Self-Study Writing Template

(This is the document you will complete and submit)

Step 1: Review the Specific Standard Section

The institution provides safe and sufficient physical resources that support and assure the integrity and quality of its programs and services, regardless of location or means of delivery.

Step 2: Planning and Gathering Evidence

A.) Read and Review Self-Study Questions

 Against what criteria and by what processes does the institution evaluate the safety of its facilities?

M&O performs this function so Tim Nelson should answer.

 Upon what data has the institution determined the sufficiency of its classrooms, lecture halls, laboratories, and other facilities?

The Space Inventory provides basic information used in calculating state funding for capital outlay projects and maintenance and operations. In addition, the Space Inventory provides verification of current and anticipated facilities gross square footage in the district. The annual report provides a statistical legal record of gross and assignable square feet used for evaluating, planning and administering all college facilities under district ownership and/or control. Furthermore, an accurate Space Inventory report provides an indispensable database for considering planning problems. The inventory/database is conducted annually and submitted to the California Community College System Office. This Inventory is use to justify the funding of capital outlay needs under legislative jurisdiction. The reference document for space inventory is the 2007 version of the California Community College Space Inventory Handbook.

What mechanisms does the college employ to evaluate how effectively

facilities meet the needs of programs and services?

The college 'Master Plan' is defined as a comprehensive planning document encompassing

all functions of the college or district. Given the complexities of most communities, the

master planning process is not a step-by-step, linear process but a dynamic process

consisting of a mixture of methods. Information and ideas are exchanged at every

level, combined and recombined, until a particular approach emerges as a good choice.

That approach is developed, often leading to new ideas and combinations, until a

feasible plan is constructed and accepted. The plan must be idealistic enough to inspire

improvement and change and realistic enough to be implemented successfully over


 How well does the institution meet its facilities needs?

The WSCH and ASF are analyzed by program and against standards set for each of the

major categories of space (classroom, laboratory, office, library, and audio

visual/television) to determine whether there is an overall need for space or only a

programmatic need for a particular usage of space that might be satisfied by converting

some existing space to a different use.

The capacity of existing land, buildings, equipment, and systems is determined by State

space standards, by building code occupancy classification, or by common usage

figures or by common sense. The information regarding the details regarding capacity is included in and can be referenced in the District’s Five-Year Construction Plan.

Does the institution use the same criteria and processes for determining safety and sufficiency of facilities at off-campus sites?

I am not aware of any off-campus sites for LPC. I am aware of on off-campus site, the Chabot College San Leandro site. It has not been carried as a part of our inventory.

To what extent are off-campus sites safe and sufficient?


 How does the college use the results of facilities evaluations to improve them?

To my knowledge they are not currently evaluated.

Does the college employ similar processes to assure the safety and sufficiency of its equipment?

Yes, the M&O staff service the Group II equipment. Group I and instructional equipment are maintained by the respective departments.

 How does the institution support the equipment needs of the distance delivery modes it offers?

College VP, Admin should answer instruction equipment questions.

Are institutional needs for equipment met?

College VP, Admin should answer instruction equipment questions.

B.) List the sources (evidence) you have gathered to assess performance and mark the appropriate status box.

Evidence needed or used to support this section: / It’s posted / I have it, but it’s not posted / Don’t have it/Need help
State Facilities Planning Manual / X
State Inventory Manual / X
Scheduled Maintenance Plan / X

Step 3: Descriptive Narrative: Briefly describe how the District is addressing this standard:

The District is addressing this standard in three ways, the first being by annually submitting the 5 year capital outlay plan to the State of California Community College System Office. By submitting this board approved 5 year plan annually and on time, the District qualifies for State funding for facility modernization or expansion. Without the plan submittal containing a list of prioritized projects to meet the future needs of the colleges. The second way the District has addressed this standard is by campaigning for and passing a local general obligation bond for $498 million. This bond will fund the planning, design and construction for over half of the projects currently listed in the 5 year plan. For the remaining 5 year plan projects, local funding allows the District to leverage the local funds by applying matching funds to qualify projects for state funding approval. The third is by assessing and submitting the annual scheduled maintenance plan. This assessment provides the scheduled maintenance needs for each College; details of the plan can be referenced in the plan itself which is provided.

Step 4: Self Evaluation: Provide rating of how well College meets the standard. Provide written explanation of why you gave that rating.

My rating (see p. 1) is: _____C______

The reason I gave this rating is: Chabot College is 40-50 years old and needs complete modernization of all buildings to include the infrastructure. Their current bond allocation should provide improvements to approximately 50% of the total assessed need.

Las Positas is a newer College in an expansion mode with facilities over 30 years old. The existing buildings, some being modular should be replaced by larger more sophisticated two story buildings. Additionally, the current infrastructure was not designed to accommodate a complete build out of the College. The current bond allocation should provide improvements and expansion to approximately 60% of the total assessed need.

Step 5: Planning Agenda: Conclude with comments and suggestions relative to the College’s response to the standard.

Following the completion of the majority of the local bond funded projects, which is expected in the next 24 months, there is a new College wide assessment planned at each College in the District. This assessment should include the assessment of the following:

1. Structural and seismic stability

2. Changes in building code

3. American's With Disabilities Act (ADA)

4. Energy and water conservation

5. Use of hazardous materials

6. Use of indoor volatile organic compounds

7. Use of regulated compounds, refrigerants, etc.

8. Adequate protection of fiber optics systems and components

9. Use of telecommunications infrastructures

10. Increased electrical infrastructure loads

11. Increased utility costs and fees

12. Removal of hazardous substances, including asbestos

13. Consideration of security issues

When the evaluation of existing facilities is complete, the information is provide to also


1. The operations and maintenance budget including deferred maintenance and

special repairs and hazardous substances removal.

2. Methods for more efficient allocation and utilization of existing facilities.

3. Identification of the need for capital outlay improvements.

4. Definition and scope of individual capital outlay projects.