Dear Family:
The history in this class is a story about people in places like the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia during the time between A.D. 500 and 1800.
The teacher uses what is called a “pacing guide” to guide the activities. Essential standards created by teachers are a key part of this guide, because they guide the creation of the assessments that are a large part of the student’s grade. They can be found on the teacher’s school website page.
Grading Policy:
100-89% A88-79% B78-69% C68-59% D 58-0% F
Each graded assignment is given points. The total points will determine the grade. Expect graded assessments (tests, quizzes, projects, and writing assignments) to be 70% of the class grade.The rest of the grade is based on constructive participation and in-class work or homework. A student can retake a failed test, but the student must ask for it and do a summative assignment to demonstrate preparation to do better with a second try. Late work will be accepted and graded minus 30% of the points, so there is no extra credit work.
What is expected from the student?
1. Bring black pens, pencils that produce dark, readable writing, a large eraser, and lined paper.
2. Do all bellworks (work at the start of class).
3. Complete assignments that require using a textbook and other written sources.
4. Have a place to keep all notes done in class.
5. Don’t give up on hard reading and writing assignments.
6. Be ready to create, to solve problems, and communicate results to others.
7. Always participate in pair and group work, and regularly try to participate in class discussions.
8. Come early to class rather than late. Walk to class with a purpose.
9. Always try to ignore distractions and not become a distraction to others.
10. Be willing to speak to the teacher to get help. That means, be willing to use extra time after class to get that help or complete assignments (such as the PAWS program or appointments after school).
11. Be willing to follow the school-wide Panther PRIDE classroom rules.
Your student will build a portfolio of work. The goal is for your student to choose samples of best work to show and discuss with the family and for 8th grade use.
Review the school website regularly to review grades and to know what assignments are being done in class.
A Final Word. Success is about citizenship and work habits. Refer to both in the student’s Time Tracker. Obeying two rules can help: be respectful and be about your student business. Be willing to put in the time to learn and complete what is started. Always look for opportunities to make class experiences practical to the student’s life. This teacher wants the student and family to know that you are loved and appreciated.
Please complete the bottom portion of this sheet. Return this bottom portion to the teacher for a work habits grade. Keep the information part to refer to during the school year.