Service Fee Schedule
Mediation & Arbitration
Half Day (4 hour)$ 950
Full Day (8 hour)$1900
2901.10 Trials
Half Day$ 950
Full Day$1900
Mock Trials
$2500 per day plus juror and space expense
To Contact Us Today
PhoneCall Janie Dreher for helpful assistance scheduling your proceeding.
Toll Free888-629-3793
EmailEmail Judicial Alternatives at .
MailWrite Judicial Alternatives at 7419 Jackson Pike, Lockbourne, OH43137.
WebsiteVisit our new website at
Call Us Today and Let Us Resolve Your Case.
About Judicial Alternatives
Judicial Alternatives of Ohio was founded in 1993 by Retired Ohio Judge Donald A. Cox. Judge Cox pioneered the use of private domestic hearings in Ohio.
The goal of Judicial Alternatives is to make your civil litigation easier, less traumatic, and to achieve a more effective result.
Judge Donald A. Cox
Judge Cox retired as a Common Pleas judge in GalliaCounty in 1993. He has heard cases in 38 Ohio counties.
In the last 15 years, Judge Cox has conducted over 1200 mediations and arbitrations in Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky.
Judge Cox has conducted many mock trials and several 2901.10 trials and hearings.
Judge Richard Walton
Judge Walton served as a Common Pleas judge in LawrenceCounty for over 25 years and retired in 2007. Judge Walton has served as an assigned judge in several Ohio counties and continues to be appointed by the Ohio Supreme Court.
Judicial Alternatives
Valuable Alternatives for
Your Busy Practice
Donald A. Cox, Retired Judge
President, Judicial Alternatives
Mediation & Arbitration Services
At Judicial Alternatives of Ohio, we have 15 years experiencemediating and arbitrating civil and probate cases in Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky.
Believing that an early resolution is a better resolution,thousands of people and businesses have relied upon us to fairly and impartially mediate or arbitrate their dispute.
Unlike other ADR firms, Judicial Alternatives does not charge case filing fees, administrative fees, or continuance fees. Most of the fees paid go directly to the Panelist assigned to your case.
Cases TypicallyReferred
Personal Injury
Wrongful Death
Medical Malpractice
Contract Disputes
Claims Against State Agencies
Construction Claims
Insurance Coverage
Domestic Relations
Will Contests
Wrongful Discharge of Employees
Sexual Harassment & Discrimination
Private Civil Trials
Section 2701.10 of the Ohio Revised Code provides that the parties to a civil case may elect to have the matter referred to a retired judge and have the case decided in a proceeding outside the courthouse. The decision of the private judge is final and binding.All partieshave the right to appeal the case to the local Court of Appeals.
Judicial Alternatives has conductedprivate civil trials that successfully resolved medical malpractice, construction and personal injury cases.
In 2003 one of our panelists conducted a complete jury trial in Scioto County Ohio using facilities donated by Shawnee State University and jurors from the Scioto County Common Pleas Court.
Under a 2007 Supreme Court ruling in a case involving judges in Cuyahoga County, jury trials are no longer availableunder the statute unless the Ohio Legislature amendsSection 2701.10.
We will work with you to set a date and a place convenient to all parties. All trial dates are firm once set. Each day the trial will be in session at least 7 hours, saving you delay and witness problems.
Mock Jury Trials
Are you concernedhow your case will really beconsidered by jurors?
Judicial Alternatives has conducted many mock jury trials in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Akron and Columbus. We have experience setting up and conducting the entire process.
We will give you a list of 30 to 100 real people in your areawho are willing to come in on Saturday or Sunday for a whole day and give you real and valuablefeedback on your case.
We provide you with the demographic information for our volunteers and you can pick as few as 8 jurors in one panel or as many as 24 in three different panels. You decide what kind of a panel you want to test your case.
Judicial Alternatives will provide a retired judge to give you the lookof a real trial and a setting that is conducive to a trial.
You will decide how to present your information.Show depositions, have actors play real witnesses and opposing counsel, or have your client testify. You decide.