September 2011 Monthly Meeting,Chamber, Duleek Civic Offices, 9.35Wednesday 21 September2011
Cllr. Seamus O’Neill presided
Other Councillors Present:
Sirena Campbell, Jimmy Cudden, Anne Dillon-Gallagher, Wayne Harding,Eoin Holmes
Officials Present:
Jim Colwell,Area Engineer; Frances Hughes A.S.O.; Sarah Lynch, Executive Planner; Paul Monahan, Area Administrator
Paul Monahan advised the Members/Officials of the provisions of Part 15 of the L.G. Act 2001 and the code of conduct for Members, Officials and non-elected Council committee Membersregarding declarable interests of themselves and of any connected person. Each individual has a responsibility to comply and the Ethics Officer has a duty to ensure compliance with these statutory requirements.
1.0Confirmation of minutes of the following meeting
1.1July 2011 monthly meeting held Wednesday 21 July 2011.
On the proposal of Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher seconded by Cllr. Campbell the Members confirmed the minutes of the July meeting held Wednesday 21 July 2011.
2.0Matters arising from the Minutes
Nothing raised.
3.0Matters raised with the permission of the Cathaoirleach
The Members raised the following issues.
- Cowplots. Paul Monahan advised this matter was covered under item 5.0 Report on Matters raised at the July meeting.
- Anti social behaviour at The Orchard, Stamullen
- Provision of dog fouling signs at the entrances to the beach at Bettystown and Laytown. Jim Colwell said he would arrange to have signs erected.
- Stamullen Community Action Group. Jim Colwell advised that the Council does not have the resources to carry out the extensive works requested by this group. A traffic management study needs to be carried out to determine what works are necessary and this could only be done by Infrastructure Section in County Hall. He would follow up.
- Maintenance of Eastham stream. Jim Colwell advised that the office had written to the OPW in relation to this matter and he would report in due course.
- Cllr. Campbell advised that Laytown Enhancement Group, a recently formed local group, were successful in securing funding from Meath Partnership to carry out environmental improvement works to Laytown village. They would send their proposals in to the office so the Area Engineer can examine and advise them accordingly.
- Potholes on a spur road off the L-56224-0 Sandyhall, Road, Julianstown, Ryans Park, Duleek
- Provision of weight restriction signs onDeensBridge, Duleek.Jim Colwellthere was no weight restriction on this bridge and accordingly no signs could be erected.
- Provision of a new cemetery in Stamullen. Paul Monahan advised this matter was with Environment and the Members should raise it at the next Environment SPC meeting. Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher said that the parish should try to secure suitable land for a burial ground from a local landowner as acquiring land for such a facility was often the Council’s biggest problem.
- Issue of horses on the beach. Paul Monahan said that horses could use the beach between the hours of 5.00 and 11.00. Outside those hours, the owners needed a permit, which would be subject to certain criteria. All beach users including horse owners had to comply with the Foreshore Bye-Laws and any infringements can be dealt with by way of a Fixed Penalty Notice. Jim Colwell advised that he would arrange for spot checks to be carried out to ensure that horses were not using the beach outside the designated hours.
- Location of the MeathLouthCounty boundary on the R152 and the need for a footpath at the railway bridge, Drogheda. Jim Colwell said the boundary was at the railway bridge. He was aware of the footpath issue and an additional problem at McEvoys Lane but he did not have any funding to provide a footpath at the railway bridge.
- Welcomed the footpath from Gormanston to Stamullen however there was a pinch point where pedestrians with buggies / prams may be forced on to the road. Jim Colwellsaid that Infrastructure Section was dealing with this project and were in talks with the landowner to try and secure additional land to increase the footpath width.
- Council lands at Blackhill Estate, Donacarney. Paul Monahan said that as Donacarney Celtic had applied for permission to develop playing fields at another location in Bettystown he assumed they would vacate the open space in Blackhill, Donacarney, which they converted to a playing pitch without Council permission. Cllr. Cudden said that as far as he was aware this might not happen as even with the new lands the club still needed additional playing pitches.
- Start date for works on the L-1601-0 Rossnaree Road. Paul Monahan advised that Infrastructure received the tenders for this project and work was expected to start soon.
- Sourcing of funding to remedy the defects in Ledwidge Hall, Slane.
- Drainage issue at houses on the N51 Drogheda Road, Slane.
- Summerfest beach event and its aftermath. All agreed that the organisers, while completely unconnected with the public order issues on the day, would need to consult earlier with the Council and the Gardai in any future application to hold a beach event and in effect provide an event management plan in support of their application. Cllr. O’ Neill suggested that the Council consider Gormanston beach as a possible location for any future event.
- Dangerous and unsightly condition of a house adjacent to the Village Green, Duleek. Paul Monahan will contact the Council’s Conservation Officer for a report on the matter.
- Removal of entrance gates to Keegans quarry at Bellewstown giving unrestricted access to the quarry. This needs urgent and immediate attention as there was serious potential for a tradegy. Paul Monahan will contact Mark Farrell in Planning.
- Flytipping on Ministown Road. Will be referred to Environment
- Provision of low cost safety measures at MountHannover and Beamore Roads and accident statistics for these locations. Jim Colwell said the applications for Low Cost Safety works for 2012 had already been submitted to the Dept but these areas could be considered in next year’s applications. He did advise that there were speed bars on the road and motorists should always drive to road conditions and speed limits. However, he would look at both junctions and see what works if any he could carry out.
- Provision of a playground at Bellewstown and Bettystown. Paul Monahan advised there was no funding available for a playground at Bellewstown and the Council was attempting to source funding for the playground at Bettystown.
- Provision of disabled spaces in Slane.Jim Colwell will investigate.
- Overgrown hedge between Kingsgate and Larrix Street, Duleek adjacent to the derelict cottage. Jim Colwell will investigate.
- Provision of additional signage to warn motorists of low bridge at Laytown. Jim Colwell said this hazard was adequately signposted and he did not propose to erect additional signs.
Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher left the meeting at this point 10.30 due to a pressing matter.
4.0Report on the2011 Roadworks Programme
The Members received, noted a report on the above, and raised the following queries:
- Potholes on the L-16161-12 road to Seafield Lands.
- Flashing lights at DonoreN.S.Jim Colwell advised that these were erected on Monday 20 September.
- The Members commended the Area Engineer on the high quality of the work carried out under the roadworks programme.
5.0Report on Matters raised at the July 2011 meeting
The Members received, noted a report on the above, and raised the following queries:
- Wall at Gracemeadow / Kilbreck. Jim Colwell advised that the original contractor had pulled out and he had to appoint a second contractor to carry out the works, which entailed fencing off the broken part of the wall. The works should be completed by the middle of October. He stressed however that the Council would not repair the fencing should it be damaged again.Cllr. O’Neill said that if it is broken again then those responsible should be prosecuted.
- Insecure gates at Crann Daire Brae playground, Collon Road, Slane were too easily opened by toddlers. Cllr. Holmes suggested a locking mechanism at the top of the gate rather than the side as a possible solution. Jim Colwell agreed to follow up on this.
- Flooding at Carranstown, Duleek. Jim Colwell will investigate this matter.
- Clonalvy cemetery. Jim Colwell advised that the Council did not have the funds to pay for the remedial works.
6.0To receive a report in accordance with Part 8 of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001 and 2009 on a proposed development at Alverno Court and Alverno Heights, Laytown
Sarah Lynch circulated a report on this matter and went through it in detail. She advised that the scheme as outlined in the report was regarded as phase one of a two-phase project.
The Memberswelcomed the progress on this matter. They noted the report including the recommendation to proceed and on the proposition of Cllr. Cudden seconded by Cllr. O’Neill referred it to the Full Council for consideration.
7.0Disposal of lands at Seafield, Corballis, Laytown, Co. Meath
Paul Monahan circulated a report and map on this matter.
On the proposal of Cllr. Campbell seconded by Cllr. Cudden, the Members recommended the disposal of lands as outlined in the circulated documents to the Full Council.
8.0Correspondence / Items raised
8.1Letter on Twinning
Paul Monahan circulated a letter on twinning from Moutiers-sous-Chantemerle a village in western France. The Members are broadly in agreement with the concept and requested that the matter be investigated further. Paul Monahan stated that there was no funding this year for twinning and provision would need to be made for this in next year’s budget.
8.2Progress report on Duleek Watermain Rehabilitation Phase 1
Paul Monahan circulated a report on this issue. The Members noted the report and commended the efficient manner in which the works were being carried out.
9.0To discuss Matters in accordance with the recommendations of the Protocol Committee
Nothing raised.
There being no further business the meeting ended at 11.25
Minutes Sept2011 meeting 210911 Page 1of4
Meath County Council, Duleek One Stop Shop, Main Street, Duleek, CountyMeath