March 2017 Martic PTO Minutes

I.Introductions - Adam Gill, Jackie Urban, Lindsay Horton, Kelli Eachus, Lori Keohane, Ethan Keohane, Stephanie Andreychek, Derek Arnold, Jen Arnold, Amy Troup

II.Approval ofFebruaryMinutes -

a.A motion to approve the minutes for February was made and approved unanimously.

III.Old Business

a.Movie Night - February 10

1.Movie Night went well; the PTO's profit was about $250-300. In addition, the PTO went through a lot of popcorn.

b.Talent Show - February 16

1.The talent show was great fun. It went well and at a quick and steady pace.

IV.New Business

a.Spring Fundraising Opportunities

1.The PTO's Spring fundraisers this year will be Nature's Vision and Gardner's Candies.

2.Nature's Vision offers rewards for various levels of sellers, but the PTO will offer a big reward as well.

3.There will be a school-wide goal, as well as prizes for the top sellers.

V.Treasurer's Report - Derek Arnold

a.The February statement is balanced and everything has been accounted for. Classroom Cash was over budget, but we are getting a profit from B.A.G.S. Revenue is about $1300 less due to Santa's Workshop.

VI.Principal's Report

a.PSSA Snacks

1.Amy Troup will look into the cost of purchasing snacks for students during PSSA. Miscellaneous funds can be used if cost is reasonable.

b.Fulton Field Trip Update

1.The Fulton Field Trip is still being held on Friday, May 12, even though May 12 is now an early release day.

2.Dr. Sugra received a grant for theatre workshops that were going to be provided at the Fulton, but since the field trip is now taking place during an early release day, the Fulton representatives will not have time to hold the workshops on-site. Dr. Sugra is in the process of scheduling a time for them to come to Martic Elementary so that the students can still participate in the workshops. She will be updating the PTO at a later date.

IX.Committee Reports

a.Book Swap - Sara Roth

1The book swap preparations are going well. Last year, there were too many volunteers, so this year we are cutting back on the amount requested. There seem to be enough 4-6 grade level books this year; last year, there weren't enough, but this year Sara Roth attended a book sale at the library and chose quite a few. There may also be some donated from Mrs. Aucott, although she stated that she is having a hard time getting her children to part with them.

b.Yearbook - Jen Arnold

1.Jen Arnold asked for a rundown of any future activities so that she could get pictures for the yearbook. The Science Expo and STEM competition are on the horizon. The yearbook planning is so far ahead of schedule.

c.Spring Fling - Jackie Urban/Lindsay Horton - May 19

1.The inflatables for the Spring Fling have been paid for and the PTO has reserved the french fry vendor.

2.The remainder of the food items are undecided.

3.Jackie asked if anyone could help with getting donations together for the classroom raffle baskets. Each grade provides a basket with a theme to raffle off during Spring Fling.

4.It was suggested that the contents of each basket be posted to the Martic blog.

5.In case of rain, the PTO asked if it would be possible to have access to the gym.

d.6th Grade Celebration - Sara Roth

1.The 6th Grade Celebration Committee met on Wednesday, January 18 at 6:00 p.m. The committee decided on a carnival theme. There will be carnival games and food. Kelli Eachus has a lot of carnival games and items we can choose from, so putting together carnival-themed activities shouldn't be too difficult.

2.Steph Andreychek was on the committee last year and mentioned that the PTO provided hot dogs and walking tacos for the students' lunch. Tea, lemonade, and water were also suggested as provided drinks. Last year, the teachers provided the cake.Sara will confer with them this year. There are about 42 sixth graders this year.

3.During the meeting in January, Tara Tyson offered to provide face painting and/or temporary tattoos.

4.Volunteers have the option of dressing up in crazy, colorful, carnival-like clothes.

5.Sara will look into the possibility of using FLEX time as time to create carnival posters for the event.

6.The PTO will need to think of a Plan B in case of rain; the gym is a possibility as long as there are no classes being held at the same time.

7The next meeting will be scheduled for either the last week of March or first week of April.

X.Additional Dates/Information

a.May 8-12 - Teacher Appreciation Week

b.Scholarship Application Due Date - March 15

1.There are two scholarships that Martic Elementary awards to high school seniors who attended Martic, one for scholarship and one for citizenship.

2.Scholarship interviews are being held on March 29.

3.Next PTO Meeting - April 6

Meeting Adjourned at 8:12 p.m.