Senior Honors Project Proposal Application (Track I, II, & III)

Student Information

Full Name: / , / Date:
Last / First / Middle (Full name)
Honors Scholar-Track I / Honors Scholar-Track II / Senior Honors Project-Track III (minimum 3.5 cum GPA or higher)
Student ID#: / E-mail Address: / / Expected Graduation Date: (month/year)
Major of Thesis: / (list only one) / Cumulative GPA: / Last Semester GPA:
Research Project OR Creative Project / Individual OR Collaborative
Title of Project:
Student’s Signature:


To project committee members/department head/dean: Your signature indicates your approval of theattachedsenior honors project proposal and that it meets the Honors Program and any department proposal guidelines.

Sign only if the proposal is attached and meets the above requirements.

Name of Faculty Project Advisor (must be tenured, tenure-track, or RTA):
(first and last name) / Department:
Advisor’s E-mail: / / MSC:
Advisor’s Signature:
Reader I: / Department: / MSC:
Reader I Signature:
Reader II: / Department: / MSC:
Reader II Signature:
Reader III:
(Optional) / Department: / MSC:
Reader III Signature:
Department Head: / Signature: / MSC:
Dean of College: / Signature: / MSC:
Director, Honors Program: / Dr. Philip Frana / Signature: / Date:


  1. Students wishing to enter the program as Track III must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.50AND meet the GPA requirements of their major.
  1. Project Advisors MUST be tenured, tenure-track, or RTA JMU faculty members. Readers may include any full-time or part-time JMU faculty, and/or any non-JMU members with expertise applicable to the topic of the senior project.
  1. Handwritten forms will not be accepted. The applicationMUST be completed in its entirety online and then printed for signatures. Nothing should be handwritten except signatures. MSC’s can be found in the JMU online directory. Missing information may be cause for the application to be returned.
  1. Submit an original application AND proposal to the Honors Program office once ALL signatures have been obtained: all committee members, your department head, and yourcollege dean. The Honors Program Director will sign after reviewing the proposal.
  1. The Honors Program will send an email notificationto the student of the approval decision within 14 days of the proposal submission.
  1. Departmental guidelines for projects can be found on the Honors Program website on the Senior Honors Project page. Review the guidelines specified by your major department prior to beginning the 499 sequence and again throughout the three-semester process.
  1. If the Project Advisor or Readers on your committee changes at any point during the 499 sequence, submit a revised application, complete with ALL signatures (no proposal needed). If the topic/content of your project changes substantially during the 499 sequence, submit a revised proposalAND application, complete with ALL signatures, thus confirming their approval of the revision.
  1. Submitting this proposal does not register you for 499A. Please discuss the registration process with the office of your major, and refer to the departmental guidelines mentioned above.
  1. Proposals are typically due during the final week of classes in the semester in which you are enrolled in 499A. Please check the Honors Program website for exact dates.


Please attach your proposal to the application.

Proposals should be 3-15 pages in length and include the format and informationlistedbelow. Unless your department has different proposal requirements, you are expected to follow this guideline.

  1. Purpose and Objectives
  1. Tentative Outline
  1. Methodology and Timeline
  1. Bibliography