the personal safety techniques (including the use of force) that may be used and when it is appropriate to use them
You need to know and understand: / Documentation
K22the types of documentation that must be completed
K23the time scales within which documentation must be completed, filed and forwarded to others
Developed by / Skills for Justice
Version number / 2
Date approved / February 2008
Indicative review date / February 2013
Validity / Current
Status / Original
Originating organisation / Skills for Justice
Original URN / SFJ 2C2
Relevant occupations / Public Services; Public Service and Other Associate Professionals;
Suite / Policing and Law Enforcement
Key words / Events, equipment, documentation
SFJ CD3 Prepare for, and participate in, planned law enforcement operations1