Honors Ninth Grade English
Mrs. Russell
“No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.” ~~ Mr. Keating (Dead Poets Society)
Welcome class of 2019 to your first year at Helena High School and my classroom! I am excited to get to know each and every one of you and hope to teach you skills that will aid you as you complete your four years at HHS. The following is a guide to ensure your success in my classroom and as you complete your first year at HHS.
About Mrs. Russell: My email address is . I will respond to emails before school, during my planning period (8:10-8:57), and after school until 4:30. If you have any questions or concerns please email me and I will respond as soon as possible. This is my eighth year teaching ninth grade and I truly enjoy every minute of it. I am so excited to have the opportunity to get to know all of you this year!
Books You Will Need:
Text book Prentice Hall Literature (these are provided by the school)
(You will need to purchase the following books on your own)
All Classes:To Kill a Mockingbird- Harper Lee (you should have this book by Thursday September 10th)
Honors Only: Fahrenheit 451- Ray Bradbury (we will read this during the 4th nine weeks)
Regular: TBD
Classroom Rules and Expectations:
· Be Prepared
· Be on Time
· Be Respectful
· Be Ready to Learn
· Be Positive
If you do all of these things you will be successful in my class and throughout life. The expectations your teachers set for you in their classroom are the same that the world will set for you. Start following them now!
Blog: My blog address is podcasts.shelbyed.k12.al.us/j2russell. The blog will include assignments, reminders, and handouts received in class. It will be in your best interest to check the blog at least twice a week. The blog is a great source of information when you are absent. I will post handouts and assignments in the blog as well. You are also welcome to post questions or concerns on the blog.
Remind 101: In order to receive text reminders through you have two choices. If you have an iPhone you need to download the Remind 101 app (it is free). You will then type in the class code @jrussengl9. If you do not have an iPhone you will need to send 917-746-2759 a text with @jrussengl9. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about signing up. Please encourage your parents to sign up as well.
· Three Ring Binder
· Paper
· Pens
· Dividers
o Bellringers
o Notes
o Grammar
o Handouts
o Graded Work
· Markers/Colored Pencils
· Germ-X
· Kleenex
Grading: Your grades each semester will include: unit tests, quizzes, daily grades, projects, bellringer and essays. These grades will be broken up into different categories. We will have Gold (60%), Silver (30%), and Bronze (10%) grades. The grades will be broken up as follows
Gold: Including, but not limited to, major tests, essays, research assignments, projects, group assignments
Silver: Including, but not limited to, quizzes, CEC writing, class work, group assignments
Bronze: Including, but not limited to, homework, bellringers, class work
Make-up work and tests: If you miss a day of school it is your responsibility to make up the work. It is very important that your absence is an excused absence per the Shelby County Code of Conduct. If the absence is not excused your teachers will not be able to give you a grade for your make up work even if you complete the assignments.
Food/Drink: The only food/drink allowed in class will be water in its original bottle. Please do not bring food or any other drink into the classroom.
Tardiness: You must be in your seat when the bell rings or you will be counted tardy. I will close the door as soon as the bell rings. If you walk into the room or are not in your seat after the bell rings you will be counted tardy. I will keep track of these tardies. If you accumulate more than 5 in one nine weeks you will be referred to an administrator.
Discipline: The discipline policy will be fairly simple. The first offense will be a warning. The second offense will be a student/teacher conference. The third offense will be parent notification. The fourth offense will be a referral to an administrator. If your offense falls under a Class II, III, or IV violation per the Code of Conduct you will be immediately referred to an administrator.
Hall Passes: You will not receive a pass out of class unless there is an emergency. Please use the restroom and take care of personal needs in between classes. You will not be allowed to leave the classroom to go to another teacher’s classroom.
BYOD: Devices will be allowed in our classroom for educational purposes. Some examples of devices students are allowed to have are phones, tablets, Nook/Kindle, and any device that is pre-approved by Mrs. Russell. At the front of the room I will have the device form on red or green each day. If it is on red that means you should not have your device out for any reason. If it is on green you can have it out at Mrs. Russell’s discretion and only for class assignments. No devices will be allowed to be charged in our classroom. Please be responsible for your own device. It is not Mrs. Russell’s responsibility to keep up with your device for you.
Unit Plans: Each nine weeks we will have a specific unit of focus. All the literature we read during these nine weeks will be related to one topic and we will use the literature to answer essential questions.
1st nine weeks: Justice- What is justice? Is justice the same for the individual as well as society?
2nd nine weeks: Journey- What are the defining qualities of a journey? How can a journey affect an individual’s identity?
3rd nine weeks: Human Relationships and Consequences- How are human relationships developed? How do they change due to outside forces such as society?
4th nine weeks: Values and Society- How are values established within a society? How can society change these values?
Finally, my advice to you this year is to stay focused on your academics and set your goals high. If you have any questions or concerns speak with me. I am here for you to help you learn and grow. I care about you and your success in my class and at HHS. I will do everything I can to make this year a GREAT one!