Pete’s Pagebuilder (Administrator)

Site Settings

This administrative function can be reached from both the Common Tasks link for Site or under the Admin Dropdown. This will allow the user to change general settings for the entire portal.

The arrows on the above picture, list the topics which are covered in this manual. There is more in-depth explanations in the on-line viewlets.

In Basic Settings shown below, the user can set the portal Title, give a general Description and assign Key Words for use with web searches (these should be separated by comas).

Logo and Body Background should be left <None Specified>. Portal Skin and Container can be used to specify the look for Pages and Modules. Admin Skin and Container should be left <Not Specified>.

Advanced Settings lets you change additional settings. User Registration has to be left as None. Page Management can be used to change the Page which be loaded for the Home Page (the rest do not work as well in the UTEP environment). Home Directory does give you the Portal ID number for use in HTML code.

The first setting under the Advanced Settings is Usability Settings. This setting will allow the administrator to set up advanced Control panel settings:

The second setting under the Advanced Settings is Other Settings. This setting will allow the administrator to set up Administrator, Language and Time Zone settings:

The third setting under the Advanced Settings is Host Settings. This setting will allow the administrator to set up advanced Hosting settings:

Other Settings allows for the Footer to be set for your portal in Copyright. Banner Advertising should also be set to Site to make Banners available as seen below:

Administrator also sets the primary Administrator for the site. This person can not be deleted from Security Roles as an Admin unless this User is changed here.

The Stylesheet can also be modified for your portal. Be careful not to delete the Stylesheet or make modifications unless you are comfortable with changing HTML.

Page Manager

This tool allows the user to manage the Pages within the Portal. New Pages can be added here at the top of the page or on any page with the Admin Toolbar. Pages are listed in the window and can be resorted with the Arrows to the right of the window. The pencil allows you to change the settings for the page you select in the window (this is the only way you can adjust pages that are linked to a URL or File.

The magnifying glass takes you to the page selected. This is used for hidden pages on the site for ease of navigation.

Security Roles

Security Roles allow the user assign rights to change (Administer) and View a page or sections of a page, modules. There are two predefined roles in DNN, Administrators and Registered Users:

Administrators have full access to change the entire Portal. Registered Users have either logged into the page or visited from a page they were logged into such as the MyUTEP portal. They have no additional rights but can be designated to see information after login if the Admin so desires. New roles can be created also by clicking Add New Role and filling in the Role Name (be sure not to assign Public Role nor Auto Assignment).

To add users to a role other than Registered Users, click the Pencil in front of the Role.

At the bottom of the page you will see Manage Users in this Role. Click here to add users to a Security Role (this is the preferred method). If the user previously exists, you can select them from the list (uncheck Send Notification) delete the Expiry Date or type one in the field and click Add User.

User Manager

Users are listed here in order by first name. This includes all Registered Users – these Users have merely logged into your site, they have no additional rights unless you have specified them to. There is also a search capability that looks for Users by Username (UTEP email login). Users can be added in two ways: 1) By logging into the Portal, or 2)By being added manually, begin be clicking Add New User above the User icon.

This will open the user information page. Type in the User information and use the User’s UTEP Email login for the User Name, Password and Confirm and type in the full Email Address.

Uncheck the boxes to the right, leaving Authorized checked at the bottom and click update to add. The user will be displayed as seen below:

The Manage Roles for User option will display what roles the user has on a particular portal. This option will also allow the administrator to add a role to an approved user. It is important to verify that a user requesting any type of editing rights has completed the training.


Vendors are used to display Banner images across the top of the page. The standard size for a Banner is 615 by 60 pixels (and should be at 72 pixels per inch). Anything larger will stretch your page and make navigation difficult. Vendors are listed alphabetically from the list below:

To add a Vendor, Click on Add New Vendor to open the following screen:

Fill in the fields in the Vendor Details and uncheck the Address Details checkboxes as these are not required and click Update. This will take you back to the first screen. Click the pencil in front of the vendor you created and find the + sign in front of Banner Advertising. Click Add New Banner:

This will allow you to point to the Banner image you should already have uploaded in the File Manager. Be sure to give it a Banner Name that describes the image as this will serve as the Alternate Text, Type should remain Banner.

Extra fields include URL which allows your Banner to become a Hyperlink and Start and End Dates to have it turn itself off and on. Click Update to save the image which will take you back to the Vendor information and now display your Banner.

Banners can be self developed but should match the page colors and need to remain UTEP related, no personal images. They can also be requested through IT Web Development, contact the Help Desk to initiate the request.

File Manager

The File Manager is the store house for all files to be used on the Portal. This includes all display images and files to download. Files uploaded in other places within your portal are filed into this repository. Files can be uploaded at the carrot above the Icon.

The File Manager allows you to create Folders to move files into. These are displayed in the left window and are added by typing the name in the Field above and clicking the Folder ‘+’ Icon.

Files can then be sorted within the folders to make then easier to manage for the Administrator. Simply select the file by clicking the Checkbox(es) at the end of the row to select or deselect riles to move. Click Move Files from the icons above.

This will ask you if you want to move the file(s), answer OK. This will be followed by the location to move to message below:

Select a Folder from the Left side bar listing. It will ask again to confirm the move and then move the files.

A word of warning, organization of images or files into folders may cause for the Portal to contain broken hyperlinks and image displays (typically a red X will show where an image used to be). Be careful moving files into folders or move them individually until you are comfortable with the Portal setup.

Security Settings on what role can view the folder:

Mass Email (Newsletters)

The function allows the user to send emails directly from the portal to a User Role (group). It also allows additional users to be added. Simply select the Role, type in the Subject and Message and click Send at the bottom of the page (this does not replace a Outlook nor does it allow you to migrate from Outlook to DNN; additionally it will not work when email is down).

Mass Email Newsletters can be written using the included editor:

The advanced settings can be used to set up your newsletter:

As always, any questions can be directed to the Help Desk at 747-5257 or to Additional module information and online training is also available on the website above.


Pete’s Pagebuilder

Updated: October 16, 2007