The International Research Foundation

for English Language Education


(last updated 26 October 2014)

Bowdon, M. A., Billig, S. H., & Holland, B. A. (Eds.). (2008). Scholarship for sustaining service-learning and civic engagement. Charlotte, NC: IAP‒Information Age Publishing.

Braunstein, B. (2006). A model of service-learning for intensive English programs. The CATESOL Journal, 18(1), 58-65.

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Caldwell, W. (2007). Taking Spanish outside the box: A model for integrating service learning into foreign language study. Foreign Language Annals, 40, 463-471.

Carr, N. T., Eyring, J. L., & Gallego, J. C. (2006). What is the value of service-learning for ESL teacher preparation? The CATESOL Journal, 18(1), 66-80.

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Eyler, J. (2002). Reflection: Linking service and learning‒Linking students and communities. Journal of Social Issues, 58, 517-534.

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Eyring, J. L. (2006). Introduction to the theme section [service learning]. The CATESOL Journal, 18(1), 21-25.

Eyring, J. L. (2006). Service-learning at the secondary level: An interview with a high school principal. The CATESOL Journal, 18(1), 93-95.

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Gascoigne, L. C. (2001, July). Service/community learning and foreign language teaching methods: An application. Active Learning in Higher Education, 2, 53-63.

Glicker, E. (2006). Service-learning for academic literacy in adult ESL programs. The CATESOL Journal, 18(1), 40-47.

Goldberg, L., McCormick Richburg, C., & Wood, L. (2006). Active learning through service-learning. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 27, 3.

Grabois, H. (2007). Service-learning throughout the Spanish curriculum: An inclusive and expansive theory-driven model. In A. Wurr & J. Hellebrandt (Eds.), Learning the language of global citizenship: Service learning in applied linguistics (pp. 164-189). Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.

Grassi, E. (2003). Service-learning: An innovative approach to instruction for second language learners. Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences, 65, 385-A‒386-A.

Grim, F. (2010). Giving authentic opportunities to second language learners: A look at a French service-learning project. Foreign Language Annals, 43(4), 605-623.

Heffernam, K. (2001). Fundamentals of service-learning course construction. Providence, RI: Campus Compact.

Hellebrandt, J., & Varona, L. (1999). Construyendo puentes (Building bridges): Concepts and models for service-learning in Spanish. Washington, DC: American Association for Higher Education.

Heuser, L. (1999). Service-learning as a pedagogy to promote the content, cross-cultural, and language-learning of ESL students. TESL Canada Journal/Revue TESL du Canada, 17, 54-71.

Hornberger, N. H., & Wang, S. C. (2008). Who are our heritage language learners? Identity and biliteracy in heritage language education in the United States. In D. Brinton, O. Kagan, & S. Bauckus (Eds.), Heritage language education: A new field emerging (pp. 3-35). New York: Routledge.

Kendrick, J. R. (1996). Outcomes of service-learning in an introductory sociology course. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 2, 72-81.

Lacorte, M., & Canabal, E. (2003). Interaction with heritage language learners in foreign language classrooms. In Blyth, C. (Ed.), The sociolinguistics of foreign language classrooms: Contributions of the native, the near-native, and the non-native speaker (pp. 107-129). Boston: Heinle.

Lear, D. & Abbott, A. (2008). Staking out a middle ground: Innovative language programs give students professional skills and encourage service learning. The Language Educator, 3(6), 14-17.

Levesque, R. (2006). Weaving service-learning into the curriculum. The CATESOL Journal, 18(1), 26-39.

McInerney, K. (2007). Local cultures, language politics, and service learning in the TEFL certificate course. In H. M. McGarrell (Ed.), Language teacher research in the Americas (125-137). Alexandria, VA: TESOL.

McKenna, M., & Rizzo, E. (1999). Outside the classroom: Student perceptions of the benefits of service-learning. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 18, 111-123.

McPherson, K. (1996). Service-learning: Getting to the heart of school renewal. Vancouver, WA: School Improvement Project.

Mollica, A., Nuessel, F., & Cedeño, A. (2004). Current trends and issues in service-learning in the Spanish curriculum. Mosaic, 8, 10-16.

Morris, F. (2001). Serving the community and learning a foreign language: Evaluating a service-learning programme. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 14, 244-255.

Overfield, D. (1997). An approach to service in the foreign language classroom. Mosaic, 4, 11-13.

Phipps, C. E. (2006). Matching ESL and content classes for successful community college service-learning. The CATESOL Journal, 18(1), 48-57.

Polansky, S. (2004). Tutoring for community outreach: A course model for language learning and bridge building between university and public schools. Foreign Language Annals, 37, 367-373.

Purmensky, K. (2006). Service-learning helps ELLs in elementary schools. The CATESOL Journal, 18(1), 81-92.

Purmensky, K. L. (2006). Weblogs transform service-learning reflection. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 10(1), 13-17.

Purmensky, K. L. (2009)Service-learning for diverse communities: Critical pedagogy and mentoring English language learners. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Rabin, L. (2011). Community service and activism in heritage languages, New York City, 1915-1956. Foreign Language Annals, 44(2), 338-352.

Reese, S. (2008). Being of service to the language profession: How educators make contributions beyond the classroom walls. The Language Educator, 3(4), 34-39.

Rosengrant, S. (1997, October). Applied Russian at Portland State University: An experiment in community-based learning. AATSEEL Newsletter, 40, 14-17.

Strange, A. A. (2000). Service-learning: Enhancing student outcomes in college-level lecture courses. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 7, 5-13.

Terry, A., & Bohnenberger, J. (2007). Service learning ... by degrees. How adolescents can make a difference in the real world. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Tichenor, S. (1994). Community colleges and teaching English as a second language: Serving the limited English proficient. Community College Review, 22(3), 55-77.

Varas, P. (1999). Raising cultural awareness through service-learning in Spanish culture and conversation: Tutoring in the Migrant Education Program in Salem. In J. Hellebrandt & L. T. Varona (Eds.), Construyendo puentes (Building bridges): Concepts and models for service-learning in Spanish (123-135). Washington, DC: American Association for Higher Education.

Warschauer, M., & Cook, J. (1999). Service learning and technology in TESOL. Prospect, 14(3), 32-39.

Weldon, A., & Trautman, G.. (2003). Spanish and service learning: Pedagogy and practice. Hispania, 86, 574-585.

Wurr, A.J., & J. Hellebrandt (Eds.). Learning the language of global citizenship: Service learning in applied linguistics. CITY: Anker Publishing Company.

Zlotowski, E. (1998). Successful service-learning programs: New models of excellence in higher education. Boston, MA: Anker Publishing.


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