1. Thank you for all your work with the transcript project, UCOP/ Edgenuity, & obsolete courses. Please send me your updated UCOP course list. Edgenuity’s a-g course names are currently undergoing standardization and renaming to remove prefixes such as “Common Core” and “California” and just list the course title (e.g., English Language Arts 12). This work will be completed later this fall. Until then, UCOP has given assurances that districts who select Edgenuity’s current approved courses are offering courses that are a-g approved.(this statement is from UCOP)
  2. Please continue to work toward 100% of English Learner placement accuracy as this is part of the LAUSD Master Plan & Voluntary Agreement with Office for Civil Rights.
  3. CAHSEE waiver for the diploma only applies to Class of 2015. LD South has 57 additional graduates from 17 schools. Congratulations!
  4. Before Norm Day:
  5. Promotes/Demotes should be completed. Job Aid is available under Enrollment entitled; Changing Grade Level.
  6. Required by Office of Integration: to be able to determine number of students enrolled by location code in courses the sections type for all magnet courses should be “MAG”.
  7. In reference to email sent out 9/10: All Certificated Out of Classroom Personnel are to be given one period and no attendance in MISIS. Assignment of positions in the Master Schedule is being monitored by HR.
  8. LAUSD Graduation Requirement is to enter Career Pathway for Class of 2016. This requirement will not be waived this year, please follow Ref-911.1 and enter the career pathway according to students elective courses in MISIS.
  9. A few middle schools offered ACC CC Alg. 1AB last school year and these students who completed this course with a grade of A/B and scored proficient or basic or a C grade and scored proficient on the summative math assessment should be receiving 10 credits on the high school transcripts. Currently they are not being given credit & MISIS is aware and creating a fix, but keep this in mind when you print 9th grade transcripts and monitor when this credit appears.
  10. There are still a few “bugs” with graduation standards screen, some “out of district” total credits are not counting and in progress courses credits are at zero. All “bugs” are being worked on. Please, continue to use as a tool under Graduation Standards: Graduation Eligibility Status for 2016 & beyond. The summary parameter has fewer columns and may be more useful than the detail report which has a lot of information. The IGP-Individualized Graduation Plan is a more user friendly report and should be used with the transcript to check for errors to clean up now and report any issues as soon as possible. Start with class of 2016 checking transcripts with IGP’s and transcript check. Also, all schools should be using mini-cums.


  1. Graduation Bulletin-still in DRAFT some language clarifications will include:
  2. “C” Mathematics (3 years) 2 sequential years of Algebra from “C” with a discipline listed as Algebra 1 & 2 and 1 year of Geometry from “C” with discipline listed as Geometry. To qualify for admission to UC campuses, students must attempt both semester of geometry to use validation rules.
  3. Validation section for LOTE: A grade of “C” in a higher-level course validates a lower-level course. A high –level LOTE course can validate the appropriate number of years based on the level only if the course is passed with a grade of C or better. Example: Sp Speakers 1AB will give 2 years of the LOTE requirement if passed with a grade of C.

If student earns a grade of D, the student will not receive the 2 years of LOTE requirement. Student will earn 10 credits, but must go on to take second year of LOTE.

  1. Coming Soon in MISIS:
  2. Student Schedule Summary Report to sort by department parameter.
  3. Ability to delete sections types not in use in post-commit.
  4. In MISIS Explorer a Total Credits Earned by grade level and/or grad year
  5. Coming Soon: Ref-5679.1 Procedures for Notifying Youth in Foster Care, Probation or Identified as Homeless of the Exemption to Graduation Requirements (AB 167/216 & AB1806) Once the eligible youth are identified and they meet all the criteria, students will have the option of completing only the minimum CDE requirements to graduate. The AP’s & Counselors will receive the training on October 27th and once the identification of the eligible student’s happens this is an important group that will have the opportunity to graduate.
  6. Identified assistant principals and counselors must complete the Medi-Cal Administrative Activities Federal False Claim Act training by Friday, September 25thon the learning zone. Random Moment Time Survey’s begin October 1st.
  7. Transcript Entry is a little easier with the addition of being able to add 10 courses at a time and if you put in the first 2 digits of a department number, i.e.; 23 for English department, all the courses in that department will appear.
  8. College Fair-Saturday, September 19th-8:30am to 1:00pm at CA State Dominguez Hills, parking lot #2 free parking. Over 60 college reps will be present and a dozen parent/student workshops scheduled from 9:15 am-noon. Parent meeting begins at 8:30am in room SCC900. Mr. Downing, LD South, Superintendent will welcome everyone. You may RSVP at this link:

Rebecca Fitzpatrick, Counseling Coordinator 310-354-3514