From: Marc Richard
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 6:38 PM
Cc: Marc Richard
Subject: Senate Meeting Report, 2011-09-22

Senate Meeting Report, 2011-09-22


The following is a summary of the Senate meeting which took place on Thursday, September 22, 2011.

The meeting began with Senator Ismail presenting a resolution on the death of Professor Charles Tanner and Dean Jutras presenting resolutions on the death of Professors Paul-André Crepeau and Ivan A. Vlasic.

Senate adopted the report of the Steering Committee ( , the minutes of the May 2011 Senate meeting ( and the agenda (

In her remarks from the Chair, Principal Munroe-Blum began by addressing the MUNACA strike which started at the beginning of September. She recapitulated some of the official announcements which the Administration has previously made regarding the strike, and added that the University was clearly not in a business-as-usual situation, with people working harder to maintain operations as best as possible. The Principal next discussed the self-funded MBA program, which MELS has recognized following modifications which include the addition of international elements. Principal Munroe-Blum also spoke about university rankings and McGill’s position in the three main international ones, as well as in the Macleans and Globe and Mail rankings. She stated that McGill welcomes an understanding of its performance relative to its peer institutions.

In the subsequent period for discussion, Senator Barney questioned the accuracy of the account which had been presented regarding the effects of the strike. He summarized various conversations he has had with members of the McGill community on this subject. Senator Janda commented that there is a range of views within the University on the strike and its implications. He expressed the opinion that the Administration’s recent message regarding off-campus teaching had created a polarizing moment in the life of the University, and asked whether alternatives might be contemplated. Senator Janda also asked if the changes made to the MBA program would come back to Senate via APC. Responding to this last question, Principal Munroe-Blum indicated that this was indeed the plan.

Senator McDonough remarked that he was glad that the Principal’s comments had recognized the effects of the strike on the McGill community, and he expressed the hope that this reflects a wish to see the strike settled quickly. Senator Knight likewise indicated her appreciation for the change in tone reflected in the Principal’s comments, since in Senator Knight’s view the situation has previously been portrayed as being a slower version of business as usual. She listed some of the deleterious effects which the strike has had on students, for example as regards labs and library services. Senator Knight felt that there has been a lack of clear communication by the Administration regarding these impacts.

Senator Galaty commented that academic staff are in a conflicted situation over the strike, since the individuals on strike are close colleagues, and he indicated that some academic staff want to make a symbolic gesture of solidarity. He referred to a case of off-campus teaching and to the liability concerns which were mentioned in the response which the case had drawn. Senator McCullogh stated that managerial and support staff have been working very hard and putting in long hours to maintain services, but that this was not sustainable. She asked how long the situation could be maintained in view of such concerns as the effect of these long hours on the health of staff.

Principal Munroe-Blum thanked the members of Senate for the views they had expressed, and stated her appreciation to everyone for their efforts. She remarked that the Administration was not insensitive to the costs of the strike.

In the period for formal questions, Senator Clare asked a question regarding the impact on students of reduced access to academic resources and services ( In his response, Deputy Provost Mendelson acknowledged that the situation was not business as usual, but stated that he did not accept the question’s premise that services to students had been critically reduced. He indicated that administrative decisions on the strike have been made in full consideration of their effect on students. By way of example of services being maintained at a reasonable level, the Deputy Provost reviewed in detail the services and opening hours being offered by the Libraries during the strike. He concluded by reinforcing the Principal’s earlier remarks thanking everyone at McGill who is working to maintain services to students.

Senator Barney asked the Deputy Provost what provisions are being made for students who refuse to cross picket lines. Professor Mendelson responded that students are responsible for their academic tasks, that they are expected to be attending class and submitting their papers, and that a strike is not a normally acceptable excuse for not fulfilling these obligations.

The second written question of the meeting was posed by Senator Galaty on the subject of implications of TA reductions ( Provost Masi responded that faculties have a line item in their budget for teaching support, which may or may not be used for hiring TAs. This line item was neither specifically protected nor specifically targeted with regard to the cuts which Deans were required to make, so Deans have discretion on this point based on local factors. Cuts need to be managed locally, not centrally. The Provost noted that there have been substantial funding increases in graduate study support.

The following agenda item was the Annual Report on Research Performance, Partnerships and Innovation ( presented by Vice-Principal (Research and International Relations) Goldstein. Subsequent to her presentation, a Senator asked what factors might explain why more people are not applying for the three Quebec funding programs. V.-P. Goldstein attributed this to a lack of engagement combined with difficulties in understanding the French-language application forms. Senator Ma asked for the definition of “research intensity”. V.-P. Goldstein answered that this figure equals the amount of research dollars brought in divided by the number of tenure-track professors. After the discussion period on her report, V.-P. Goldstein presented an update on the Strategic Research Plan (

Provost Masi next gave an update on the consultation process on Achieving Strategic Academic Priorities 2012-2016 ( There will be broad-based consultations, and online submissions are welcome either by email or via the feedback form on the Provost’s website (

Associate Provost (Policies, Procedures and Equity) White presented the annual report of the Policy on Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Discrimination Prohibited by Law ( Senator Han noted that the report makes no reference to measures being taken to further the Policy’s objective of preventing harassment. She suggested that such measures might include having an office dedicated to this purpose, as well as programs to train staff.

Associate Provost White responded that the Social Equity and Diversity Education Office is to some extent involved in such training, but that McGill has no specific individual or office responsible for the prevention of harassment. The annual report presented on the Policy focuses on the work of the assessors, and Professor White reflected that perhaps there has been too much focus on this aspect of the subject. She has heard suggestions that the Policy be revisited, a measure which is being contemplated for next year; such a revision might present an opportune context for examining the concerns Senator Ma has raised.

As a further point related to the Policy on Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Discrimination Prohibited by Law, Senate approved the appointment of two new assessors and one alternate assessor for a term of three years (

Senate next approved the 430th report of the Academic Policy Committee ( and the report of the Senate Nominating Committee (

Senate received for information the 2010-2011 Annual Report Concerning the Investigation of Research Misconduct ( which was presented by Professor Abraham Fuks, Research Integrity Officer.

As its final order of business, Senate approved two motions presented by Associate Provost White. The first motion ( replaces the phrase “Director of Libraries” with the phrase “Director or Dean of Libraries” in various Regulations and Senate Committee terms of reference. The aim of these modifications is to bring the terminology of these documents into line with the same change which was made to the Statutes last year.

The second motion ( amends Section 5.60 of the Regulations Relating to the Employment of Academic Staff and Section 3.60 the Regulations Relating to the Employment of Librarian Staff. The amendment reschedules the annual tenure information meeting, which in the past has been held “at the beginning of each calendar year,” to the new time-frame “during the Fall term of each academic year.” This earlier date will give tenure candidates more lead time between the information meeting and the start of the tenure process on June 1st.

The next Senate meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 19, 2011. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.


Your librarian Senate reps,

Daniel Boyer

Joan Hobbins

Marc Richard