Senate Meeting Agenda

September 28th, 2016

President / Vice President / Secretary / Treasurer / Activities Coordinator / Public Information
Nicole Bien / Parker Danielson / Halley Sherwood / Brianna Galvan / Peter
Dela Cruz / Zach Sivankio
  1. Call to Order: 8:31
  2. Roll Call/Introductions
  3. Brianna Galvan Absent
  4. Pledge
  5. Officer Report
  6. President- Nicole Bien
  7. Roberts Rules
  8. Nicole Bien, ASB President, briefly goes over Roberts rules, parliamentary rules and conduct
  9. Norms
  10. Nicole Bien, ASB President, briefly goes over conduct of senate meeting
  11. Vice President- Parker Danielson
  12. Treasurer- Brianna Galvan
  13. Approve Treasurers Report
  14. Zach Sivankeo, ASB PIO, in place of Brianna, asks the senate to go over and approve report from May
  15. Perry Attwood, Cann class representative, motion to approve
  16. Anna Mester, Senior class vice president, makes second motion

2. Zach Sivankeo, ASB PIO, asks the senate to go over and approve the report from Sept.

a. Anna Mester, Senior class vice president, makes motion to approve

b. Cameron Estep, Junior class president, makes second motion

  1. Fundraisers
  2. Zach Sivankeo, ASB PIO, asks the senate to go over and approve the fundraiser report for the 2015-2016 school year, asks for motion to approve
  3. Anna Mester, senior class vice president, says that cheer did not hold a car wash when stated in the report
  4. Rachel Forbes, Drama Club president, states that the back to school dance was 80's themed, not black-light themed, as indicated in the report
  5. Maya, Anderson class representative,makes motion to approve treasurers report
  6. Eddie Pichett, makes second motion to approve
  1. Secretary- Halley Sherwood
  2. Minutes Approval
  3. Halley Sherwood, ASB Secretary, asks senate to look over and approve minutes from last years last senate meeting
  4. Tori Crawford, Albert room representative, makes motion to approve
  5. Nancy Hurr, Rodan room representative, states that Brianna's name is spelled incorrectly in the last senate meeting minutes
  6. Cameron Estep, junior class president,makes motion to approve
  7. Maya Marion, class rep, makes second motion
  8. Activities Coordinator- Peter Dela Cruz
  9. Upcoming Events
  10. Peter Dela Cruz, ASB Activities Coordinator, asks senate to add homecoming week to the upcoming events calendar, and states that for the week of the 17th there will be half days for conferences
  11. PIO- Zach Sivankeo
  12. Social Media
  13. Zach Sivankeo, ASB PIO, promotes @bigsteilly, tells senate to send pictures of sporting events to twitter, Instagram and snapchat
  14. Clubs/Sports Notes
  1. Old Business
  2. Dead Clubs
  3. Nicole Bien, ASB President, announces dead clubs, states that no more clubs will be able to be created due to lack of stipends
  4. GSA
  5. International Club
  6. Charity: Nicole Bien, ASB President, states that the following amounts will be donated to the following organizations
  7. TRM $2000
  8. Humane Society $2347.49
  9. New Business
  10. Club Grant Application
  11. Nicole Bien, ASB President, tells senate to look over club grant applications to receive a grant
  12. Clubs
  13. Constitution: Nicole Bien, ASB President, says that clubs must have constitutions to be a club
  14. Meeting Minutes
  15. Ms. Redman, ASB advisor, says that all clubs and sports members need to pay for for their ASB card.
  16. Class Reports
  17. Senior
  18. Ahmad Jumper, senior class president, says there is nothing to report.
  19. Junior
  20. Cameron Estep, junior class president, says the junior class is out of money and would like the students to purchase lanyards.
  21. Sophomore
  22. Keaton Millard, president of the sophomore class, says there is a homecoming meeting on Friday.
  23. Freshman
  24. Freshman class president says that there will be a homecoming float meeting next Wednesday.
  25. Club Reports
  26. (Newspaper, Book Club, DECA, Drama Club, Science Club, Poetry, FCCLA, Math Team, NHS, Yearbook, FCA, Key Club, FFA, Anime Club, WeMAD, Art Club, S2S, etc.)
  27. Olivia Sheppard, Poetry club president, says Poetry club officially changedtheir name to creative writing club
  28. Rachel Forbes, Drama club president, announces that there is a play coming up
  29. Sports Reports
  30. No business to report
  31. Call to Action
  32. Reporting back
  33. Closing
  34. Sign in
  35. Nicole Bien, ASB President, reminds everyone to make sure they are signed in
  36. Meeting Adjourned
  37. Anna Mester, senior class vice president, motions to adjurn the meeting
  38. Rachel Forbes, Drama club president, seconds the motion