IP/Competition Law Interface
Table of Authorities
- The interface between intellectual property law and competition law in Canada. (Conference Proceedings: Competition and Dispute Resolution in the North American Context; conducted under the Auspices of the Canada-United States Law Institute and Case Western Reserve University School of Law; Cleveland, Ohio; April 3-5, 1987) Ivan R. Feltham. Canada-United States Law Journal, Ann 1987 12 p149-160.
- Intellectual property and Canadian competition law. Grover, Warren in: Competition law for the 21st century : papers for the Canadian Bar Association Competition Law Section 1997 annual conference. James B. Musgrove, editor. Yonkers, N.Y. : Juris Pub., c1998.
- Patent pending : a modest proposal for achieving the optimal interface between intellectual property rights and competition law in Canada. Hunter, Lawson in: Intellectual property in business transactions : protecting the corporate jewels. --Toronto, Ont. : Canadian Institute, 1994.
- Intellectual property rights and competition law : the Canadian experience. Wong, Stanley in: 1998 annual meeting Antitrust Section. [Chicago, Ill.] : American Bar Association],1998.
- Where is Canada heading in the application of competition law to intellectual property? Campbell, A. Neil in: Competition law practices for Canadian companies. Toronto, Ont. : Insight, 1999.
- Intellectual property law and Canadian competition law. Corley, Richard F. D. in: Protecting & managing intellectual property assets conference. Toronto, Ont. : Federated Press, 1997.
- The Treatment of intellectual property rights under Canadian competition law.Howard I. Wetston in: Patent law of Canada / ed. Gordon F. Henderson (Scarborough, Ont.: Carswell), p. 309-321. CDN CURRENT LAW: Canadian Current Law, Issue 9406.
- Recent developments in Canadian law: intellectual property. Trade marks and unfair competition, Hayhurst,-William-L. Ottawa Law Review v 19 1987. p. 137-223.
- Recent developments in Canadian law: intellectual property, part 2, trade marks and unfair competition. (case law reported from the end of 1982 to the end of 1987 relating to trade marks and unfair competition) William L. Hayhurst. Ottawa Law Review, Summ 1987 19 n3 p581-665.
- Intellectual property and Canadian competiveness. Allen, Clive V in: Intellectual property : trade-mark law = Sminaire sur le droit de la propri t[e] intellectuelle et des marques de commerce. --[Montebello, P.Q.?] : National Justice Institute, 1992.
United States
- The United States perspective on the intellectual property/antitrust interface. Weinschel, Alan J. in: 1995 annual competition law conference = Confrence annuelle de 1995 sur le droit de la concurrence.[Ottawa, Ont.] : Canadian Bar Association,1995.
- Interface of intellectual property and competition law: the U.S. experience. David Bender. Patent law of Canada / ed. Gordon F. Henderson (Scarborough, Ont.: Carswell), p. 323-346.
North America
- The interface between intellectual property law and competition law in the North American context. (Conference Proceedings: Competition and Dispute Resolution in the North American Context; conducted under the Auspices of the Canada-United States Law Institute and Case Western Reserve University School of Law; Cleveland, Ohio; April 3-5, 1987) Tom Arnold, Craig M. Lundell, Michael B. Schroeder and Tim Cook. Canada-United States Law Journal, Ann 1987 12 p121-148.
- EC competition law and intellectual property rights: the regulation of Innovation, Anderman,-Steven-D. Clarendon Press : Oxford Univ. Press, 1998. xxvii,320 p.
- EC Competition Law and Intellectual Property Rights: The Regulation of Innovation.(Review) Howard Johnson. Communications Law, August 1999 v4 i4 p159(2).
- E.C. Competition Law and Intellectual Property Rights: The Regulation of Innovation.(Review) Robyn Durie. EIPR: European Intellectual Property Review, June 1999 v21 i6 p335-336.
- Intellectual property and the abuse of a dominant position under European Union law: existence, exercise and the evaporation of rights. (Symposium: Intellectual Property and Competition Law: Changing Views in the European Community and the United States of America) Nicholas Green. Brooklyn Journal of International Law, Jan 1994 v20 n1 p141-155.
- Intellectual property licenses and UK competition law. A mine of uncertainty, Singleton,-Susan. New Law Journal v 140 Nov 16 1990. p. 1618-19+.
- A new UK competition law and its application to intellectual property, Burnett-Hall,-Richard. European Intellectual Property Review v 10 Nov 1988. p. 331-4+.
- European competition policy in a changing economic environment. Schaub, Alexander in: International antitrust law & policy : annual proceedings of the Fordham Corporate Law Institute. Barry E. Hawk, editor. New York : Juris Publishing ; London [Eng.] : Sweet & Maxwell, c1997.
- International application of a domestic intellectual property protection strategy: extending a predatory litigation strategy to the European Community. Kim H. Jordan. Santa Clara Computer and High-Technology Law Journal, July 1995 11 n2 p373-401.
- Does the United Kingdom or the European Community need an unfair competition law?, Robertson,-Aidan; Horton,-Audrey. European Intellectual Property Review v 17 Dec 1995. p. 568-82.
Comparative (U.S. and EU)
- Intellectual property and antitrust: a comparison of evolution in the European Union and United States. Sara M. Biggers, Richard A. Mann and Barry S. Roberts. Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, Wntr 1999 v22 i2 p209-290.
- Changing view of intellectual property and competition law in the European Community and the United States of America. (Symposium: Intellectual Property and Competition Law: Changing Views in the European Community and the United States of America) Spencer Weber Waller and Noel J. Byrne. Brooklyn Journal of International Law, Jan 1994 20 n1 p1-24.
- Intellectual property rights in Taiwan: an anti-trust perspective.(Intellectual Property Issues in East Asia: Proceedings of the 1997 Symposium) Tze-Shiou Chien. Wisconsin International Law Journal, Spring 1997 v15 n2 p321-323.
- Australian copyright and competition policy: the interface. Kamal Puri. EIPR: European Intellectual Property Review, Nov 1991 13 n11 p413-422.
- "Reaping without sowing": unfair competition and intellectual property rights in Anglo-Australian law. (Industrial and intellectual property: the new technologies) Sam Ricketson. University of New South Wales Law Journal, Ann 1984 7 p1-36.
- New Zealand: interface between misuse of a dominant position and the exercise of IP rights. Douglas C. Calhoun and Brendan W.F. Brown. EIPR: European Intellectual Property Review, Dec 1990 12 n12 p437-447.
- Antitrust law versus intellectual property law: where is the interface? (Australia) Warren Pengilley. Canterbury Law Review, Annual 1989 4 n1 p103-148.
IP/Competition, Statutes and International Agreements
- Selected intellectual property and unfair competition statutes, regulations, and treaties, Schechter,-Roger-E., 1953-, ed. West, 1995. 854 p.
- Intellectual property rights and the Competition Act : different perspectives on welfare maximization. Grover, Warren in: 1997 annual competition law conference : competition law for the 21st century /Confrence annuelle de 1997 sur le droit de la concurrence : le droit de la concurrence au 21e si cle. [Ottawa, Ont.] : Canadian Bar Association, 1997.
- WIPO and unfair competition. Charles Gielen. EIPR: European Intellectual Property Review, Feb 1997 19 n2 p78-81.
- Genevan bootstraps [Augmented title: Discussion of WIPO and unfair competition]. C. Gielen. 19 no2 Eur. Intell. Prop. Rev. 78-81 F '97. Cornish,-W.-R, 1937-. European Intellectual Property Review v 19 no7 July 1997. p. 336-8.
- Trade, competition, and intellectual property - TRIPS and its antitrust counterparts. (Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights)(American Association of Law Schools' Intellectual Property Section's Symposium on Compliance with the TRIPS Agreement) Eleanor M. Fox. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, May 1996 29 n3 p481-505.
- TRIPS: adequate protection, inadequate trade, adequate competition policy, Ullrich,-Hanns. Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal v 4 Mar 1995. p. 153-210.
- From free riders to fair followers: global competition under the TRIPS Agreement, Reichman,-J.-H. New York University Journal of International Law and Politics v 29 Fall 1996/Winter 1997. p. 11-93.
- Beyond the historical lines of demarcation: competition law, intellectual property rights, and international trade after the GATT's Uruguay round. (Symposium: Intellectual Property and Competition Law: Changing Views in the European Community and the United States of America) J.H. Reichman. Brooklyn Journal of International Law, Jan 1994 20 n1 p75-119.
Case Commentaries
- Reconciling intellectual property rights and competition law: the Magill TV Guide case. (Australia) Stephen G. Corones. Australian Business Law Review, June 1992 20 n3 p265-270.
- Refusals to license intellectual property rights : recent antitrust decisions and litigations. Frankel, Kenneth in: 1998 annual meeting : Section of Antitrust Law course materials.[Chicago, Ill.] : American Bar Association],1998.
- New developments in the evolving interface between intellectual property rights and competition law. Dorion, Andr in: Competition law and competitive business practices : an up-to-the-minute analysis of crucial enforcement and legislative developments. Toronto, Ont. : Canadian Institute, 1998.
- The intellectual property/antitrust interface. Scherer, F. M. in: The changing nature of competition : legal and policy implications. [Chicago, Ill.] :4bAmerican Bar Association,Section of Antitrust Law, 1996.
- An overview of current antitrust issues in intellectual property. Wall, Daniel M in: Antitrust issues in high-tech industries.[Chicago, Ill.] : ABA Section of Antitrust Law, 1999.
- Intellectual property and competition law: when worlds collide. Cameron, Donald M. Scott, Iain C in: Competition law for the 21st century : papers for the Canadian Bar Association Competition Law Section 1997 annual conference. James B. Musgrove, editor. Yonkers, N.Y. : Juris Pub., c1998.
- Intellectual property and antitrust: conflicting paths to a common goal. Taylor, Robert P. Higgins, Michael J. Oct 1992 in: Antitrust and intellectual property : practice and policy issues for the 1990s,co-sponsored by the Section of Antitrust Law and Section of Patent, Trademark & Copyright Law, American Bar Association. [Chicago, Ill.] : American Bar Association, 1992.
- Competition policy and intellectual property rights : complementary framework policies for innovation and efficiency. Anderson, Robert D. in: Competition law for the 21st century : papers f the Canadian Bar Association Competition Law Section 1997 annual conference. James B. Musgrove, editor. Yonkers, N.Y. : Juris Pub., c1998.
- Competition policy and intellectual property rights: complementary framework policies for a dynamic market economy. George N. Addy.(Summer 1995) 16 Can. Compet. Rec. No. 2,5-12. CDN CURRENT LAW: Canadian Current Law, Issue 9602
- IP/antitrust hypothetical. Merges, Robert in: Antitrust issues in today's economy. New York, N.Y. : Conference Board, c1997.
- Unfair competition law: the protection of intellectual and industrial creativity, Kamperman-Sanders,-Anselm. Clarendon Press : Oxford Univ. Press, 1997. xxiv,232 p.
- Intellectual property and unfair competition, Kitch,-Edmund-W; Perlman,-Harvey-S., 1942-. Foundation Press, 1998. xxxv,1094 p.
- Antitrust considerations in innovation-driven markets. Kattan, Joseph (1995) 21 Can.-U.S.L.J. 115-125.
- The importance of antitrust enforcement in the new economy. Klein, Joel in: Antitrust issues in high-tech industries.[Chicago, Ill.] : ABA Section of Antitrust Law, 1999.
- Competition policy and intellectual property in the information age. J. Beckwith Burr. Villanova Law Review, Dec 1996, 41 n1 p193-206.
- Global competition on the international IP playing field. (intellectual property) Roger S. Smith. Annual Conference on Intellectual Property, Annual 1990 3 p1-1(9).
- The role of intellectual property protection and international competitiveness. (A.B.A. Section of Antitrust Law 37th Annual Meeting, August 6-9, 1989) Louis A. Schapiro. Antitrust Law Journal, Summer 1989 58 n2 p569-582.
- Global Competition: the Role of Intellectual Property. -(book reviews) John W. Behringer and John M. Scagnelli. Trademark Reporter, Jan-Feb 1989 79 n1 p78-79.
- Trends in intellectual property antitrust enforcement in: Meet the Competition Bureau. Toronto, Ont. : Insight Information, 1999.
- Developments in intellectual property antitrust : federal enforcement. Kattan, Joseph in: Antitrust issues in today's economy. New York, N.Y. : Conference Board, c1997.
- Competition guidelines for intellectual property vague. Gail J. Cohen. (Sept. 1999) 10 L. Times No. 32, 17. Canadian Current Law, Issue 0003
- Competition policy and intellectual property rights : complementary framework policies for innovation and efficiency. Anderson, Robert D in: 1997 annual competition law conference : competition law for the 21st century = Confrence annuelle de 1997 sur le droit de la concurrence : le droit de la concurrence au 21e si cle. [Ottawa, Ont.] : Canadian Bar Association, 1997.
- Applying competition law to the licensing of intellectual property: a case of strained relations. Roberts, R. Jack in: Protecting & managing intellectual property assets conference. Toronto, Ont. : Federated Press, 1997.
- Antitrust issues arising from the use, acquisition and licensing of intellectual property. Kobak, James B., Jr. in: American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law 1999 spring meeting : committee program course materials and updated committee meetings and programs schedule. [Chicago, Ill.] : American Bar Association], 1999.
- Developments in intellectual property antitrust enforcement. Kattan, Joseph in: 1998 annual meeting : Section of Antitrust Law course materials.[Chicago, Ill.]: American Bar Association],1998.
- Legal regulation of competition : interaction of intellectual property and anti-competitive practices. Grover, Warren June, 1991 in: The Shifting sands of intellectual property practice. [Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont. : The Niagara-on-the-Lake Symposium], 1991.
- Antitrust and intellectual property : harmony or cacophony? Shapiro, Carl. Apr 1999 in: Economists' perspective on antitrust today. [Boston, Mass.] : Charles River Associates Inc., 1999.
- Swimming in the deep end of the patent pool: antitrust implications of multiple intellectual property rights. Putnam, Jonathan D. in: Economists' perspective on antitrust today. [Boston, Mass.] : Charles River Associates Inc., 1999.
- The misappropriation doctrine as a competitive norm of intellectual property law. (Faculty Essays in Honor of the 75th Anniversary of the Minnesota Law Review) Leo J. Raskind. Minnesota Law Review, Feb 1991 75 n3 p875-906.
- A proposal for the International Convention for Protection against Unfair Competition,Chen,-Xiao-Yi. European Intellectual Property Review v 18 Aug 1996. p. 450-3.
(More or less) Specific Fields
a. Licensing
- Competition law and refusals to license intellectual property. (European Community) Abraham I. van Melle. New Zealand Law Journal, Oct 1995 p318-319.
- Antitrust issues in intellectual property licensing. Stempel, Scott A. in: American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law 1999 spring meeting : committee program course materials and updated committee meetings and programs schedule. [Chicago, Ill.] : American Bar Association], 1999.
b. Trademarks and Copyright
- Developments in trademark and unfair competition law: in the courts, the Patent and Trademark Office and before the Trademark and Appeal Board. (Intellectual Property Law Symposium) Raymond I.Geraldson Jr., Mark V.B. Patridge and Joseph N. Welch. John Marshall Law Review, Fall 1990 24 n1 p1-64.
- Intellectual property - trademarks, copyrights, and unfair competition. James M. Wetzel. Compleat Lawyer, Summer 1988 5 n3 p53(4).
- The publisher in the electronic age: caught in the area of conflict of copyright and competition law, Heker,-Harald. European Intellectual Property Review v 17 Feb 1995. p. 75-80.
c. Technology/ Information
- Controlling World Wide Web links: property rights, access rights and unfair competition.(Symposium: Sovereignty and the Globalization of Intellectual Property) Chris Reed. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, Fall 1998 v6 i1 p167-211.
- Software interfaces, intellectual property and competition policy. (European Community) Charles B. Cohler and Hilary E. Pearson. EIPR: European Intellectual Property Review, Oct 1994 16 n10 p434-440.
- Global technological integration, intellectual property rights, and competition law: some introductory comments.(Symposium on Global Competition and Public Policy in an Era of Technological Integration) David J. Gerber. Chicago-Kent Law Review, Spring 1997, 72 n2 p357-365.
- The balance between intellectual property rights and competition: paradigms in the information sector. Barton,-John-H. European Competition Law Review v 18 no7 Oct 1997. p. 440-5.
- "New" issues in competition policy raised by information technology industries, Sheremata,-Willow-A. The Antitrust Bulletin v 43 no3-4 Fall/Winter 1998. p. 547-82.
d. Sectors
- A competition law approach to global intellectual property and telecommunications market integration.(Symposium on Global Competition and Public Policy in an Era of Technological Integration) Claus-Dieter Ehlermann. Chicago-Kent Law Review, Spring 1997, 72 n2 p501-508.