DATE: August 21, 2016

PRESENT TITLE: Professor and Vice Chair

Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

HOME ADDRESS: 164 Jockey Hollow Way

Union, NJ 07083

OFFICE ADDRESS: Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Women’s Health
Rutgers - New Jersey Medical School
185 South Orange Avenue - MSB E-518
Newark, New Jersey 07103


CITIZENSHIP: United States of America

A. Undergraduate Graduate and Professional
Rutgers University
Newark, New Jersey
B.A. with honors - Phi Beta Kappa 1965 - 1969

B. Graduate and Professional
College of Medicine & Dentistry of
New Jersey - New Jersey Medical School
Newark, New Jersey

M.D. 1969 - 1973

A. Internship and Residencies
Martland Hospital

Newark, New Jersey
Residency in Obstetrics/Gynecology
College of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey

1973 - 1976

B. Research Fellowship
University Hospital,

Newark, New Jersey
Fellowship in Maternal-Fetal Medicine
New Jersey Medical School

1980 - 1982


1974 – 1976 Clinical Instructor II

1976 - 1979 Instructor
CMDNJ - New Jersey Medical School

1979 - 1983 Assistant Professor
CMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School

1983 - 1991 Associate Professor
UMDNJ - New Jersey Medical School

1990 - Present Preceptor Acting Internship in Obstetrics
UMDNJ - New Jersey Medical School

1991 - Present Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology
UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School

1992 - Present Professor of Radiology
UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School

1999 - 2014 Administrative Director of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Women’s Health
UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School

2014 – Present Interim Chair of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Women’s Health


1976 - Present Attending Obstetrics/Gynecology
Consultant, Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Trinitas Hospital, Elizabeth, N.J., (formally St. Elizabeth’s Hospital)

1976 - 1990 Consultant Obstetrics/Gynecology
V.A. Hospital, East Orange, NJ

1979 - Director of Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics/Gynecology

1980 - Attending Obstetrics/Gynecology
Consultant in Maternal-Fetal Medicine
St. Michael's Hospital, Newark, NJ

1982 - Director of Human Genetics & Infectious Diseases
Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology

1976 - 1978 Attending Obstetrics/Gynecology
Martland Hospital, Newark, New Jersey

1979 - Attending Obstetrics/Gynecology
University Hospital, Newark, NJ

1980 - 1983 Deputy Director of Obstetrics & Maternal Fetal Medicine
College Hospital, Newark, New Jersey

1983 - 1987 Associate Director, Obstetrics & Maternal Fetal Medicine
University Hospital, Newark, NJ

1987 - 1993 Director, Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine

1995 - 2013 UMDNJ - New Jersey Medical School

2013 - Present Rutgers New Jersey Medical School


1989 - 1990 Chief Perinatologist
Statewide Perinatal Services and Research Center
UMDNJ - Newark, New Jersey

1995 - New Jersey Medical School Liver Center


Prenatal Diagnosis, High Risk Obstetrics
University OB/GYN Associates

Ambulatory Care Center,

140 Bergen Street, C-Level,

Newark, New Jersey


a. New Jersey Medical License #28844 Expiration Date: 6/30/2016

b. Other State Medical License – None

a. N.J. CDS: D15940 Expiration Date: 10/31/2016
b. N.J. DEA: AA6145963 Expiration Date: 6/30/2016

a. Specialty Board: ABOG, General OB/GYN Certified: 11/78, Re-certified,2014
b. Sub-Specialty Board: ABOG, Div. of M-F-M Certified: 12/84, Re-certified 2014


·  Vice-Chairman, New Jersey Section Junior Fellows ACOG, 1976-1977

·  Fellow-New Jersey Obstetrical and Gynecologic Society

o  Member, Executive Council 1989-present
Treasurer, 1992-1993
Secretary, 1993-1994
Vice-President, 1994-1995
President Elect, 1995-1996
President, 1996-1997

·  New Jersey Maternal-Fetal Medicine Society, Vice Chair, 2003, Chair, 2004

·  Essex County Medical Society, 2013

·  Fellow American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 1978-present

·  Member, Advisory Council, American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologist District 3, New Jersey Section, 1994-Present
Vice Chairman, 1997-2000
Chair, 2000-2003

·  Member, Advisory Council District III, American College of Obstetricans and Gynecologists 1997-present
Assistant Secretary, 2004-2007

Secretary, 2007-2010

Vice-Chair 2010-2013

Chair 2013-2016

·  Member, New York Obstetrical Society

·  Member New York Gynecological Society 1990-2005

Member, Executive Council, 1990-1994

·  Member, Infectious Disease Society for Obstetrics & Gynecology

·  Member, Medical Advisory Committee, New Jersey Blue Cross/Blue Shield, 1990-1992

·  Member, Quality Improvement Committee, Harmony Health Plan, 1995-1997

·  Member, Executive Board, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2013 - present


1969 Phi Beta Kappa, Rutgers University

1979-1980 Exceptional Merit Award for Academic Achievement-CMDNJ for College Faculty

1985-1986 Exceptional Merit Award for Teaching, UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School

1988-1989 Excellence in Teaching Award, New Jersey Medical School

1990 Alpha Omega Alpha, New Jersey Medical School

1993 Finalist, University Excellence Award

1995 National Faculty Award, Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics & Gynecology

1999 Presidential Citation, New Jersey Obstetrical and Gynecological Society

2001 Excellence in Teaching Award, Association of Professors in Obstetrics and Gynecology

2004 Distinguished Service Award, District III American College of Obstetricians and



1990-1998 University Physicians Associates, Board of Directors, New Jersey Medical School

1997-1998 Member, Review Committee

2000-Present Member, Finance Committee

Member, Bylaws Committee

1998-2012 New Jersey Medical School PC, Board of Directors

2003-2012 New Jersey Med. PC Executive Committee


a. National and Regional:

Member, Essex County Medical Society Committee on Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 1987

Member, Essex County Medical Society Committee on Maternal-Fetal Welfare, 1987
Member, Governors Advisory Council for Legislation, 2000

Member, New Jersey Maternal Mortality Committee 1999-present

Chair State of New Jersey Maternal Mortality Committee 2010

Member, American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists Nominating Committee 2010, 2011

b.  Medical School:

Chairman, Continuing Education Committee, 1985-1987

Member, Biomedical Research Committee, 1984-1987

Member, Continuing Education Committee, 1983-1987
Member, Search Committee for Chairman of Medicine, 1990-1991

Member, Student Affairs Committee, 1990

Member, Faculty Comm. on Appointments and Promotions, 1994-1996

Member, Search Committee for Chairman Family Medicine 1993

Member, Student Advisors

Member, Student Discussion Groups

Preceptor, Prenatal Diagnosis Elective

Preceptor, Acting Internship in Obstetrics & Gynecology 1994-Present

Member, New Jersey Medical School Alumni Association Nominating Committee, 1997

Member, New Jersey Medical School

Faculty Council, 1997-2001

Faculty Council, 2003-2007

Member University Hospital/New Jersey Medical School Medical Executive Committee 2005-present

Member New Jersey medical School search Committee for Chair of Pediatrics. 2012

c.  Hospital:

Utilization Committee, Martland Hospital and College Hospital, 1982-1988
Professional Review Committee, College Hospital 1985 - 1987
Member, University Hospital, Infection Control Committee, 1983-1989, 2001-Present

Member, University Hospital Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, 1984-1988, 1994-Present

Chairman, University Hospital Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, 1996-Present

Vice Chair, 1998-2001

Vice Chair, 2004

Chair, 2004-Present

Member, Capital Equipment Committee, 2002

Member University Hospital Medical Staff Committee, 2004- present

Member By-Laws Committee, Medical Staff, 2005-present

d. Department:

Executive Faculty Member, Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health
e. Editorial Boards:

Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Wiley-Liss Publishers, 2011
f. Manuscript Reviewer:

·  Obstetrics & Gynecology

·  American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology

·  Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine Annual Meeting, 1991-Present

·  Journal of Maternal-Fetal Medicine

·  Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics & Gynecology

g.  Abstract Reviewer:

·  Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Annual Meeting 1991-Present

·  American College of OB/GYN Annual Meeting 1997-Present

·  Infectious Diseases Society for Obstetricians and Gynecologist 1997-Present

h.  Study Section:

·  National Institute of Child Health and Development Review of

Maternal-Fetal Medicine Network Grants November 2000







James Pullano, MD, 7/1986-6/1988
Judith Chervenak, MD, 7/1987-6/1989
Mauro Leo, MD, 7/1989-6/1991
Udele Taylor, MD, 7/1990-6/1992
Subhash Mitra, MD, 7/1991-6/1993
Lisa Gittens, MD, 7/1992-6/1994 / Nisha Malik, MD, 7/1993-6/1995
David Gonzalez, MD, 7/1994-6/1996
Kecia Gaither, MD, 7/1995-6/1997
Anthony Al-Khan, MD, 7/2001-6/2004
Jesus Alvarez-Perez, MD, 7/2004-6/2007
Shauna Williams, MD, 7/2006-6/2009 / Kelecia Brown, MD, 7/2008-6/2011
Dimitry Zilberman DO 7/2010- 6.2013


1976-1979 Instructor in Obstetrics & Gynecology UMDNJ

1979-1983 Assistant Professor in Obstetrics & Gynecology, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey

1983 - 1991 Associate Professor in Obstetrics & Gynecology, New Jersey Medical School

1991 Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ

1993 Professor of Radiology, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey

12/10/1986 Program Director: "Update in Obstetric Ultrasound" One Day Symposium

4/4/1987 UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey

1986 Tutorial for Practicing Obstetricians in OB/GYN Ultrasound, UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey

1988 Syllabus for Perinatal Emergencies Program: Congenital Malformations and Fetal Death

1990 - 2004 Semmelweis-Waters Annual Seminar, Sponsored: Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Women’s Health, New Jersey Medical School

Program Director

March 1-3, 1991
March 31-April 2, 1995
March 14-16, 1997 / March 27-29, 1998
March 19-21, 1999
April 27-30, 2000 / March 23-25, 2001
April 5-7, 2002
April 11-13, 2003 / March 19-21, 2004

2011 Program Chair for District III ACOG-ACOOG Combined Annual Clinical meeting, Hyatt Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Estimated 400 participants


·  Director of Maternal-Fetal Medicine

·  Director of Obstetrics

·  Prenatal Diagnosis and Ultrasonography

·  High Risk Obstetrics and Genetics


a. Principal Investigator or P.I. of Sub-contract
1976-1979 Post-Cesarean Section Endometritis Risk Factors and Bacteriology and Clinical Response

to Clindamycin and Gentamicin versus Cefazolin and Gentamicin. Sponsored by Upjohn Company, $110,000. (Co-PI with Dr. Louria)

1978-1981  Prophylactic Antibiotics for Cesarean Section. A Comparison of Patients at High and Low Risk for Endomyometritis. Beecham Company, $75,000. (Co-PI with Dr. Louria)

1979-1980 Cefoxitin Evaluation in Soft Tissue Pelvic Infections. Merck Sharpe & Dohme Company, $2,000.

1980-1984 Evaluation of a New Third Generation Cephalosporin Antibiotics, (FK-749). Smith, Kline and French Lab, $65,000. (Co-PI with Dr. Louria)

1983-1986 Treatment of Endometritis with BRL28500, Beecham Company, $30,000.

1983-1986 Bactrim Prophylaxis for Cesarean Section Evaluation and Safety, Roche, $40,000.

1983-1987 Chorionic Biopsy for Genetic Diagnosis: Safety and Efficacy

1985-1987 Cefmetazole Treatment of Pelvic Infection. Upjohn, $54,000.

1986-1987 March of Dimes Grant to develop educational brochures concerning genetics and prenatal

Diagnosis, $9,600.

1986-1988  Co-investigator, Natural History of HIV Infection in Children (Dr. James Oleske) Centers

for Disease Control, 5 years-2.5 million.

1987-1989 Comparison of Ciprofloxacin with Clindamicin - Gentamicin in the Treatment

of Pelvic Infections. Miles Labs, $200,000.

1988 Co-investigator, HIV Infection in Pregnancy. National Institute of Allergy and

Infectious Diseases and U.S. Army Medical Research Grant (Dr. Connor), $4.8

million/5 years.

1988-1990  Comparison of Ceftizoxime and Doxycycline with Cefoxitin and Doxycycline in

the Treatment of Pelvic Infection. Smith-Kline, $40,000.

1993-1994 Hepatitis Vaccine for Pregnant Women Rutgers Community Foundation. $10,000
1994 A Trial of Labor in Women With One Previous Low Segment Cesarean Section:

Comparison of Prostaglandin Gel To Expectant Management. Upjohn Company, $120,000

1996-1999 Maternal Serum Triple Screen video for minority patients. March of Dimes, $15,500.
1996-Present Group B Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus During Pregnancy. American College of

Obstetricians & Gynecologist, $20,000.

2000–2003 A Randomized, Double-Blind, Multi-Center, Comparative Phase III Study of Intravenous

BMS-284756 Followed by Oral BMS-284756 vs. Intravenous Ampicillin/Sulbactam Followed by Oral Amoxicillin/Clavulanate in the Treatment of Acute Pelvic Infections. Bristol-Myers Squibb, $4,800.

2009-2011 Randomized Trial of GSK221149A Randomized double-blined trial of GSK221149A Administrated Intravenously in Pregnant Females with Uncomplicated Preterm Labor: Shauna Williams MD, Joseph Apuzzio, MD, Kelecia Brown, MD. Source: Galaxo Smith Kline. $58,583.79

2010-2011 Phase 3 randomized double blind study of 17 alpha hydroxy-progesterone caproate versus vehicle in the prevention of preterm birth in women with a previous single spontaneous preterm delivery. Hologic laboratories.


·  Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics & Gynecology

·  Prenatal Diagnosis and Ultrasonography

a. Director of Division of Genetics and Infectious Diseases

b. Director, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Fellowship Program, 1995 - 2014
Rutgers (previously UMDNJ)-New Jersey Medical School

c. Director Division Maternal Fetal Medicine 1995-present

d. Director Division of Obstetrics, 2009 - 2014

Rutgers (previously UMDNJ)- New Jersey Medical School

d.  Chief Perinatologist, 1984-1996

Statewide Perinatal Center

Newark, New Jersey

e.  Interim Chair Obstetrics ,Gynecology & Women’s Health 2014-2015

Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

Newark New Jersey



1.  Pelosi, M, Apuzzio, J. Frattraola, M.: A Diagnostic Device for Stress Incontinence. Obstetrics and

Gynecology, 45:223-226, 1975.

2.  Langer, A., Apuzzio, J., Frattarola, M., Pelosi, M., Caterini, H.: Amniotic Fluid Analysis in

Prenatal Diagnosis. In: Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey 72:577-580, 1975.

3.  Pelosi, M., Frattarola, M., Apuzzio, J., Langer, A., Hung, C., Oleske, J., Bai, J., Harrigan, J.:

Pregnancy Complicated by Heroin Addiction. Obstetrics and Gynecology 45:512-515, 1975.

4.  Langer, A., Devanesan, M., Pelosi, M., Apuzzio, J., Frattarola, M.: Choice of an Oral

Contraceptive. In: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 12:153-157, 1976.

5.  Apuzzio, J., Frattarola, M., Gowda, V., Li, TS, Sama, J., Caterini, H., Fricchione, D., Pelosi, M.:

Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Advanced Abdominal Pregnancy. Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey 74:871-874, 1977.

6.  Pelosi, M., Apuzzio, J., Frattarola, M., Li, TS: The Triple-Bite Single-Suture Technique for

Correction of Urinary Stress Incontinence. In: Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey 74:753-756, 1977.

7.  Gowda, V., Apuzzio, J., Langer, A., Li, TS., Devanesan, M., Harrigan, J.: Pregnancy Complicated

by Refractory Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura and Diabetes Mellitus. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine 19:147-150, 1977.

8.  Apuzzio, J., Gowda, V., Pelosi, M., Li, TS, Frattarola, M.: Narcotic Addiction in Pregnancy.

Perinatology-Neonatology, 2:46-49, 1978.

9.  Iffy, L., Caterini, H., Arrata, M., Beluhan, F., Lyons, Mi, Apuzzio, J., Chatterton, R.T.: Vaginal

Trans-position of the Ovary in Primates (Papio Cynocephalus and Macaca Arctoides). In: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 18:76-81, 1978.

10.  Apuzzio, J., Ganesh, V., Louria, D.: A Prospective Culturing Technique for Diagnosing

Endometritis at Cesarean Section. American Journal Obstetrics and Gynecology, 131:817, 1978.

11.  Gowda, V., Apuzzio, J.: Screening of Asymptomatic Women for Endometrial Carcinoma and Its

Precursors. Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey 75:595-597, 1978.

12.  Gowda, V., Apuzzio, J.: My Most Interesting Case. The Female Patient 3:55, 1978.

13.  Apuzzio, J., Pelosi, M., Gowda, V.: Treating the Pregnant Narcotic Addict. The Female Patient

4:76, 1979.

14.  Pelosi, M., Apuzzio, J., Iffy, L.: Ectopic Pregnancy as an Etiologic Agent for Acute Appendicitis.

Obstetrics and Gynecology 53:4-6, 1979.

15.  Iffy, L., Beluhan, F., Arrata, W.S.M., Apuzzio, J., Caterini, H.R.: Experimental Design for

Surgical Relocation of the Ovary into the Vagina. International Journal of Fertility 24:270-275, 1979.

16.  Pelosi, M., Apuzzio, J., Fricchione, D., Gowda, V.: The "Intra-Abdominal Version Technique" for