February 25, 2016
The Board of Education of the Wall School District #51-5 met in special session on Thursday, February 25, 2016, in the Library of Wall School. Members present: Chairperson Eisenbraun, Vice-Chairperson Cordes, Members Anderson, Kjerstad, Bielmaier, Leonard, and Simons. Also attending were Superintendent Garnos, Business Manager Mohr, and Kent Anderson. Chairperson Eisenbraun called the meeting to order at 7:33 a.m.
All action taken in the following minutes carried by unanimous vote unless otherwise stated.
Business Manager Mohr took a roll call of the board members. Member Simons was absent.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
5125. Cordes moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Anderson. Motion carried.
The Board looked at estimated cost on the different designs that have been discussed. There were ideas and discussion on ways to possibly do the project cheaper.
Member Simons arrived.
Superintendent/Principal Garnos called Tyler Walker, Geiger Architecture, and put the call on conference. Walker helped explain the crawl space that would be present with the drilled pier option and also went over the engineers recommendations on engineered fill or drilled piers. The projected numbers were discussed. A prospective timeline was estimated.
After the conference call, the Board discussed all options and information.
5126. Cordes moved to approve drawing C2-R – Enhanced Concept 1A including an alternative bid of using 4ft of block with the remainder of the walls being framed and sided with metal siding. Seconded by Anderson. A roll call vote was taken. Yes – Anderson, Cordes, Kjerstad, and Leonard. No – Eisenbraun, Bielmaier, and Simons. Motion carried.
With no further business brought to the board, Chairperson Eisenbraun declared the meeting adjourned at 9:27 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by Niki Mohr, Business Manager
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Scot Eisenbraun, Chairperson Niki A. Mohr, Business Manager
Published once at the total approximate cost of ________.