Worship and Music Team Mtg. Minutes 11/1/16
In attendance: Pastor Mamy, Nancy Haese, Barb Dalton, Deb Welander, Julie Gappa, Meredith Hink, Lori Clayton, Leah Wisnewski, Brian Renkas, Wendy Evert.
Opened with devotion/prayer.
1. Service Welcome – Pastor Mamy with now do the opening welcome at the services and choose the “discussion question”.
2. Scripture readers for both services: Julie Gappa will create sign up sheets. Sign up sheets will be announced during the service and will either be passed during the service and/or located at the back of the church for those interested in signing up. We would also like this announced in the bulletin, on-line and also encourage young people to sign up as readers as well.
3. Pastor Mamy will continue to choose the hymn of the day for each Sunday.
4. The 8:00 service will also have a prayer song. Julie (Rudolph) please include “prayer song” in the bulletin so those of us who use that to follow the order of worship are prepared for it.
5. Power Point – It was suggested that the names of those celebrating birthdays or anniversaries be included in the prayer power point.
6. Time and Talent Forms – We discussed using the Time and Talent Forms as a way to reach out and involve more of our congregation in the many different aspects of church life. Our team will review/revise the “Worship” portion of the sheet. Meredith and Wendy will bring the form to the Vision Board to do likewise. Pastor Mamy suggested waiting until January to distribute the forms at the beginning of the new year.
7. Other: Pastor Mamy will begin having a weekly children’s sermons starting this coming Sunday.
Concern was expressed over the malfunctioning of the T Coil System and headphone sets. Judy Rudolph will be contacting the company for repairs. Julie Gappa suggested that she, along with a few other interested people could perhaps be trained by the company so that they could do some trouble shooting in problems occurred in the future. Wendy suggested it would be helpful if the company had any instructions that could be written down in that regard.
Milestones: Discussed how to approach requests for special music for milestone events. It was decided that if given at least one week’s notice special music requests would be honored if at all possible during either the offeratory or the prelude. This is nothing which will be announced but rather in case it comes up that will be our “policy”.
Calendar for November:
1. All Saints Sunday – there will be a time for candlelighting in remembrance of those who has passed away which will occur after communion and before the announcements.
2. Thanksgiving service will be at 7:00. There will be a separate meeting to plan the service with Pastor Mamy. Julie G. will be the accompanist that evening, Deb will direct the combined choirs. We will need bulletins created for that service.
3. Advent begins the Sunday after Thanksgiving – we will use the “Light One Candle” song as the lighting of the candle(s) occurs.
Calendar for December:
1. Christmas Church Decorating – Possibly after the Dec. 4
service – Nancy H. will contact the Altar Guild to make
2. Special Music in December – Julie Rudolph please put
an announcement in the bulletin for anyone who might
be interested in doing some special music during Advent.
3. December 18 : Christmas Program, intergenerational.
One service at 9:30. Bell choir will play.
4. Quiet Christmas Service, December 17 at 7:00. Brian and Julie will meet with Pastor Mamy to plan this.
5. Christmas Eve Services at 4:00 & 6:00. Jim W. will
organize brass to play at both services. Choir will sing
at both services. Communion will be intinction/wafers.
Julie G. will be the accompanist at the 4:00 service,
Deb W. at the 6:00.
6. There will only be one service at 9:30 on both Christmas Day and New Years Day.
Our next meeting is November 15 at 6:30. Hymn selection
will take place after the regular meeting.
We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.