Grade 8 Mathematics Outline
The Manitoba Grade 8 Mathematics course consists of specific outcomes that students must become proficient at. These specific outcomes are developed in the following units:
A- Squares and Square Roots
B- Fractions
C- Percents, Rates, and Ratios
D- Integers
E- Linear Equations
F- Surface Area and 3D objects
Acadia students will be studying the above unitsin the listed order. Acadia uses a cumulative approach to allow students to master outcomes over an extended period of time. This also enhances learning since no topic ever disappears, and it will encourage students to see the connections between course units.
Required Materials for every class
Calculator (T1-30XA is recommended)
Math Makes Sense 8 Textbook
Three ring binder
Graph paper and loose-leaf
Pencil, ruler, and eraser (pen should only be used for corrections in math class)
Extra Assistance
Peer tutoring is available for Grade 8 students during the early dismissal time on Thursdays.
Term 1 and 2 marks are only an indication of student progress evident at the end of each term and both are cumulative from September. Term 3 is cumulative from September and is worth 75%of the final mark.
The final exam in June is worth 25%of the final mark.
Each term mark is based 100% on tests. Each test is cumulative and therefore students will have the opportunity to improve their understanding of past outcomes prior to the next test. These outcomes will be re-assessed with each successive test. At the end of the term the student’s growth over time as well as their understanding of the outcomes from each test will be used to calculate their term mark. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
Please note that students are required to have their own calculators for tests and cell phones and iPods are not permitted.
Course Expectations
Complete all assigned work on time.
It is your responsibility to learn concepts missed while absent and complete the assigned work. See me or a classmate for help. If absent the following options are: ask your teacher for the assignment; ask a friend; read a friend’s outline page; or go to and check homework on line for Mrs. MacAulay.
Be an active participant during class. Listen, askappropriate questions, discuss concepts, etc.
Display appropriate classroom behaviour. We all learn best in a friendly cooperative environment.
Bring all required materials to every class.
Try your best!!!
My e-mail address is:
I am looking forward to an enjoyable and successful year. If you would like to contact me at any time, I can be reached at the e-mail address above, or by phone at 204-269-6210 (ext. 3346).
Thank you,
Mrs. MacAulay