“When I first saw Teodor in the maternity, I was scared that wouldn’t be able to hold him, he was so frail and tiny. But then, when he came home, something wonderful happened… we almost instantly connected in an extraordinary way. I am absolutely charmed by him and proud of everything that he is” remembers Teo’s dad.
Who is Teo? Teo is a little boy who will turn 3 years old this spring. He loves to touch bright toys, although he needs to make stunning efforts to hold them with both hands. He is a child with deafblindness, a combination of visual and hearing impairments, in varying degrees, as well as with psychoneuromotor health problems. The weekly therapies in the Early Intervention Support Centre in Iași help him a lot and his parents notice small, but constant progress every day.
Touch their hearts with a good deed! You will touch the hearts of all childrenin the Early Intervention Programme from all 4 centres around the country, where Sense International Romania has created best practice models.
In Bucharest, Timișoara, Oradea and Iași children between 0-3 years old are assessed by a multidisciplinary team consisting of early intervention workers, psychologists, special education teachers, physiotherapists, ophthalmologists, audiologists, neonatologists and, most importantly, parents. Depending on the results of the assessment, an individualized plan is recommended consisting of specific therapies – multisensory stimulation, functional visual training, hearing-perceptive education, speech therapy and physio-therapy.
Early Intervention, beneficial in the development of every child, is crucial in the case of children with deafblindness.The earlier visual and hearing stimulation is started, the higher are the chances of a child to develop.
Like Teo, over 200 children with deafblindness from the 4 centres could benefit from the specific therapies they need. Your support can give children a chance to develop and their parents the hope for a better future for their child!
The Early Intervention Programme, dedicated to newborn babies and children with sensory impairments, has been developed by our organisation ever since 2007. What motivates us to continue the support for the Early Intervention Support Centres are the results achieved to date:
- We have facilitated the hearing screening for 103,581 newborn babies and the visual testing of 17,049 children;
- We have supported 212 children in the 4 Early Intervention Support Centres from București, Iași, Timișoara and Oradea;
- We have provided counselling and information to 424 parents and family members we worked with;
- In June 2016, 175 children and parents attended different creative activities to celebrate the International Helen Keller Week.
How do I make a sponsorship to support the children
in the Early Intervention Programme?
It is easy to make a sponsorship and it involves no costs.
The sponsorship is fully deductible from the tax, in the limits of the Tax Code – 20% from the profit tax and no more than 5 per thousand of turnover, according to the Law 32/1994.
Example of calculation:
Turnover (total income) = 100,000 lei
Expenditure = 80,000 lei
Taxable profit = 20,000 lei
Tax afferent to this profit (16%) = 3,200 lei
The sponsorship can be made from the amount of 3,200 lei, in the limit of 5‰ from the turnover:
5‰ of turnover = 500 lei
20% of profit tax = 640 lei
In this case, a sponsorship of up to 500 lei may be deducted from the profit tax. If the expenses related to the sponsorship exceed the limits allowed in the current year, the Fiscal Code states that the difference can be deducted from the profit tax within the next 7 years.
For more information related to the fiscal facility 20% and the sponsorship law, please consult the document created by Ernst & Young.
The sponsorship is made based on a sponsorship contract, found below in 2 versions – short version (1 page) and long version (2 pages).
The payment order is completed with the following information:
Sense International Romania
IBAN RO21 RNCB 0077 0502 3229 0004 (RON)
Opened at Banca Comerciala Română, Bucharest, sector 6, 4-6 Timisoara Str.
We offer the support necessary to complete the documents and we are here for any further information. You may contact us at the phone number 021 413 9040 or mobile 0758 437 788 and email (Andreea Toia – Fundraiser Sense International Romania).
Bulevardul Timișoara, nr, 27, Bl. D, Sc. B, Et. 5, Ap. 23 – București, Sector 6
Telefon: +40 311 075 236; Mobil: +40 758 437788