
Ghost Story Rubric

Students are to write a ghost story that is a minimum of a page and half typed. The story is to be size 12 font and double spaced. The story will be evaluated based on your rubric and emphasis will be put on development of your character, setting and the creation of suspense. The story needs to be submitted at the latest on Tues at the end of class in Mr. A’s handins. You must save a copy under your own login just in case. On Monday November 23 and Tuesday November 24 students will be given the opportunity to type up their ghost stories. They must be submitted at the end of class on Tuesday Novembre 24th.

Criteria / Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1
Understanding of characterization / Characters are believable; they seem to be real people complete with personalities and histories / Characters are believable, complete with personalities and histories / Characters are somewhat believable, but the reader is left with questions about their personalities and histories / Characters need more development in order for them to be at all believable
Understanding of plot / The story has a clear exposition, climax and resolution, yet the plot flows without distraction to the reader / The story has a clear exposition, climax and resolution, but the plot lacks originality / The story has some clarity in its exposition, climax or resolution, but it is difficult to identify all three / The story is in the developing stages of organization; the story does not yet have a clear exposition, climax or resolution
Understanding of setting. / The story demonstrates thorough understanding of setting. / The story demonstrates considerable understanding of setting / The story demonstrates some understanding of setting. / The story demonstrates limited understanding of setting.
Communication for audience using appropriate diction / The writer uses words and phrases to describe the story elements with thorough effectiveness. The writer “shows,” but does not “tell.” / The writer uses words and phrases to describe the story elements with considerable effectiveness. / The writer uses words and phrases to describe the story with some effectiveness. / The writer uses words and phrases to describe the story with limited effectiveness.
Use of language conventions including spelling, grammar and punctuation / The writer applies conventions of written Canadian English appropriately and consistently (no errors) / The writer applies conventions of written Canadian English appropriately (very few errors) / The writer applies conventions of written Canadian English with some consistency (some errors that don’t detract from effectiveness) / The writer applies conventions of written Canadian English with limited consistency (errors that make it difficult to read)
Creation of suspense. / The writer creates suspense with thorough effectiveness / The writer creates suspense with considerable effectiveness / The writer creates suspense with some effectiveness / The writer creates suspense with limited effectiveness