
Observable and Non-Observable Activities

Observable (normal text) Non-Observable (underlined in bold text)

Based on the NC Teacher Evaluation Process created by McRel

And developed by Educational Leadership for Success

Standard 1Teachers demonstrate leadership

A---Leads in the classroom

B---Leads in the school

C---Leads the teaching profession

D---Advocates for the school and students

E---Demonstrates high ethical standards

Standard 2Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population

A---Provides an environment that is inviting, respectful, supportive, inclusive, and flexible

B---Embraces diversity in the school community and in the world

C---Treats students as individuals

D---Adapts teaching for the benefit of students with special needs

E---Works collaboratively with families and significant adults in the lives of their students

Standard 3Teachers know the content they teach

A---Aligns instruction with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study

B---Knows the content appropriate to the teaching specialty

C---Recognizes the interconnectedness of content areas/disciplines

D---Makes instruction relevant to students

Standard 4Teachers facilitate learning for the students

A---Knows the ways in which learning takes place, and the appropriate levels of

Intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of students

B---Plans instruction appropriate for students

C---Uses a variety of instructional methods

D---Integrates and utilizes technology in instruction

E---Helps students develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills

F---Helps students work in teams and develop leadership qualities

G---Communicates effectively

H---Uses a variety of methods to assess what each student has learned

Standard 5Teachers reflect on their own practice

A---Analyzes student learning

B---Links professional growth to professional goals

C---Functions effectively in a complex, dynamic environment

Observers are left to consider only the following classroom elements:

*First observation---

1A---Leads in the classroom

2A---Provides an environment that is inviting, respectful, supportive, inclusive, and flexible

2B---Embraces diversity in the school community and the world

2C---Treats students as individuals

2D---Adapts teaching to the benefit of students with special needs


*Second observation---

3A---Aligns instruction with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study

3B---Knows the content appropriate to the teaching specialty

3C---Recognizes the interconnectedness of content areas/disciplines

3D---Makes instruction relevant to students

Third observation---

4A---Knows the ways in which learning takes place, and the appropriate levels of intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of students

4C---Uses a variety of instructional methods

4D---Integrates and utilizes technology in instruction

4E---Helps students develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills

4F---Helps students work in teams and develop leadership qualities

4G---Communicates effectively

*Note: If an observer notes any concerns during the first or second observation she/he should inform other observers to scrutinize that standard or element during subsequent observations.

Observers must also find ways to make conclusions about elements that occur outside the classroom:

1B---Leads in the school

1C---Leads in the teaching profession

1D---Advocates for the school and students

1E---Demonstrates high ethical standards

2E---Works collaboratively with families and significant adults in the lives of their students

4B---Plans instruction appropriate for students

4H---Uses a variety of methods to assess what each student has learned

5A---Analyzes student learning

5B---Links professional growth to professional goals

5C---Functions effectively in a complex, dynamic environment