CHRIS HALLUM, Mayor (12/31/17)
VERN BUNKE, Councilor (12/31/17)
MARK HONSEY, Councilor (12/31/17)
TERRI BENSON, Councilor (12/31/19)
JIM O’DONNELL, Council (12/31/19)
DECEMBER 27, 2016 at 6:30 pm
(A portion of this meeting may be closed as per item 8(G))
1. Call to Order 6:30 p.m.
2. Additions/Deletions/Modifications to Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes
3. (A) Regular Meeting of December 12, 2016 – see attached
4. Appearance of Interested Citizens (for any topic other than public hearing topics)
5. Notices/Communications/Announcements – see attached
5. (A)
6. Consent Agenda – see attachments for each item
6. (A) Approval of Verified Claims and Fund Summary Report for period ending 12/27/16
6. (B) Review staff report regarding the receipt of a dividend from the League of MN Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT) along with supporting information regarding the same
7. Public Hearing – none
8. General Business
8. (A) Consideration of proposed budget and proposed property tax levy for taxes payable year 2017. The original proposed levy was $867,000.00 with information provided at the last meeting regarding the budget and taxes proposed for collection to pay for the costs of city-provided services in 2017. A levy resolution must be adopted at this meeting to meet timelines for County/State reporting. Consideration of adoption of Resolution 2016-053 approving a final property tax levy for the City of Rushford for collection in 2017.
8. (B) Consideration of adoption of Resolution 2016-065 Acknowledging a Donation from Ace Telephone $900.00, Rushford Community Foundation $1,000.00, Arlin Falck Foundation $3,000.00 and RP Booster Club $5,000.00 Totaling $9,900.00 for equipment and software upgrades to the Public Access Channel. The Rushford EDA previously dedicated $5,000.00 to this project. The donations are accepted with sincere thanks and appreciation as these upgrades will benefit citizens of all ages. See attached resolution
8. (C) Consideration of adoption of Resolution 2016-066 Acknowledging a Donation from the Arlin Falck Foundation for $5,000.00 towards the repair of the sign lettering and installation of an appropriate lighting system. Other donations will be solicited to help improve this iconic symbol of community pride. See attached resolution
8. (D) Consideration of adoption of Resolution 2016-067 Acknowledging Donations from R/P Community Chester $390.00, RP Booster Club $500.00, Sandhill Appraisals $50.00, Thrivent Financial $400.00 and Valleycrest Riders $300.00 totaling $1,640.00 for the Rushford Public Library Summer Reading Program. These funds provided entertaining and educational opportunities for hundreds of area youth. See attached resolution
8. (E) Consideration of adoption of Resolution 2016-068 Acknowledging a donation from Dunn Blacktop for equipment upgrades to the Rushford Fire Department $750.00 for gear washing equipment and Rushford Police Department $750.00 for upgrading software and computer systems. See attached resolution
8. (F) Consideration of accepting the recommendation of the Economic Development Authority (EDA) to provide a match of up to $5,000.00 for new donations received for the Rushford sign lighting project, encouraging RPVCC fund raising efforts.
8. (G) Consideration of closing the meeting to conduct the six month performance evaluation of City Administrator Chladek. The meeting may be open at the request of the individual. The results of the closed meeting session must be summarized at a subsequent meeting or by re-opening this meeting.
9. Ordinance - none
10. Reports, Updates, and Miscellaneous –
10. (A) Library Board (O’Donnell) — next meeting Thursday, Jan 5, 2017 at 4:00 p.m.
10. (B) Rushford EDA (Benson, Honsey)—next meeting, Wed., January 11th at 5:30 p.m.
10. (C) Airport Commission (Hallum)—next meeting, Thursday, Jan 19th at 6:30 p.m.
10. (D) Planning Commission (O’Donnell)—next meeting Tuesday, January 17th at 5:30 p.m.
10. (E) Rushford Municipal Electric (Hallum)—next meeting Wed. January 18th at 6:00 p.m.
10. (F) Trees, Trails, Parks (Bunke) – next meeting Thursday, January 5th at 5:00 p.m.
Openings remain on Electric Commission, Airport Commission and Trees, Trails, Parks
10. (G) Labor/Management (Hallum, Bunke)
10. (H) Staff Updates/Reports as available or appropriate
11. Adjournment