Self Reflection Tool
This self reflection tool has been designed to help you identify the areas of your practice that could be developed further to help support people with long term conditions to self manage. Supporting self management means providing information and encouragement to help people maintain greater control by understanding their condition and being able to monitor and take appropriate action.
A number of statements have been presentedto prompt your thinking and to promote reflection onyour skills, behaviours and approaches to self management support.
There are five sub-sections to the self reflection tool and a number of statements within each section. Please tick one of the four columns that best matches what you do to help build supportive relationships,show you consider the whole person and theirconcerns, helpthem to make decisions and choices andtake action to self manage
Very trueof me / Sometimes true of me / Not true
of me / Very untrue
of me
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
In building supportive relationships - ‘ I ‘………………………………
A / Use positive body language: eye contact, facial expression; posture; position; movement; vocal rate, volume, tone
B / Consider how to balance other tasks (eg writing/computer/care/treatment) to not interfere with dialogue/rapport
C / Show the person that I accepted them and their views/choices
D / Demonstrate warmth and understanding and willingness to help
E / Convey empathy in discussing challenges related to self management
F / Make an conscious effort to connect with the person
G / Acknowledge the expertise a person has in living with their condition
In understanding the person’s concerns – ‘ I’…………………………..…
A / Make sure they fully understand the reason for my contact with them
B / Make sure I fully understandthe reason for their contact with me and their expectations
C / Negotiate an agreed agenda for the conversation about self management
D / Pay close attention to what the person is saying
E / Take time to let the person ask questions/tell their story
F / Checkout my understanding of the concern(s) with the person
In showing interest in the person as a whole – ‘I’…………………………….…
A / Show I am curious and interested in the persons life
B / Show I am interested in the other people in the person’s life
C / Ask about the persons strengths and experiences and use these to support self management
D / Ask about physical, emotional, social, spiritual and psychological aspects
In supporting the person to make choices and decisions - ‘I………………………………
A / Share the decision-making with the person to the degree that they wish to be involved to negotiate a mutually acceptable plan
B / Offer suggestions and choices, asking if it would be helpful if I share my knowledge and experience
C / Share my thinking, ideas, dilemmas, rationale
D / Explore a range of options and find out the person’s ideas and feelings about them
E / Support decisions and choices even if they involve risk
F / Direct people to sources of information and actively support them in accessing this information (if required)
G / Make use of local resources, groups and networks which may support a person in self management
H / Ensure that the person understands and is happy with the plan
In supporting the person to take action – ‘ I’………………………………….
A / Agree a shared action plan or self management plan which we both understand
B / Consider the persons readiness to change when negotiating an action plan or self management plan
C / Consider the persons sense of confidence and self efficacy
D / Use behaviour change strategies to support action
E / Actively follow up on a persons goals and/or actions and offer positive support
F / Regularly review actions taking into account new information and the persons experiences of undertaking self management activities
G / Signpost to further information and/or support, checking out the personsviews, feelings and experiences of this information or support
The ‘how do I know’ question / Comments on how you know
This self reflection tool has been designed to prompt you to consider your skills, behaviours and approaches to self management support.Depending on your responses you might need to work in some areas more than others.You will need to consider how you will address your areas for development and who might help you with these.
It is worth gathering feedback in different ways, some of these might include;
Patient/client questionnaire
Observed clinical practice
Role play
Peer discussion
Video/audio review with peers/supervisor/mentor
Action learning / Note some of your thoughts here re: seeking feedback.
Note what you might be able to do and who might help you with it