Sermon – “He Is The One, There is No One Else!!!”

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Faith Temple Church – Sioux Falls, S.D.

Pastor Jeff Hayes

Source: “Jesus, The Perfect Revelation of God – Rodney Buchanan

Title: “He Is The One, There is No One Else!!!”

Scripture: Hebrews1:1-1:13
Introduction: 1. Who Is This Jesus?

2. A Variety Of Opinions On Who Jesus Is!

3. Hebrews 1:1 gives us no question as to who Jesus is!

4. What will you teach your family about Jesus?

5. What do you believe??

6. Some religions believe in Jesus but not the Bible Jesus!

a. Maybe a prophet

b. Teacher

c. But do they believe He Is God’s Son and is God Himself!

7. Some people want to be Open Minded and Tolerant.

a. Can we be open minded and tolerant in light of truth???

b. Mathmatics is an exact science!

c. Am I not tolerant when I disagree with someone who

believes that 2+2 = 5?

8. It isn’t Christian to believe that Jesus was some thing other

than the Son of God and that he was nailed to the cross and

rose victoriously.

9. Part of living in a free-wheeling culture like ours is that

people believe all kinds of things.

10. And, of course, people are free to believe whatever they want

to believe, but they should not confuse what they believe

with Christianity

11. Our culture seems to think that everyone can believe or do

whatever they want and everyone is still right. Many are

saying that all religions are basically the same with different

names for God.

12. Can we articulate what the Bible and Christian faith teaches.

13. We look at who Jesus is this morning from Hebrews 1

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14. There has never been a more important person in the history

of the world than Jesus Christ. No one has influenced the

world or had a more impact on individual human lives than

Jesus of Nazareth.
15. The writer of the book of Hebrews outlines some of the

points of his uniqueness in this first chapter.

I. Jesus Is Superior To The Prophets

Scripture: Hebrews 1:1 “In the past God spoke to our forefathers through

the prophets at many times in and in various ways...”

A. The writer of Hebrews, first of all, tells us that Jesus is superior to the


1. The prophets were the greatest men of the Old Testament era.

2. They had visions of God and served him with great works of

power, but none of them could compare with Jesus Christ.

a. God spoke to Job out of a whirlwind

b. He spoke to Joseph in dreams.

c. He spoke to Moses out of a burning bush.

d. He spoke to Joshua through an angel.

e. He spoke to Samuel through a voice in the darkness.

f. He spoke to Elijah through a whisper.

g. He spoke to Daniel through a vision.

h. But now, says the writer of Hebrews, God has spoken to us

not in a dream or a vision, but in person — through his Son.

B. Who Is That Son --- Jesus!

Scripture: Hebrews 1:2 – “But in these last days he has

spoken to us by his Son...

1. God spoke to the people indirectly through the old prophets, but

Jesus speaks to us directly as God.

2. The prophets, great as they were, could not compare with him.

3. They may have spoken the word of God, but Jesus was the Word

of God.

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II. Jesus... The Heir Of God The Father!

Scripture: Hebrews 1:2 “but in these last days he has spoken to us by his

Son, whom he appointed their of all things...

1. “His Son!”

2. Whose Son?

God or Man? / Who Jesus Was / Jesus' Purpose / Resurrection
Traditional (Nicene) Christianity / Both: "fully God and fully man." / Second person of the Trinity, incarnation of God, Son of God, Savior. / Die for the sins of humanity. / Yes
Arianism / A created divine being. / A divine being, but created by God and inferior to Father. Son of God. Savior. / To save humanity from sin. / Yes
Baha'i Faith / Man / A "manifestation of God" and prophet. Since superseded by Muhammad and Baha'u'llah. / To reveal God's will as part of progressive revelation to humanity. / Only spiritually.
Buddhism / Man / Wise and enlightened man who taught similar things to the Buddha. / To teach humanity wisdom and the way to enlightenment. / Not addressed
Christian Science / Man / Wise man especially attuned to the divine Christ. / To teach humanity, heal, and overcome death. / Yes
Christadelphians / Man (or half-man, half-God). / Son of God but human, because mother was human Mary. Lived a sinless life and died sacrificial death. / To show God's love for humanity and redeem humanity from sin. / Yes
Gnosticism / God / Divine being sent from the supreme God. / To rescue humanity from the material world by revealing true knowledge. / Most Gnostics reject that Christ died at all. The human Jesus was ordinary and did not resurrect.
Hinduism / Views vary / Incarnation of God akin to Krishna, or wise man. / Not addressed / Not addressed
Islam / Man / True prophet sent by God, but superseded by Muhammad. / To reveal God's will in a progressive revelation that ended with Muhammad. / No
Jehovah's Witnesses / An archangel / Son of God, Word of God, God's first creation, Archangel Michael. / Teach about God, provide a model for right living, die sacrificially for human sin. / Yes
Mormonism (LDS) / Man / Son of God, Savior, originally one of the spirit beings that all humans used to be. Has a physical body. / To teach about God, provide a model for living, die sacrificially for sin. / Yes
Theosophy / Man / Great teacher. / No
Unitarian Universalism / Man / Great teacher, faith-healer, "incarnation of God's love." / To demonstrate God's love for humanity and teach about justice and compassion. / No official teaching; most do not believe physical resurrection.

II. The Heir of God The Father (Cont)

A. What did he inherit --- everything!

1. Don’t qualify or Simplify -

2. Jesus Inherited Everything!

B. “He Apponted Heir of all things...

1. Neal Wanless – 232.1 Million Powerball

2. If you were Neal Wanless’ only son, what would you inherit?

III. Jesus – “Through Whom He (God) Made The Universe

Scripture: Hebrews 1:2 “...and through whom he made the universe.”

A. God Made The Universe Through Jesus

B. Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning God created the heavens and the


C. Evolution didn’t come around until Darwin arrived.

1. Darwin's Theory of Evolution is a slow gradual process. Darwin

wrote, "…Natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight

successive variations; she can never take a great and sudden leap,

but must advance by short and sure, though slow steps."

2. “Darwin's Theory of Evolution is a theory in crisis in light of the

tremendous advances we've made in molecular biology,

biochemistry and genetics over the past fifty years.”

3. God Made The Universe Through Jesus!

4. You Have A Choice As To How You Are Going To Believe

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IV. Jesus, The Radiance of God’s Glory!

Scripture: Hebrews 1:3 “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and

the exact representation of his being...”

sustaining all things by his powerful word.”

A. The Incomparable POSITION of Christ.

1. Christ is superior to the angels and prophets because his

position is superior to theirs.

2. The angels are servants of God, but Jesus Christ is the Son of


3. The prophets spoke the word of God, but Jesus Christ is the

Word of God.

4. Listen again as the writer says, “The Son is the radiance of

God’s glory and the exact representation of his being,

sustaining all things by his powerful word” (Hebrews 1:3).

5. In the Greek, the original language in which this book was

written, it literally says that Christ is the exact representation of

God’s essence.

6. And the word for “exact representation” is a word which can be

used for a stamp.

7. This word was also used to describe the work of an engraver

who makes an exact copy of another piece of jewelry.

8. Jesus Christ was the express image, an exact copy, because he

was the exact essence of his Father.

9. Paul puts it like this: “He is the image of the invisible God. . . .

For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form”

(Colossians 1:15, 2:9).
B. Jesus Christ is unique. He is like no other. No one can compare with


1. Not Mohammed, not Krishna, not Buddha and not Confucius.

2. Not even Moses can compare with Jesus. For even though

Moses was the great lawgiver of the Old Testament, Jesus came

as the One who would free us from the condemnation of the law.

3. Jesus Christ was greater than the priests, for even though they

made atonement for the people by offering sacrifices for their

sins every day,

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4. Hebrews 7:27-28 “Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to

offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the

sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he

offered himself. For the law appoints as high priests men who are

weak; but the oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son,

who has been made perfect forever” (Hebrews 7:27-28).

5. He is the high priest of heaven.

The story is told of a famous actress back in the early 40’s. Her name was Billie Burke, and she was quite impressed with herself. Once, when she was on a transatlantic ocean trip, she noticed a man getting some sun on the deck who seemed to be suffering from a very bad head cold. “Are you uncomfortable?” she asked him. The man nodded his head. “I’ll tell you just what to do,” she said. “Go to your room and drink lots of orange juice. Take two aspirins. Cover yourself with all the blankets you can find. Sweat the cold out. I know just I’m talking about. I’m Billie Burke from Holly wood.” “Thank you,” the man said. “I’m glad to meet you. I’m Dr. Mayo from the Mayo Clinic.”

There was a great deal of difference between the two people. One had a home remedy, but the other was a physician. Their positions in the medical world were vastly different. In a similar fashion, the other religious leaders of the world may have a home remedy for what ails the world, but Jesus is the great Physician. Moses and the prophets were great spiritual leaders, but Jesus Christ is God. He is the “radiance of God’s glory.” He is able to do things that no one else can do. His position in the spiritual world is unique.
V. Sustaining All Things By His Powerful Word – Hebrews 1:3 b

“ This is telling us that Christ is the mystery behind the physical forces: the gravitational force, the electro-magnetic forces, the strong and weak nuclear forces. It is Christ who sustains all things and holds all things together: holding each atom together, keeping us anchored to the earth, sustaining the revolutions of the planets around the sun.”

VI. After He Had Provided purification For Sins, he Sat Down At The

Right hand Of The Majesty In Heaven.

1. The Savior! 2. The King! (Making Intercession For You)

Conclusion – He Is The One! There is No One Else!