Chapter 24

Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV/AIDS

What are STDs?

·  ______– infections spread from person to person through sexual contact

·  also know as sexually transmitted ______(STIs)

·  communicable diseases spread through engaging in ______activity that involves direct genital contact or the exchange of ______or other body fluids with someone infected with an STD

·  ______STDs can be cured with medication

·  viral STDs are ______

·  early ______and ______are crucial for controlling or curing as STD

·  several of the most common are ______– individuals show no symptoms, or the symptoms are mild and disappear after the onset of the infection

·  a person with an undiagnosed STD may ______pass it on to partner(s)

·  risk of contracting an STD ______with the number of sexual partners increases

·  approximately ______people between 15-24 yrs. old will become infected with a STD each year

·  ______more likely to suffer complications from STDs and the effects are more serious

·  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates direct medical costs linked to STDs are more than ______a year

·  approximately ______different STDs worldwide

Common STDs

·  Genital HPV Infections

-  caused by ______(HPV)

-  HPV: a group of more than ______kinds of viruses, ______of which are transmitted through sexual contact

-  close to ______people in U.S. infected each year

-  can cause ______(bumps or growths on or near genitals)

-  most infections are ______and will disappear without medical treatment

-  some infections if not diagnosed and treated, may cause abnormal ______tests or result in certain types of ______

-  vaccine treatment for ______is available, but it is not a cure

·  Chlamydia

-  ______infection that affects the reproductive organs of both males and females

-  about ______new cases each year

-  affects young females ______times more often than males

-  less than half of cases are ______

-  often asymptomatic

-  most common STD among ______

-  if left untreated if females ® ______(PID), chronic pelvic pain, ______

-  if left untreated in males it can lead to ______

-  infected pregnant females can deliver ______, infants may develop eye disease, ______, or fatal complications

-  infected females are 5 times more likely to become infected with ______if exposed to virus

·  Genital Herpes

-  caused by the ______virus

-  herpes simplex _____ usually causes cold sores in or near mouth

-  herpes simplex _____typically causes genital sores

-  both types can infect mouth and genitals

-  ______people ages 12 and up, in the U.S., have genital herpes

-  often asymptomatic

-  if symptomatic, first outbreak usually appears as ______on genitals or rectum within ______of virus being transmitted

-  blisters break, leaving ______that can take several weeks to heal

-  future outbreaks are usually shorter and less severe, but can occur on and off for ______

-  antiviral treatments can ______frequency of outbreaks, but there is ______CURE

·  Gonorrhea

-  ______infection that usually affects mucous membranes

-  ______most commonly reported infectious disease in the U.S.

-  an estimated 700,000+ Americans are infected each year ® only half of these are ______

-  males symptoms are often ______, female symptoms are usually mild

-  if untreated, can lead to ______, spread to bloodstream and cause permanent ______damage, females can pass it on to offspring during childbirth causing eye infections that lead to ______

·  Trichomoniasis

-  caused by a microscopic ______that results in infections of the vagina, urethra, and bladder

-  about ______new cases every year in U.S.

-  may not produce symptoms, some males have a temporary irritation inside ______, mild discharge, or slight burning during and after ______or ejaculation

-  females often experience ______(inflammation of vagina with discharge, odor, irritation and itching); also more likely to contract HIV if exposed

-  babies born to infected mothers are often premature and have low birth weights

·  Syphilis

-  infection caused by a small bacterium called a ______

-  attacks many parts of the body

-  sores develop in genital area that last several weeks

-  passed through direct contact with the ______during sexual activity

-  3 stage of syphilis:

§  primary stage:

·  sore appears on external genitals or vagina

·  can be easily ______at this stage

·  without treatment - sores heal, infection still ______

§  2nd stage:

·  skin rash

·  untreated rash will disappear, but infection remains

§  3rd stage:

·  can damage internal organs, cause brain dementia and may cause ______

The STD Epidemic

·  each year an estimated ______people in the U.S. are infected with an STD

·  ______are under age 24

·  many STDs go undiagnosed and untreated because of:

o  ______

o  ______

o  ______

§  state law requires health care providers to report certain STDs

§  people who contracted HPV infections or genital herpes are not required to report their infections or inform any partners of their condition

Prevention Through Abstinence

·  ______infections can be treated with ______ – a class of chemical agents that destroy disease-causing micro-organisms while leaving the patient unharmed

·  viral infections are ______

·  any STDs that are not diagnosed early and treated can result in serious ______or long-term health consequences

·  only method 100% successful in preventing the contraction and spread of STDs is ______

·  to protect your health and committed to abstinence:

o  set personal limits on physical affection

o  ______

o  avoid situations where you may feel pressured to engage in sexual activity

o  ______

o  choose group outings where you can enjoy the company of friends and avoid pressure to engage in sexual activity

o  ______

o  practice refusal skills – use words and body language to resist the pressure to engage in sexual activity

Avoiding High-Risk Behaviors and STDS

·  being sexually active with more than one person

·  engaging in ______sex

-  even protected sex is not ______effective in preventing the transmission

·  engaging in sexual activity with ______partners

-  those with a history of being sexually active with more than one person

-  injected illegal drug users

-  a person’s ______about their past behavior is not wise

·  using alcohol and other drugs

-  lowers ______

HPV Vaccine

-  vaccine that can prevent ______cancer, pre-cancerous genital lesions (or sores), and genital warts caused by genital HPV infection

-  protects against ______types of HPV infections

-  recommended for females ______years old

-  studies are being done to learn its benefits for males

-  ______vaccines available for any other type of STD

Diagnosing and Treating STDs

-  if you believe you may be infected, talk to a health care ______

-  many public health clinics provide information and treatment ______of charge

-  STDs ______be cured with common household products, homemade remedies, or over-the-counter treatments

-  taking medications prescribed to others is always ______

-  report any known infections for help to locate past partners

-  it is the ______of any person infected with an STD to notify everyone with whom he or she has had sexual contact…it could save a life

What is HIV/AIDS

-  Human ______virus (HIV)

-  virus that attacks the ______system

-  finds and destroys all ______blood cells that fight ______

-  final stage = acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS): disease in which the immune system is


-  one of the deadliest diseases in human history

-  25 ______worldwide died as a result of this disease, ______Americans

-  an estimated 40 million worldwide currently have this disease

-  approximately 12 million of the people who have HIV/AIDS are in the ______age group

-  every ______about 7,000 young people become infected

-  considered a ______(a global outbreak of infectious disease)

-  many of the young people infected do not ______it

Understanding HIV/AIDS

-  HIV cannot live ______the human body

-  exposure to air at room temperature ______the virus

-  cannot be spread through ______transmission, casual contact or insect bites

-  virus has been found in sweat, tears and saliva but amount is too ______to be dangerous

-  transmitted among humans when one person’s infected ______, ______, or ______secretions comes in contact with another person’s broken skin or mucous membranes (found in the mouth, eyes, nose, vagina, rectum and opening of the penis)

-  HIV is spread in three ways:

·  ______

o  enters ______through microscopic openings in tissues of the vagina, anus, mount, or opening of penis

o  people infected with other STDs are more vulnerable to HIV infection because STDs cause changes in certain membranes

·  ______

o  virus enters directly into bloodstream

o  drug use, body piercing and tattoo needles can be contaminated

·  ______

o  can pass to unborn baby through ______

o  expectant mothers can take medication that might prevent her child from contracting HIV

o  during childbirth, doctors work to prevent child from coming in contact with mother’s ______

o  infected mother should not ______her baby

o  number of infected infants has declined in U.S. since pregnant mothers are routinely ______for HIV

How HIV/AIDS Affects the Immune System

-  attacks body’s immune system by destroying ______(specialized white blood cells that perform many immune functions, such as fighting pathogens)

-  2 types of lymphocytes: _____cells and _____cells

-  Helper T cells stimulate B cells to produce ______, which help destroy pathogens that enter the body

-  HIV enters certain cells, including lymphocytes, ______itself and eventually destroys the cell

-  immune system becomes weaker as more and more cells are destroyed → body becomes vulnerable to AIDS-______ (infections that body could fight off it the immune system were healthy)

Stages of HIV Infection

·  ______stage

-  can last for ______years or more

-  virus largely confined to lymph nodes, where it invades and takes over ______

-  no ______signs of infection

·  Middle stage

-  occurs in about ______of infected patients

-  experience fever, ______, sore throat, rash, diarrhea, and enlarged lymph nodes

·  ______stage

-  Helper T cells fall to 200 to 400 per milliliter of blood

-  ______symptoms: headache, fever, body aches, swollen, glands, diminished appetite, weight loss, skin rashes

·  AIDS stage

-  Helper T cells drop to less than ______

-  one or more ______are present

Giving or Receiving Blood

-  in U.S., health care professionals always use ______needles to draw blood

-  all donated blood has been tested for HIV since ______

-  U.S. blood supply is among the ______in the world

Preventing HIV/AIDS

-  more than ______Americans estimated to be living with HIV

-  ______infected each year

-  ______new cases young people between the ages of 13 and 24

-  being ______active and/or an intravenous drug user increases your risk of contracting it

-  cannot tell if a person is infected just by looking at them

-  many ______that they are HIV-positive can unknowingly spread the virus to others

-  behaviors that will help protect you from infection:

§  ______

§  ______

§  ______

§  ______when you feel pressured to engage in risky behaviors

Diagnosing HIV/AIDS

-  if you believe you have been exposed – get tested…everyone who is sexually active should be tested regularly

-  testing available in a doctor’s office, local health department or hospital and sites that specialize in HIV testing

-  some health departments will do the test for ______

-  a ______sample or an ______specimen from between the inside of the cheek and gum is collected and sent to a laboratory for analysis

-  results usually known within _____ weeks

Types of Laboratory HIV Tests

-  samples are screened for HIV ______

-  a person’s body does not ______have HIV antibodies→ produced only in presence of an infection

-  most common tests:

·  ______(enzyme immunoassay)

o  first test usually run

o  test that screens for the presence of HIV antibodies in the blood

o  if results are ______→ HIV antibodies present → EIA is repeated

o  2nd test positive → Western blot test is run

o  both tests more than ______accurate

·  ______

o  test that detects HIV antibodies and confirms the results of earlier EIA tests

o  used only after EIA tests produce positive results

o  if results of 2 EIA tests and the Western blot tests are all positive, a person is diagnosed with ______

o  combined tests are expensive

o  many health departments and HIV/AIDS information and counseling centers will pay

o  for the costs of these test

*Additional tests:

·  ______

o  viral load test

o  shows how many copies of the virus are circulating in the blood

·  ______

o  looks at number of white blood cells in a sample of blood

·  ______

o  HIV test that produces results in only 20 minutes

o  used in situations where the infected person might ______to learn results

o  blood sample immediately analyzed on site

Home Testing Kits

-  marketed on Internet, newspapers and magazines

-  most are not ______

-  make sure test is approved by the ______

-  FDA approved tests requires providing a spot of dried ______, which is then mailed to an approved lab for analysis

-  results ______accurate and available within 2 weeks

-  appropriate counseling and referrals provided with results

Benefits of Early Diagnosis

·  begin proper medical care early to ______the progress of the virus

·  avoid behaviors that could ______HIV to others

·  gain peace of mind when the results are negative

Treating HIV/AIDS

·  medications slow the growth of HIV/AIDS, but there is ______cure

·  many drugs used to treat opportunistic infections (pneumonia and some types of cancers)

·  the combination of drugs used know as ______(HAART)

·  in 2006, FDA approved a once-daily, single-pill treatment for HIV/AIDS