Review for Vocabulary quiz 1-4 with Nouns, Pronouns and Verbs!
Vocabulary Matching: ____ / 20 points
Words: / Write in the PART OF SPEECH for each word: / Definitions:1.____gratify / ______/ A. verb, to force oneself into a situation
2.____dally / ______/ B. an exaggerated drawing
3.____fealty / ______/ C. to please
4.____belated / ______/ D. out of date
5.____elude / ______/ E. a witty saying or expression
6.____amalgamate / ______/ F. pretentious; showy
7.____antiquated / ______/ G. a scarcity, lack
8.____paucity / ______/ H. a large, imposing building or object
9.____hone / ______/ I. to massage with one’s hands
10.____delude / ______/ J. dreamily thoughtful
11.____obsequy / ______/ K. to dawdle; loiter
12.____ostentatious / ______/ L. a slow person
13.____elated / ______/ M. a funeral rite or ceremony
14.____edifice / ______/ N. to mislead, deceive
15.____obtrude / ______/ O. adj., in high spirits
16.____caricature / ______/ P. late
17.____knead / ______/ Q. to combine
18.____pensive / ______/ R. to escape notice
19.____epigram / ______/ S. to sharpen
20.____laggard / ______/ T. obligated loyalty or faithfulness
NOUNS: _____ / 5
Identify the nouns in each sentence, then determine whether the noun is common or proper, concrete or abstract and singular or plural. (3 for each word, in that order!)
1. The boy washed his hands with soap.
______boy______:___common__ ___concrete______singular__
2. Samantha was thinking about her little, brown dog.
3. Jen picked up her pencil and drew a picture on the yellow paper.
4. Adam ate two giant cookies after school.
5. Monica cleaned her entire bedroom from ceiling to floor.
PRONOUNS: _____ / 5
Directions: Please write down each pronoun on the left line, write its antecedent in (parentheses), then identify what type of pronoun it is on the right line.
RELF (reflexive), INTEN (intensive), D (demonstrative), PER (personal),
POSS (possessive), IND (indefinite), INTER (interrogative), RELA (relative)
- She went to the store with her friend Angela.
______( ______) ______
______( ______) ______
- Everyone had to squeeze in the car; it was too small for the muscular football players.
______( ______) ______
______( ______) ______
- Every Sunday, Kenny gets himself supplies for the week at Wal-Mart; he likes shopping.
______( ______) ______
______( ______) ______
- Shohn, a businessman who loves technology, couldn’t wait to install updates on his laptop.
______( ______) ______
______( ______) ______
- “Who will take Fluffy to the vet?” (silence) “Fine, I will take her myself.”
______( ______) ______
______( ______) ______
______( ______) ______
VERBS: _____ / 5
Identify the verb (separate verb phrases) and write it on the far left line. Then write down the type of verb it is: AUX (auxiliary), A (action) or L (linking). If it is an ACTION verb, write whether it is T (transitive) or I (intransitive). If it is TRANSITIVE, write the D.O. in the column on the far right.
1. Sophia will play softball this semester.
VERB / TYPE (AUX, A, L) / T or I / DIRECT OBJECT2. The strong winds overpowered the old tree; it fell on a car.
VERB / TYPE (AUX, A, L) / T or I / DIRECT OBJECT3. Aaron is an avid reader who loves vampire-themed books.
VERB / TYPE (AUX, A, L) / T or I / DIRECT OBJECT4. Justin was feeling too sick to go to school this morning.
VERB / TYPE (AUX, A, L) / T or I / DIRECT OBJECT5. “Come feel this fabric,” Tonia demanded.