Marketing –Syllabus

2014-15 School Year/Room 113

Mrs. McKenzie –


  1. Textbook

~Marketing Essentials, Farese, Kimbrell, Woloszyk/Glencoe-McGraw-

Hill, Copyright 2002 (not issued)

  1. Course Objectives

During this course, the student will:

  1. Prepare a marketing proposal for the sports drink market.
  2. Analyze the characteristics, motivations and behaviors of consumers.
  3. Research socially responsible marketing activities.
  4. Create a prototype of a new product concept through application of marketing mix.
  5. Analyze the role of marketing research in decision making.
  6. Describe the elements, design, and purpose of a marketing plan.
  1. Grading Policy

A = 90-100%

B = 80-89%

C = 70-79%

D = 60-69%

Each nine weeks grade is worth 40% of the semester grade. The midterm and final exam is worth the remaining 20%.

The nine weeks grade is based on tests, class participation, homework, group work, cooperative learning projects, and individual projects. This course is project based.

Grades are updates regularly, you can check online at any time to see your current grade. A weekly calendar is available on School Pointe.


All assignments are given a specific due date. There will be NO CREDIT awarded for LATE ASSIGNMENTS. If the assignment is not turned in on time, a zero will appear in the gradebook. This class is VERY project based – timeliness is very important when completing work.

The after school study center will be utilized whenever an assignment is
given and not turned in on time. You will be given 24-hour notice. The
assignment is due the following day and counted as late.

V.Make-Up Policy

It is the student’s responsibility to obtain assignments or notes given during the student’s absence. If you know of an assignment or test PRIOR to your absence, it is due or the test is to be taken the day you return. You have as many days to make up the work as you were absent. Unexcused work may not be made up.

VI.General Class Rules

  1. All work must be done individually unless otherwise instructed. Any student guilty of academic dishonesty will receive a zero on that assignment. When one student is caught copying another’s work, BOTH students will receive a zero.
  1. Students are expected to be prepared for class and respectful to fellow students, teachers, and any other person(s) in the class. No student will be permitted to engage in any activity/behavior that prevents the teacher from effectively teaching and/or prevents students from learning.
  1. There is to be absolutely NO FOOD, DRINK OR CANDY at any time. This rule is strictly enforced.
  1. NO GAMES or SOCIAL NETWORKING during class time.
  1. Please use complete sentences on all written assignments. Points will be deducted for slang, jargon, misspellings, or incomplete sentence structure.
  1. The basket. All work is turned into the basket next to the printer. Please do not place things on my desk. Please do not staple scan tron answer sheets to your tests.
  1. Be on time. Being tardy will result in detentions/office referrals.
  1. Working on anything other than class assignments will not be permitted. When given time to work on my assignments, it is expected that you are working on the given assignment.
  1. If at any time you would like to see me, please set up an appointment. I am available both before school and after.
  1. Hall passes will be issued with permission. Ask first and please return the pass to the board!
  2. Printing. Only for this class/my assignments. All other work should be printed at home or in the library.
  1. Chairs. Please push them in before you leave. Please place your book bags under your desk or on the back of your chair.
  1. Desktop. Please do NOT alter the desktop. Please do not save to the desktop. Use a jump drive or Google docs.