MINOR WORKS (10K Maximum)
Legal Name of Organisation/School
Childcare setting name (If different)
Address (Premises to which the minor works will apply)
PostcodeContact for Application:
Tel. No:
/Mobile Number:
Email Address:Is this setting: / maintained / PVI
Is this setting:
a)withina school or based on a school site (if yes provide School Name) -
If your setting is based on a school site please provide a letter of support from the Governing Body.
b)based in a Children’s Centre (if yes please provide Centre Name)
c)based elsewhere, please explain:
Do you own your proposed premises (Private, voluntary, independent only)YES/NO
If no – what length lease do you hold, please provide expiry date:
Is the business up for sale or do you intend to put the business up for sale? YES/NO
Do you currently provide funded places for 2 year olds? YES/NO
If yes, how many 2 year places do you currently provide?
Have you received any funding to help provide 2YO places? (e.g. Capital/furniture & Resources)YES/NO
If so how much? £
Could you please outline how you have allocated this funding?
How would you ensure these places are protected?
What is your current capacity for 3/4 year old places?
How many 3/4 year old places (15 hours) do you currently provide?
From September 2017 how many 30 hour places will you be providing?
If your application is successful how many additional 30 hour places will be created?
What do you need the Minor Improvement funding for?
How do you plan to deliver the 30 hour places?Eg. Partnership working, flexible hours, extended hours, use of breakfast/after school clubs?
Could you please give evidence of demand within the area e.g. waiting lists. Parent survey’s, estimates of demands.
Please describe the work you are planning to carry out with this funding?
Please provide costs and indicate whether costs are actual or estimated – please provide any estimates you have obtained.
Please give details of timescale for works to be completed
Will you require Planning Permission?YES/NO
Will you require Landlord’s Approval?YES/NO
Are you prepared to provide any contribution towards costs? If so how much?
How would you ensure the long-term sustainability of this scheme?
*Please note for your application to move forward you may be required to provide a business plan and cash flow sheets.
Name (please print)…………………………………………………………………………………
Position in Organisation………………………………………………………………………………….
Please return this form tothe Childcare Places Team by email to at
For further information contact Dave Todd on 03000 268908
Office Use Only
Date received……………………………..
Date setting contacted and by whom………………………………………………
Date of panel meeting…………………………………..