Senior High Memory Book List
You must include at least EIGHTentries, you may choose from the list I have included
*Interview Entry
*Awesome Entry
*Family Entry
*Recipe Entry
* Oh! The Places You Will Go…
*Bucket List
* Laughter
* What’s in a Name?
* How to Live
* My High School Experience
* Turning Points
* The World Would Be a Better place if…
If my list doesn’t appeal to you, here are a few more suggestions you can work out on your own
Write a valedictory speech
Write a thank you letter to your mom/dad/ parents
Write about your biggest accomplishment to date
Write about how you have grown as a personover the past three years
Write about your biggest regrets to date.
Write about a memorable Spring Break Trip
Write a letter to your favorite teacher
Write a letter to your best high school friend(s)
Remember ALL ENTRIES SHOULD BE AT LEAST ONE PAGE SINGLE SPACED AND MUST be EMBELLISHED in some way, you also must include photos
From the list below you also must include at least 5 of the following things. If you really want to make it special, try to include them all
- Ask your friends/family to write you letters either in the present or to the future to keep as mementos
- Pay stub, Honor Roll certificates, movie stubs, semi-formal tickets, school work/tests you have completed or report cards and other pieces of memorabilia
- Original artwork (anything)
- Headlines (at least five) from newspapers for the most important stories of the year
- Thank-you to all the people who have helped make your senior year special
- Descriptions of some of your favorite events/bands/clothes/friends etc.
- Describe the styles of the year and include magazine clippings to illustrate
- Dedication sheets ( a page that is dedicated to a friend, family member)
- Short story or other piece of prose writing that you feel is very well done*
- A life resume where you show what you have achieved and what you will achieve over the next thirty years
- Highlights of the year: actually write about what happened at that really swinging party or the basketball game or whatever else was you were involved in so you can roar about it ten years later
- 10 best life hacks
- at least 3 top ten lists from 2013-2014
- Signature page