October, 2017
Hello, sisters,
I hope this finds you all well in our official autumn season. October is the month of the Holy Rosary and with the many friends and family we've lost this year plus the heartbreaking tragedies that keep occurring we should all lean a little more on Our Mother by praying extra rosaries. October is also a month filled with many fun, joyous events that lead into the holiday season. We're all looking forward to the Charity Ball next weekend, honoring Maureen and Mike Kelly. It has been suggested that we include some presentations/information at our monthly meetings. We will have a presentation about receiving "degrees" and the Degree Team by Mary O'Connell at this meeting. If you have anything to present or any requests please let me know. I look forward to seeing everyone at our meeting or an upcoming event soon.
In motto,
Send LAOH Rose Kennedy dues to:
Trish Fry @ 26070 Elba Redford, MI 48239
Dues for the year are $35; if you want the newsletter mailed $40
Dues must be paid by the end of Aprilto avoid a late fee.
Make checks payable to
LAOH Rose Kennedy
Frequently Used Websites
LAOH State
LAOH National
AOH Hall
Gaelic League
Ct. of St. Brigid
October HostessMaureen Kelly
Norah Fix
Margaret Desmond
Sue Secorski
Judy Valovich
Teresa Higgins
Colleen Gum
Thanks you for offering to bring a goody! / Happy October Birthday!
5 Margaret Desmond
18 Anne Marie Mishowski
20 Marcia Detter & Patti Fix
23 Norah Fix
26 Pat Suggs
28 Judy Brophy
Please update the following on you roster
- New address - Teresa Higgins 3841 Heritage Parkway Dearborn, MI 48124
- New address - Trish Keith 2116 Grindley Park Dearborn, MI 48124
Got Degrees?
If you have not taken your LAOH degrees and would like to, now you can. On November 11 at noon at the AOH Hall the Degree team will be conferring degrees. Contact Mary O’Connell if interested or need any information.
734 425-8775 or / Sr. Annett Marie Bryne Division of the LAOH in Grand Rapids is looking for support of their West Michigan Baby Pantry and Help Pregnancy Crisis Aid. If interested in supporting their charity please contact President Dianne Mankel at
616-990-4722 or
They are having a dinner and Blackthorn concert on October 21, 2017
October Charity
Please bring in new men’s underwear (smaller sizes) and athletic socks for St. Vincent DePaul and St. Christine.
Santa ShopPlease bring in any quality items that our division can sell at the Christmas Craft Bizarre Santa Shop. This is a place for kids to shop for parents, teachers, siblings, grandparents and anyone else on their Christmas list. It is a lot of fun and the kids love it. Any itemes will do. We need gifts for mom, dad, boys and girls. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Please bring items to the October or November meeting. Thanks!
Happenings Around the Hall
October 6 – Fish dinner 6-8; alternate meal Shephard’s Pie; cost $10 per person, kids $5
7 – 50’s Night @ the AOH; doors open 6:30, food and cash bar available; $10 in
advance $15 @ the door
8 – Fr.Solanus Casey Souperbowl; noon – 7 pm @ the American Polish Century Club
in Sterling Heights benefits Capuchin Soup Kitchen
13 – Fish dinner 6-8
14 – Charity Ball @ Monaghan K of C in Livonia; mass 5:30. Cocktail hour 6:30, dinner
7:30; Cost $50 per person; Mike and Maureen Kelly honorees; benefits
St. Valentine Parish
20 – fish dinner 6-8; alternate meal Beef Stroganoff
21 – Men’s state famine memorial dinner
27 – fish dinner 6-8; alternate meal Bangers and Mash; Classic Band entertainment
31 – Happy Halloween!
November 11 –Degree Ceremony @ noon; Horse Races in the evening @ the AOH
18 & 19 – Rose Kennedy Christmas Craft Bizarre @ AOH
AOH Lotto Tickets
Monthly AOH Lottery tickets are available at our meetings or in the bar at the AOH Hall. Please support the Building Corporation by purchasing one or more tickets each month. Only $10.00 per ticket!
Irish Radio Show
The Irish Radio Show hosted by Kathleen O’Neill, Angela Ryan, and Mike Kerwin is on every Sunday from 1-3:00pm. Tune into WNZK 690AM for great Irish music and news from the Detroit Irish community!
The St. Brigid Degree Team will be conferring the Degrees of the Order on Sunday, November 5th at Noon. The ceremony will take place at the AOH Hall, 25300 Five Mile Road, Redford, MI 48239. Coffee, tea and soda bread will be served starting at 11:15 a.m.
The charge for candidates is $15 and observers $5.
If you are interested in receiving your Degrees or observing the ceremony, please complete the information below and return to Julie Lewis at the address below.
Name: ______
Address: ______
Phone # (h)______(c)______
Email Address: ______
Division: ______
Candidate: ______Observer: ______please check one
Please send this completed form and your check made out to St. Brigid Degree Team to me by October 28th.
Julie Lewis38787 GrennadaLivonia, MI 48154
Contact me with any questions at 734-464-3412 or