CA Department of Education December 2010
CELDT Kindergarten – Grade One (K-1) AMAO Information
Year / Student Score Files / Previous Scale Scores(Entered during PreID, demographics pages, or during DRM.) / Overall Score Calculation
and CELDT Criterion / AMAO 1 Calculation
(Percent of ELs making progress) / AMAO 2
(Percent attaining English proficient level)
Districts and Reports / AMAOs
2009–10 / For tests scored July 1, 2009, through June 9, 2010: Updated Student Score File posted at
For tests scored after June 9, 2010: data posted to monthly files.
Files have scale scores for Reading, Writing and Overall calculated as 50% Listening and 50% Speaking. / Uses 2008-09 previous scale scores for Listening, Speaking and Overall. Reading and Writing not operational in 2008-09. / Weights:
Listening 50%
Speaking 50%
CELDT Criterion:
Overall at Early Advanced or above and
Listening and Speaking at Intermediate or above / Weights:
Listening 45%
Speaking 45%
Reading 5%
Writing 5%
CELDT Criterion:
Overall at Early Advanced or above and Listening and Speaking at Intermediate or above
(Overall score includes Reading and Writing) / Data point 1: previous CELDT scores using “old” Overall calculation and CELDT criterion as in Box 5.
Data point 2:
2009-10 scores using “new” Overall calculation and CELDT criterion as in Box 7 / Step 1: uses “old” Overall calculation and CELDT criterion as in Box 5 to identify “initial” ELs to match decisions made by districts in 2009-10
Step 2: uses “new” Overall calculation and CELDT criterion as in Box 7 for all ELs (including “initial” ELs) to calculate AMAO 2.
Box1 / Box3 / Box5 / Box7 / Box9 / Box11
2010–11 / All tests scored have data posted to monthly score files. / Uses 2009-10 previous scores from 2009-10 updated score files and June file (see Box 1) / Weights:
Listening 45%
Speaking 45%
Reading 5%
Writing 5%
CELDT Criterion:
Overall at Early Advanced or above and Listening and Speaking at Intermediate or above
(Overall score includes Reading and Writing) / Weights:
Listening 45%
Speaking 45%
Reading 5%
Writing 5%
CELDT Criterion:
Overall at Early Advanced or above and Listening and Speaking at Intermediate or above
(Overall score includes Reading and Writing) / Data point 1: previous CELDT scores using “new” Overall calculation and CELDT criterion as in Box 7.
(If 2009-10 scores are not available, use“old” Overall calculation and CELDT criterion, as in Box 5,and apply to 2006-07, 2007-08 or 2008-09 scores.)
Data point 2:
2010-11 scores using “new” Overall calculation and CELDT criterion as in Box8 / Only one step: uses “new” Overall calculation and CELDT criterion as in Box8 for all ELs to calculate AMAO 2.
Box2 / Box4 / Box6 / Box8 / Box10 / Box12