Widening Access Network – 26 January 2016

Neuadd Reichel, Bangor University

Present: Delyth Murphy (Bangor University Widening Access Centre - Chair), Rhodri Evans (Bangor University – Clerical Officer), Gethin Evans (GISDA), Gwenan Griffith (Bangor University), Dewi Jones (Language Technologies Unit, Bangor University), J. Prys Morgan (Antur Waunfawr),Eiriona Hughes (Communities First, Gwynedd Council), Sandra Myers (Steps4ward), Meg Browning (Freelance), Nia Williams (Sylfaen Cymunedol), Carl Hughes (School of Psychology, Bangor University), Richard Watkins (GwE), Gregor Rae (Business Lab), Wendy Williams (CAIS), Else Lyon (North Wales Housing Association), Sylvette Jones (TEC Cymru), Llinos Roberts (Carers Outreach), Joanna Dunton (Miles Dyslexia Centre, Bangor University), Tom Cockbill (Wild Elements), Brec’hedPiette (The Open University), Bethan Morris Jones (Anglesey County Council),Eifion Owen (Grŵp LlandrilloMenai), Tammi Gwyn (Cofis Bach), Elliw Roberts (Cofis Bach), Jenny Greene (Libraries and Archives Service, Bangor University), Wyn Thomas (School of Music, Bangor University), Lesley Tipping (Grŵp LlandrilloMenai), Peter Jones (Reaching Wider), Martin Walker (Grŵp LlandrilloMenai), Ann Smith (Conwy Youth Service), Kirsty Weyman (Conwy Youth Service), MelyndraStandring (Elements of Learning), Olivia Roberts (Elements of Learning), Nia Owen (Prifysgol Plant), Gill Winter (Carers Trusts),

Apologies: Paula Griffiths, Millie Boswell, Bethan Hughes Jones, Ellen Thirsk, Ian Connor, Ann Bierd, Dusana Dorjee, Nerys Griffiths, Kelvin Roberts, Shân Robinson, Carys Bowen, Sinead Owen, Rob Owen, Gayle Hudson, Lois Roberts, Anna Macdonald, Natalie Ryder

Main points

  • DM noted that so far, 25 projects are receiving / are due to receive funding from the Widening Access Centre. DM also noted that the University’s calendar runs in tandem with the academic year, meaning that any funded projects should be completed by 31 July.
  • Peter Jones, Reaching Wider
  • Noted that projects in Mid Wales are coming to an end but that RW are still successfully engaging with schools in the North on numerous projects.
  • Eifion Owen, Grŵp LlandrilloMenai
  • Noted that two CODECLUBS projects are in the offing for the current year.
  • Gwenan Griffith, Bangor University
  • Spends 0.2 FTE working on widening access project in South Gwynedd. The project’s aim is to create a digital training package for schools and colleges, businesses and local organistations as well as more generic training courses.
  • Jenny Greene, Library and Archives Service, Bangor University
  • Currently working with YsgolDyffrynNantlle on a project that will see pupils visit the university’s libraries and archives.
  • Tom Cockbill, Wild Elements
  • 3projects.1) Maesgeirchen Job Club. Those taking part will receive certificates in recycling and gardening. 2) Fast Track Skills. Develop skills in construction, budgeting, self-confidence. Datblygusgiliauymmaesadeiladu, cyllidebu, hunan-hyder. 3) Anglesey Foster Care. Working towards the John Muir Award at Treborth Botanic Garden.
  • Brec’hedPiette, The Open University
  • OpenLearn Champions project –over 10 thousand hours of free resources.
  • Currently developing a part-time, distance-learning Access Course.
  • Opportunities for partners to collaborate with The Open University on projects.
  • Gethin Evans, GISDA
  • Working with vulnerable young people in Caernarfon and keen to collaborate with partners working in similar fields.
  • Joanna Dunton, Miles Dyslecsia Centre, Bangor University
  • Currently working in partnership with a group of front line workers from Sylfaen and GISDA.
  • Over the course of 6 half days, look at dyslexia and literacy difficulties and how they impact on people of all ages in terms of their life, their potential and their job prospects.
  • Consider how the workers can implement practical approaches to improving reading, spelling and IT skills and how they can create a dyslexia friendly environment both in terms of their offices etc. and the material that is used i.e. forms
  • Else Lyon, North Wales Housing Association
  • Currently looking at barriers that prevent people from continuing with their education. Very keen to find explore alternative ways of engaging with these people.
  • Sylvette Jones, TEC Cymru
  • Is working on a one to one basis with six learners in total – three in Pendinas Hostel, Bangor and three in Noddfa Hostel and ‘move on’ property, Colwyn Bay (supported housing with North Wales Housing Association).
  • Sees the learners for an hour a week and support them to identify barriers to accessing learning. They are working through gathering evidence to complete the Agored Cymru unit entitled Self-Assessment and Decision Making.
  • Is able to signpost them on to additional, wider support if necessary.
  • Gregor Rae, Business Lab
  • Tammi Gwyn and Elliw Roberts, Cofis Bach
  • Cofis Bach provides opportunities for children and parents in Peblig area, Caernarfon, to experience arts and performing.
  • Keen to develop projects that bring children and their parents together to experience different aspects of the arts.
  • Project in the offing involving Bangor University’s Libraries and Archives Service and the dancer, Cai Thomas.
  • A visit to Pontio has been arranged for February / March.
  • Nia Williams, Sylfaen Cymunedol
  • Working with young people aged 16 – 25.
  • Currently working on a project in Caernarfon with Oxfam Cymru.
  • A similar project underway at Maesgeirchen but with support from Comic Relief.
  • Nodihefyd bod plant a phoblifancynawyddusigaelachrediadau am gymrydrhan.
  • Wyn Thomas, YsgolCerddoriaeth, Prifysgol Bangor
  • Santander Scholarship
  • Grant worth £1500 for a company / external organisation, dependent on match funding, that employs a Bangor University Student for 3 months. The main contact isAlixCharnley:
  • OPRA Cymru intends to work with the University’s School of Music and Ysgol y Berwyn pupils to stage ‘Carmen’ (Welsh medium).
  • CanolfanGerdd William Mathias is working in Communities First areas in Gwynedd, Anglesey and Conwy.
  • The ‘ClustiWrando / Lend Me Your Ears’ conference on 16 April. More information on the conference can found in the previous meeting’s minutes.
  • Presentations were given by:
  • Richard Watkins, GwE
  • Martin Walker, GLlM
  • Meg Browning, Freelance

Action points:

  • InviteGwenan Griffith and Einir Young to the next meeting to present their work
  • Invite Gill Winter to present on her recent project
  • Invite Shân Robinson to present on the work of BU Library

Date of next meeting: 10:00, 12 April 2016

Location: Neuadd Reichel, Bangor University