Marina Way, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 4BP

Tel & Fax: 01884 252973


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January 2016

Dear Parents,

The holidays seem to have flown by and here we are at what promises to be a very busy term. The children have made a great start to life in Year 3 and are becoming increasingly independent. The home learning seems to be successful, but for those of you who are still not sure, there is a piece of maths which is set on a Friday and due back on a Tuesday, and then a reading activity which is given out on the day that your child has their guided reading lesson and is due back a week later. We do appreciate your written comments in the home learning books, so keep them coming.

We really want all children to be keen and fluent readers. In Key Stage 2 there are several opportunities for them to read independently during the day but we do ask that they read at home to an adult as often as possible. Last term we started a ‘tick’ system whereby they get a tick every time they read at home. On a Friday, all children who have got 5 ticks that week have their names entered into a draw which takes place at the end of each half term. This is proving to be hugely popular and we have a good number of children reading every night which is brilliant; this is also impacting on their reading ability, so please support them with this.

PE takes place on a Monday and Tuesday; the children need black shortsand a white or burgundy T-Shirt for Monday’s indoor lesson and joggers, sweatshirt and trainers for being outside on a Tuesday.

At some point this term we will be holding a meeting about the Heatree residential. Do look in the newsletter or see Yvonne about when instalments are due.

Our topic this term is ‘Keeping Ourselves Healthy’and we are hoping to arrange some workshops for the children both in and out of school.

Attached to this letter is a list of the spellings that we will be working on this year. These are part of a statutory list which children are expected to be able to spell. If you would like to practise them with your child, then that would be lovely.

That’s all for now - as always please do catch us in the playground after school if you have any queries. We would just like to take this opportunity to say how much we are enjoying teaching this class, they are a lovely group of children and a real credit to you,

Happy New Year,