Shoe Clinic
Senior & Junior ClosedTournament
Saturday18thSunday 19th February, 2017
(Please note: some matches may be scheduled on
Friday the 17th February from 6pm)
Masterton Tennis Centre,
147 Dixon Street, Masterton
Senior Events
Regional 1 Singles($25 per player) and Doubles($15 per player)
Regional 2/3 Singles($25 per playerand Doubles($15 per player)
Junior Events
10 & UnderSingles ($20 per player) and Doubles ($10 per player)
12 & Under Singles ($20 per player) and Doubles ($10 per player)
14 & Under Singles ($20 per player) and Doubles ($10 per player)
Entries & Payment Due by12pm Tuesday the 14th of February
Entry Form
Name: Phone:
Email:Emergency Phone:
Club/School: Player Code:
Regional 1Regional 23(circle appropriate)
Doubles Partner:
Boys / Girls10 & Under 12 & Under14 & Under (circle appropriate)
Doubles Partner:
Method of Payment
Total cash / cheque (attached) $_____ (include player’s names on reverse of cheque)
Post entries to: Junior and Senior Closed Tourney, PO Box 159 Masterton
Total bank transfer $_____ (identify player/’s names in the ref section when paying online). Make payments to: Wairarapa Tennis Association, Westpac 03 0687 0326225 00
Player declaration: I have read the factsheet (overleaf) and I agree to be bound by the tournament conditions outlined therein.
Player’s Signature ______Date: ______
Entries and Payment are due by 12pm Tuesday the 14th of February
Entry Conditions
Juniors may enter in one age group only, ie. 12&Under or 14&Under.
Juniors (10&U,12&U,14&U) may enter a total of 3 events maximum. This means that some juniors may wish to enter in asenior event/s. Juniors who wish to do so must be of a suitable ability and acceptance is at thecomplete discretion of the tournament organiser.
Other junior players who are aged15 years and over may enter into the Regional 2/3 or the Regional 1 competition (based on ability). Acceptance into each competition at thecomplete discretion of the tournament organiser.
Players must be affiliated members of the Wairarapa Tennis Association to play in this tournament.
Entries & Payment Due by 12pm Tuesday the 14th of February. Email completed entry forms to Kelby Courtney . Only fully completed entry forms will be accepted.
This event may be postponed or cancelled. If the tournament is cancelled due to unforeseen weather conditions then a $10 administration fee will be deducted from refunds.
In the event of rain, players are advised to ring 0224051255 (from 7am on each morning of the competition) and listen to the recorded message on the answer phone updating the status of the event as start time may be delayed or postponed till the following day.
Players must be willing to accommodate a delayed or postponed start time!
Food & Catering
Players and supporters are required to provide their own food. However, the WTA will provide a sausage sizzle on Saturday evening from 5pm.
Players and supporters are also encouraged to provide finger food for a shared afternoon tea on Sunday from 2pm.
Entry Form Available Online
This document may be downloaded from the ‘tournaments’ page on our website.
Tournament Notes
Players are guaranteed 3 singles matches and 2 doubles matches (weather permitting)
The Tournament Organiser is Kelby Courtney (WTA Adminstrator). He may enlist the support of other officials who may act on behalf of Wairarapa Tennis in controlling, administering and delivering this event.
The tournament will run over Saturday18th & Sunday 19th February, 2017 (NOTE: some matches may be scheduled onFriday the 17th February from 6pm - players must be prepared to play at this time if required).
Draw: Will be posted on the day at the tournament
Official Ball: 10& Under – HEAD TIPAll other events – HEAD ATP GOLD
Sign in / Start times: Players will be notified of their start time on Saturday. All players are required to arrive 20 minutes before their scheduled start time of the day.
Players: There can be a lot of waiting around between matches, so please do not leave unless you have cleared this with tournament officials. Parents/Guardians: please do not allow your children to leave the Masterton Tennis Centre. If you are leaving your child at the tournament it is your responsibility to make sure that someone is responsible for them (even if you are playing). Even if you are playing it is your responsibility to leave junior players in the hands of a responsible caregiver.
Match Format: 10’s Singles – best of 3 TB sets to 4 (with a margin of 2 games) with a 3rd set decided by a 7 point tiebreak. 10’s Doubles as above but with sudden death deuces (SDD). 12’s and 14’s, Regional 1 and Regional 2&3 Singles and Doubles. Best of 3 full sets to 6 (with a margin of 2 games).
Draw/Match Format/Seedings: The draw and match format may change at the discretion of tournament officials. Seedings for the tournament will be based on the configure rankings points system.
Player Code: The configure ranking code must be supplied on the entry form. If you do not know your player code contact your club or Wairarapa Tennis Administrator before submitting your entry form.
Rules: The tournament will be played in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of Tennis NZ, the Rules of Tennis and the NZ Player Code of Conduct – which will be available at the tournament.
Sideline Coaching: Players are advised that under no circumstances are players to be given tactical advise or guidance (or the like) during any match. This may result in points being deducted or players lising the match by default. The penalty is at the discretion of tournament officials.
Any further inquiries can be made to: Kelby Courtney (Tournament Organiser) Ph 0224051255 or Email: