Invisible Structures, Inc.

1600 Jackson St.

Suite 310

Golden, CO80401

Phone: (800) 233-1510

Fax: (800) 233-1522


This MANU-SPEC® utilizes the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) Project Resource Manual (PRM), including MasterFormat®, SectionFormat™ and PageFormat™. A MANU-SPEC is a manufacturer-specific proprietary product specification using the proprietary method of specifying applicable to project specifications and master guide specifications. Optional text is indicated by brackets [ ]; delete optional text in final copy of specification. Specifier Notes typically precede specification text; delete notes in final copy of specification. Trade/brand names with appropriate symbols typically are used in Specifier Notes; symbols are not used in specification text. Metric conversion, where used, is soft metric conversion.

This MANU-SPEC specifies porous pavement, including porous grass pavement, marketed under the Grasspave2 trade name as manufactured by Invisible Structures, Inc. Grasspave2 is a trademark of Invisible Structures, Inc. Revise MANU-SPEC section number and title below to suit project requirements, specification practices and section content. Refer to CSI MasterFormat for other section numbers and titles.

SECTION 32 12 43

POROUS Flexible PAVing

(Grasspave2 Porous Grass Paving with hydrogrow mixture)



Specifier Note: Coordinate paragraphs below with project requirements and design loads specific to project conditions, including recommendations by Geotechnical Engineers, as applicable.

A.Section Includes: Porous grass paving, including sandy gravel roadbase as indicated on drawings, to provide support for project design loads.

1.Provide Grasspave2 Paving System products, including Grasspave2 units, Hydrogrow soil conditioner and installation in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions specified in this section.

2.Provide clean sharp sand to fill Grasspave2 units, when specified.

3.Provide grass using sod or hydroseeding.

Specifier Note: Revise paragraph to suit project requirements. Add section numbers and titles per CSI MasterFormat and specifier’s practice.

B.Related Sections: Section(s) related to this section include:

1.Subgrade Preparation: Division 31 Earth Moving Section.

2.Subsurface Drainage Materials (as required): Division 33 Subdrainage Section.

3.Irrigation Installation (as required): Division 32 Irrigation Section.

Specifier Note: Article below may be omitted when specifying manufacturer’s proprietary products and recommended installation. Retain Reference Article when specifying products and installation by an industry reference standard. If retained, list standard(s) referenced in this section. Indicate issuing authority name, acronym, standard designation and title. Establish policy for indicating edition date of standard referenced. Conditions of the Contract or Division 01 References Section may establish the edition dates of standards. This Article does not require compliance with standards, but is merely a listing of references used. Article below should list only those industry standards referenced in this section.


A.General: Standards listed by reference, including revisions by issuing authority, form a part of this specification section to extent indicated. Standards listed are identified by issuing authority, authority abbreviation, designation number, title or other designation established by issuing authority. Standards subsequently referenced herein are referred to by issuing authority abbreviation and standard designation.

B.ASTM International:

1.ASTM F1951 Standard Specification for Determination of Accessibility of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment.


A.Performance Requirements: Provide porous grass paving which has been manufactured, fabricated and installed to withstand loads from [Specify project design loads reference] and to maintain performance criteria stated by manufacturer without defects, damage or failure.

Specifier Note: Load capacity is 5700 psi (39 MPa). Volume is 8% solid. Test reports are available upon request. Consult Invisible Structures, Inc., for project specific requirements.

1.Project Design Loads: [Specify project design loads; consult with Invisible Structures, Inc.].

Specifier Note: Article below includes submittal of relevant data to be furnished by Contractor before, during or after construction. Coordinate this Article with Architect’s and Contractor’s duties and responsibilities in Conditions of the Contract and Division 01 Submittal Procedures Section.


A.General: Submit listed submittals in accordance with Conditions of the Contract and Division 01 Submittal Procedures Section.

B.Product Data: Submit product data, including manufacturer’s SPEC-DATA product sheet, for specified products.

C.Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings showing layout, profiles and product components, including anchorage, accessories, colors and patterns.

D.Samples: Submit selection and verification samples for finishes, colors and textures. Submit a 10 inch × 10 inch (254 × 254 mm) section of Grasspave2 material for review. Reviewed and accepted samples will be returned to the Contractor.

E.Quality Assurance Submittals: Submit the following:

1.Test Reports: Certified test reports showing compliance with specified performance characteristics and physical properties.

2.Certificates: Product certificates signed by manufacturer certifying materials comply with specified performance characteristics and criteria, and physical requirements.

3.Material Certificate: Material certificates for base course and sand fill materials.

4.Manufacturer’s Instructions: Manufacturer’s installation instructions.

Specifier Note: Coordinate paragraph below with Part 3 Field Quality Requirements Article herein. Retain or delete as applicable.

5.Manufacturer’s Field Reports: Manufacturer’s field reports specified herein.

F.Closeout Submittals: Submit the following:

1.Operation and Maintenance Data: Operation and maintenance data for installed products in accordance with Division 01 Closeout Submittals (Maintenance Data and Operation Data) Section. Include methods for maintaining installed products, precautions against cleaning materials and methods detrimental to finishes and performance.

2.Warranty: Warranty documents specified herein.

3.Record Documents: Project record documents for installed materials in accordance with Division 01 Closeout Submittals (Project Record Documents) Section.



1.Installer Qualifications: Installer experienced in performing work of this section who has specialized in installation of work similar to that required for this project.

a.Installation: Performed only by skilled trades people with satisfactory record of performance on landscaping or paving projects of comparable size and quality.

Specifier Note: Retain paragraph below to suit project requirements; otherwise, delete paragraph below.

b.Certificate: When requested, submit certificate indicating qualifications.

2.Manufacturer Qualifications: Manufacturer capable of providing field service representation during construction, approving acceptable installer and approving application method.

Specifier Note: Paragraph below should list obligations for compliance with specific code requirements particular to this section. General statements to comply with a particular code are typically addressed in Conditions of the Contract and Division 01 Regulatory Requirements Section. Repetitive statements should be avoided.

B.Regulatory Requirements: [Specify applicable requirements of regulatory agencies].

1.Building Codes: [Specify applicable requirements of governing building code.] Current code requirements and product compliance may be obtained from Invisible Structures, Inc., technical support specialists. Installation must comply with requirements of applicable code jurisdictions.

2.Approvals: [Specify applicable approval requirements of regulatory agencies.] Grasspave2 is ADA compliant and meets ASTM F1951 maneuverability performance requirements.

C.Preinstallation Meetings: Conduct preinstallation meeting to verify project requirements, substrate conditions, manufacturer’s installation instructions and manufacturer’s warranty requirements. Comply with Division 01 Project Management and Coordination (Project Meetings) Section.


Specifier Note: Grasspave2 is stocked by the manufacturer. The product can be shipped by UPS, common carrier, truck or rail as soon as payment arrangements are made. Quantities larger than 2000 ft2 (186 m2) should be reserved in advance through a purchase order.

A.General: Comply with Division 01 Product Requirements Sections.

B.Ordering: Comply with manufacturer’s ordering instructions and lead time requirements to avoid construction delays.

C.Storage and Protection: Store materials protected from exposure to harmful weather conditions, at temperature and humidity conditions recommended by manufacturer. Protect Grasspave2 material units from damage during delivery and store under tarp when time from delivery to installation exceeds one week. Keep Hydrogrow in a dark and dry location.


A.General Requirements: Review installation procedures and coordinate Grasspave2 work with other work affected. Install Grasspave2 at same time as project grass installation.

1.Complete hard surface paving, including concrete walks and asphalt paving, adjacent to Grasspave2 areas prior to installation of Grasspave2.

B.Environmental Requirements/Conditions: Substrate and ambient air temperature shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s requirements. Install Grasspave2 when ambient air temperatures exceed 55 degrees F (13 degrees C).

1.Cold Weather: Do not use frozen materials or materials mixed or coated with ice or frost. Do not build on frozen work or wet, saturated or muddy subgrade.

Specifier Note: Coordinate Article below with Conditions of the Contract and with Division Closeout Submittals (Warranty) Section.


A.Project Warranty: Refer to Conditions of the Contract for project warranty provisions.

B.Manufacturer’s Warranty: Submit, for Owner’s acceptance, manufacturer’s standard warranty document executed by authorized company official. Manufacturer’s warranty is in addition to, and not a limitation of, other rights Owner may have under Contract Documents.

Specifier Note: Coordinate paragraph below with manufacturer’s warranty requirements.

1.Warranty Period: [Specify term] years commencing on Date of Substantial Completion.


Specifier Note: Retain Article below for proprietary method specification. Add product attributes, performance characteristics, material standards and descriptions as applicable. Use of such phrases as “or equal” or “or approved equal” or similar phrases may cause ambiguity in specifications. Such phrases require verification (procedural, legal and regulatory) and assignment of responsibility for determining “or equal” products.


A.Manufacturer: Invisible Structures, Inc.

Specifier Note: Paragraph below is an addition to CSI SectionFormat and a supplement to MANU-SPEC. Retain or delete paragraph below per project requirements and specifier’s practice.

1.Contact: 1600 Jackson St., Suite 310, Golden, CO80401; Telephone: (800) 233-1510; Fax: (800) 233-1522; E-mail: ; website:

B.Proprietary Product(s)/System(s): Invisible Structures Grasspave2 Porous Grass Paving System, including Hydrogrow Conditioner.

Specifier Note: Edit Article below to suit project requirements. If substitutions are permitted, edit text below. Add text to refer to Division 01 Project Requirements (Product Substitutions Procedures) Section.


A.Substitutions: No substitutions permitted.


A.Base Course: Sandy gravel material from local sources, commonly used for road base construction, passing the following sieve analysis (% Passing, Sieve Size): 100%, 3/4 inch (19.1 mm) size; 85%, 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) size; 60%, #4 size; 30%, #40 size; less than 3%, #200 size.

Specifier Note: Edit paragraph below to suit project requirements. Crusher run material will generally require sharp sand to be added to mixture (20 - 30% by volume) to ensure long-term porosity. Alternative materials such as crushed shell, limerock and/or crushed lava may be considered for base course use, provided they are mixed with sharp sand (20 - 30%) and brought to proper compaction. Crushed shell and limerock alone can set up like concrete without adding sand.

1.Provide either pit run or crusher run. Materials shall be nearly neutral in pH (range from 6.5 - 7.2) to provide adequate root zone development for turf.

B.Hydrogrow Mixture: A mixture ofZeopro, Pozzolan and Humate soil conditioners. Components are non-toxic, pH neutral and slow to biodegrade. Hydrogrow is anionic and not affected by minerals or salts in soil or water.

C.Grasspave2 Grass Paving Units: Lightweight injection molded plastic units 20 inches × 20 inches × 1 inch high (508 × 508 × 25.4 mm) with hollow rings rising from a strong open grid allowing maximum grass root penetration and development. Plastic is 100% post-consumer recycled plastic resins, predominately HDPE, with minimum 3% carbon black concentrate added for UV protection. Loading capability is equal to 5700 psi (39 MPa) when filled with sand, over an appropriate depth of roadbase. Standard color is black. Unit weight shall equal 18 ounce (510 g); volume shall equal 8% solid.

1.Size: [Specify size.] Contact manufacturer for size options.

D.Sand: Obtain clean sharp sand (washed concrete sand) to fill the 1 inch (25.4 mm) high rings and spaces between the rings when seeding or using 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) thick sod (soil thickness).

Specifier Note: Edit paragraph below to suit project requirements. Check with local sod and seed suppliers for preferred mixtures.

E.Grass: Use species resistant to wear by traffic. Provide generally a Blue/Rye/Fescue mix used for athletic fields in northern climates and Zoysia, Fescue or Bermuda types in southern climates.

Specifier Note: Edit paragraphs below. Dedicated fire lanes can use the same grass species that is used on surrounding turf. Parking applications require the greatest wear resistant species possible, generally available only by seed or sprigging.

1.Sod: Use 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) thick (soil thickness) rolled sod from a reputable local grower. Species should be wear resistant, free from disease and in excellent condition.

Specifier Note: Select either paragraph above or below to suit project requirements.

2.Sod: Grown in sand, or sandy loam soils only, or supplied from a recognized “Washed Sod” process. Sod grown in soils of clay, silt or high organic materials such as peat will not be accepted.

3.Seed: Use seed materials of the preferred species for local environmental and projected traffic conditions from certified sources. Seed shall be provided in containers clearly labeled to show seed name, lot number, net weight, percent weed seed content and guaranteed percent of purity and germination. Pure Live Seed types and amount shall be as indicated on drawings.

F.Mulch: Shall be of wood or paper cellulose types of commercial mulch materials often used in conjunction with hydroseeding operations. Mulches of straw, pine needles, etc., will not be acceptable because of their low moisture holding capacity. (The material above is needed only for seeding.)

G.Fertilizer: A commercial starter fertilizer, with Guaranteed Analysis of 17-23-6, or as recommended by local grass supplier, for rapid germination and root development.

H.Fire Lane Signage and Delineation: Fire lanes must be identified regarding their entrance and physical location with the placement of signs, gates, curbs, bollards, etc. Specific signage wording and other details must be coordinated with, and approved by, local fire authorities.

I.Grasspave2 Sign: A sign to identify the presence of Grasspave2 paving stating that special maintenance is required with the manufacturer’s phone number, and made of durable materials for outdoor exposure, shall be provided and installed.


A.Related Materials: Refer to other sections listed in Related Sections paragraph herein for related materials.


A.Source Quality: Obtain porous grass paving system materials from a single manufacturer.


Specifier Note: Article below is an addition to the CSI SectionFormat and a supplement to MANU-SPEC. Revise Article below to suit project requirements and specifier’s practice.


A.Compliance: Comply with manufacturer’s product data, including product technical bulletins, product catalog installation instructions and product carton instructions for installation.


A.Site Verification of Conditions: Verify substrate conditions, previously installed under other sections, are acceptable for product installation in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

Specifier Note: It is recommended that fire department inspectors be scheduled to inspect installation of Grasspave2 during preparation of the subbase, installation of the base course and installation of Grasspave2 units. Most small projects can accommodate these inspections all on the same day. Verify with fire department if certificates of inspection are required.

1.Examine subgrade and base course installed conditions. Do not start Grasspave2 installation until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Verify for porosity of subsoils, existence of subsurface drainage, if needed, and improperly compacted trenches, debris and improper gradients.

2.Installation constitutes acceptance of existing conditions and responsibility for satisfactory performance. If existing conditions are found to be unsatisfactory, contact project manager for resolution.


A.Adjacent Surfaces Protection: Protect adjacent work areas and finish surfaces from damage during product installation.

Specifier Note: Ensure that subbase materials are structurally adequate to receive designed base course, wearing course and design loads. Ensure that grading and soil porosity of the subbase will provide adequate subsurface drainage.

B.Surface Preparation:

1.Place base course material over prepared subbase to grades shown on plans, in lifts not to exceed 6 inches (152 mm), compacting each lift separately to 95% modified proctor. Leave 1 inch (25.4 mm) for Grasspave2 unit and sand/sod fill to final grade.

2.Using a hand-held or wheeled rotary spreader, spread mixture evenly over surface of base course at an application rate of 10 pounds (4.5 kg) per 1076 square feet. Mixture must not be used where seed is in direct contact with mix; allow 1 inch sand layer between seed and Hydrogrow.

Specifier Note: Coordinate Article below with manufacturer’s recommended installation details and requirements. Coordinate installation with ASTM F1951 Standard Specification for Determination of Accessibility of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment. Grasspave2 mats can be rolled out in minutes. Mat application rate can be as high as 6000 ft2 (557 m2) per 2 people/hour. For all steps described below, application rate is approximately 1080 ft2 (100 m) per 2 people/hour.


Specifier Note: Excavate for the base course as determined by site soils and loading requirements. Place and compact sandy gravel which should be a mixture of clean sharp sand and gravel aggregate varying in size but not exceeding 3/4 inch (19.1 mm) in diameter. To check porosity, use a hose to verify that water flows into the base and drains away. Add subsurface drainage as necessary in low spots. Apply the Hydrogrow mixture included with the order. Hydrogrow is a mixture of polymer and fertilizer designed especially for the Grasspave system.

A.Porous Grass Pavement Installation:

Specifier Note: Roll out Grasspave2 aligning the side hole fasteners over the side pegs. The warmth of the sun will relax the plastic so it lies flat. Cut the grid between rings using pruning shears. Utilize small pieces in the same spacing. Fill rings with clean sharp concrete sand using large rakes and brooms so that the tops of the rings show when done. Lay turf over the rings. On warm days, wet the sand first to lower sand temperature and provide moisture for grass roots. Seeding and hydromulching is also an accepted vegetating method at this stage. A dusting of topsoil may be beneficial in the case of seeding and hydromulching. Roll sod with a heavy roller to eliminate air pockets and ensure roots are in contact with the sand fill. Water lawn as usual according to climatic requirements. Complete installation recommendations are available from the manufacturer. Whether the area has been seeded or sodded, wait to drive on grass until after 2 mowings. This time will establish the root system and lock the sod pieces in place. In an emergency, such as for fire truck access, grass may be driven on immediately after installation.