Cricket Centre Facilities

Usage Agreement

The Management of Yorkshire County Cricket Club (hereafter, YCCC) give approval for the use of the Cricket Centre facilities on the condition that:

  • Such use shall conform to the law.
  • Such use shall not endanger people or property.
  • Such use shall not impede the First Team Squad and other functions of YCCC.
  • Such use shall not contravene YCCC Regulations on any other terms and conditions set down below in this memorandum of letting, or the letting schedule.

Hiring of premises by persons/organisations named in the letting schedule ‘The Hirer” is confirmed only when the letting schedule has been signed on behalf of ‘The Hirer” to signify their acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the letting schedule returned to YCCC.

This Memorandum of Letting refers only to premises and equipment of YCCC, managed on behalf of the Directors and Senior Management of YCCC.

  1. The Hirer shall use the premises only for the purposes, and for stated amount of time, and for the person or persons or organisations stated in the Schedule hereto. The agreement may be terminated by either party, at any time, by giving to the other party one calendar months previous notice in writing. The Hirer shall not assign, transfer, sub – contract or otherwise dispose of the booking in whole, or in part.
  2. The Hirer whilst using the premises, shall be responsible for the preservation of order and good conduct among participants, and shall take all practicable steps to ensure that nothing shall occur at the premises which might offend against any statute or by-law, or any of the Regulations of Directors and Senior Management of YCCC, respecting the hiring of the premises.
  3. The Hirer is responsible for taking all necessary safety precautions including that all persons under their control know what to do in the event of a fire emergency. The Hirer and it’s personnel and invitees shall acquaint themselves with the relevant sections of the Fire Regulations and Procedures and such local procedures and Fire Regulations Notices applicable to the Facilities. The Organiser shall not interfere with, move or reposition any fire extinguishing equipment within YCCC premises.
  4. The Hirer shall pay to the Directors and Senior Management of YCCC for the use of the premises the amounts specified in the schedule, and as required in the schedule, payment must be made in advance to using the facility for any letting whose total cost in less than £100. The Hirer may in addition be required to pay the Cricket Centre Facility AdditionalLetting Fee’s, if the premises are not evacuated on any day at the times stated on the schedule.
  5. The Hirer must confirm that all arrangements for holding an event are to the YCCC’s satisfaction and must comply, as necessary, at their own expense with any additional requirements made by YCCC. The hirers will also ensure that:
  6. The total number of persons using the facility shall not exceed the number for which it is booked (8 maximum per lane)
  7. Other than attendants at the event, it shall not bring, or permit to be brought, any third parties on to YCCC premises except by prior agreement with YCCC.
  8. The event and all functions relating to it are:

1)Conducted in a lawful manner such that no nuisance or annoyance is caused to YCCC or others lawfully on YCCC premises and that YCCC’s name or standing is not brought in to disrepute.

2)Carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of any licenses by which the event or any part of it is permitted.

5.4They comply with the reasonable instructions of YCCC and its officers for the proper and efficient management and protection of YCCC facilities, premises and property.

5.5No YCCC equipment in the Cricket Centre may be moved or re located without the expressed permission of a member of staff

5.6All individuals connected with the letting, comply with YCCC’s policy on smoking. This policy entirely prohibits smoking in all YCCC buildings.

5.7All individuals connected with the letting, comply with YCCC’s policy on food consumption within the Cricket Centre. The policy entirely prohibits food being consumed on these premises that has not been purchased here and also that it must be consumed in the designated eating areas, not the playing area.

5.8No nails, screws, fastening or associated notices, banners, advertisements or apparatus are fixed to buildings/grounds on YCCC premises without the written approval of the Cricket Centre’s Operations Manager.

5.9They do not engage in commercial activity, or permit the premises hired to be used for such activity involving any selling of goods, services, refreshments without written approval of the Operations Manager.

  1. The Hirer, being permitted to enter and use the premises, including the usage of equipment, and apparatus as agreed, will indemnify YCCC against loss, damage, costs, claims, demands and liabilities which may arise out of or be made against YCCC as a result of holding the said event, or by reason of YCCC granting this permission, provided that your organisation shall not be called upon to indemnify YCCC against any such matter which arises from the negligent act or default of YCCC.

YCCC, for its part, maintains Public Liability Insurance that indemnifies it against occurrences to third parties for which it may become legally liable. This includes bodily injury to persons and/or damage to their property arising out of any negligent act or omission. There is no personal accident insurance associated with any letting agreement.

  1. When booking a net/bowling machine for someone under the age of 18 (i.e. a child) or a vulnerable adult, it is a requirement to ensure that the person(s) for whom the net/bowling machine has been purchased will be accompanied to the cricket centre by a responsible person.In booking the net/bowling machine, you give your consent to the user attending the cricket centre with the responsible person you have designated.
  1. If the Hirer’s use of grounds or premises includes any form of instruction, teaching or sports coaching, then the Hirer is responsible for ensuring that such instruction/teaching/coaching is given by personnel qualified by their Governing Body of Sport at the level appropriate and as necessary, those personnel are insured for any risk associated with their instruction/ teaching or coaching. YCCC reserves the right to immediately cancel any hiring agreement where the Hirer does not comply with this agreement.

To ensure the Health and Safety of Young Persons, Hirer’s who are not registered with the Department of Education (DfEE), must ensure that they have adequate child protection measures in place to ensure:

  • That all children, participants and non-participants must be under adequate supervision at all times
  • That coaches and organisers comply with the National Coaching Foundation Code of Ethics and Conduct Sports Coaches, together with any Child Protection Statement issued by their Governing Body of Sport
  • Those organisers, officials, coaches and other responsible adults comply with all relevant risk assessment and control procedures or YCCC.
  1. The Hirer shall be responsible for the payment of all fees and royalties which may be due in respect of the Event to the Performing Right Society, Phonographic Performances Limited, the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, the Educational Recording Agency Ltd, or any other relevant person, firm or corporation.
  2. The Hirer must report all accidents and dangerous incidents. In all cases an accident form must be completed. Accident forms are available from the Operation Manager’s office.
  3. YCCC Directors and Senior Management accept no liability for any loss arising from the failure of electricity, heating systems, water supplies, fire, flooding or any other cause beyond YCCC’s reasonable control, which may cause YCCC premises or part of them to be temporarily closed or the booking to be interrupted, interfered or cancelled.
  4. In case of non observanceor non performance by the Hirer of any condition, or if the YCCC Directors or Senior Management, shall be of the opinion that there is interference with educational work, or that the wear and tear of the premises, furniture or fittings is excessive, the YCCC Directors and Senior Management may terminate the hiring at any time without notice.
  5. In the event of cancellation of this booking by the Hirer, YCCC reserves the right to retain the letting fee (if paid in advance) or invoice for the letting if in our opinion there were insufficient grounds for cancellation, or insufficient prior warning given of cancellation.

The period to which this condition applied may vary between faculties, and as appropriate will be identified in the letting schedule.

Sam Hinchliffe Customer Name:

(YCCC Head of Operations) ......


