
Entomology, the science of the study of insects, is a major branch of Agricultural Science. Insects are the largest and most diverse group of animals, which affect man in many ways including damage to economic plants, fruits, seeds, stored products, furniture and fixture and human and animal health. Many insects however are useful as they pollinate economic plants, work as scavengers produce important products like, honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis and silk etc. Additionally, many groups of insects are predatory and parasitic in nature and help in regulating population of injurious insects. The Department of Entomology deals with both the aspects of insects i.e destructive and useful.

Entomology is one of the major disciplines of the KhyberPakhtunkhwaAgriculturalUniversity, Peshawar and an important component of the Faculty of Crop Protection Sciences. Department of Entomology was established in 1962. Since its establishment, the department has been involved in basic and applied research in different areas of Entomology in various regions of the province. The major areas of research are insect taxonomy, pollination biology, biological control, Ecology, and integrated pest management. We offer diverse courses in various disciplines of Entomology at Bachelor, Master and Ph. D level.

The department has established an InsectMuseum, where 10,000 insect and mite specimens have been housed. Record of all the collected and identified species is maintained. Some of the identified species are new to the province, some to the country and some new to science.

We maintain a five acre farm at University level. The farm is used for students’ research and different field experiments by faculty members working on research projects.

Seven faculty members are serving the department. These include one abroad. Four faculty members have secured Ph. D. (two from USA, one from Germany and one from Pakistan). One faculty has secured Post-doctorate from China last year.

Since its inception, the department is producing highly skilled manpower in the field of Agricultural Entomology. The department has produced 380 graduates, 220 masters and two Ph. Ds. Faculty members and students have published 180 research articles in national and international journals. Additionally, 27 internship reports, 98 special problems and 86 review papers have been authored. Faculty members have written four books also.

Research is an integral part of entomological science. The department has so far completed 10 research projects on different entomological problems. These projects were funded by various national and international donors. Currently two research projects are run by the department.

The department never compromises on quality. For quality research and teaching we have equipped our labs with quality microscopes, cameras, growth chambers, controlled temperature and humidity devises, insect collection and storage equipment, overhead projectors and computers. These facilities are available to students whenever they want to conduct their experiments.

In additions to teaching at university level we also conduct trainings to farming community on beekeeping, sericulture, Integrated Pest Management, Stored grain pest management and termite control. The department has conducted 35 trainings to farming community and other organizations.

The department has developed collaborations with other organizations. In this regard we have signed MOUs with Chinese research institutes, Pakistan Museum of Natural History, Department of Agriculture, Northern areas Gilgit.



Criterion-l Program Mission, Objectives and Outcomes

Institutional mission

The basic mission of the department is provision ofquality education with the aim of producingtrained and skilledhuman resources, in various fields of Entomological sciences through class teaching, research and outreach activities.

Program mission

To conduct high quality teaching, problem oriented research and technology transfer in the field of Entomology to help farmers in reducingcrop damages by pests.

Standard 1-1: The Program must have documented measurable objectives that

support college and Institution mission statements.

Program objectives:

1. To enable Entomology graduates to gain and apply relevant knowledge and skills for the improvement of plant health, rearing of valuable insects for producing valuable products.

2. To build the capacity of Entomology graduates for solution of farmer's problems related to crop damages by insect pests.

3. To enable the graduates to gain knowledge of the subject as per international standards to pursue their careers.

Strategic plan

1. To build capacity of the graduates through implementation of an up-datedcurriculum consisting of core, major and elective subjects based on modem trends in Entomology to reduce crop damages, ensure plant health and encourage useful insects.

2. To build capacity of the graduates through conceptual teaching, laboratory work home assignments, group discussions, projects, presentations, etc.

3. To improve professional skills of the graduates through mandatory laboratory and field based internships and co-curricular activities such as departmental quizzes, exhibitions, special problems and competitions.

Table 1-1: Program Objectives Assessment

S. No. / Objectives / How Measured / When Measured / Improvement Identified / Improvement Made
1. / To enable Entomology graduates to gain and apply relevant knowledge and skills for the improvement of plant health, rearing of valuable insects for producing valuable products. / Surveys
a) Course Evaluation Questioner
b) Graduating students survey
c) Employer survey
d) Alumni survey / Dec 2009 and May, June 2010
Jan. 2010
April 2009
May 2010 / The Department needs to improve on;
1. Providing latest literature to students,
2.Improving advanced lab facilities and class rooms
3. developing linkages with national and international organization / 1. Use of HEC Digital Library extended to the Deptt.
2. Provision of improved teaching methods
3. Exposure visits to research and business and research centers dealing with entomological problems.
2. / To build the capacity of Entomology graduates for solution of farmer's problems related to crop damages by insect pests. / The same surveys were used as for Objective 1 / Same dates as those of Objective 1 / Establishment of insect museum, insect rearing lab. / Student were engaged in practical collection identification and curation of insects. Insect rearing lab was established and student are being trained in insect rearing.
3. / To enable the graduates to gain knowledge of the subject as per international standards to pursue their careers. / The same surveys were used as for Objective 1 / Same dates as those of Objective 1 / Exposure of students in international organizations / Involvement of students in national organizations

Standard 1-2: The program must have documented outcomes for graduating students. It must be demonstrated that the outcomes support the program objectives and that graduating students are capable of performing these outcomes.


1.Entomology graduates shall have the ability to cater current and future plant and animal health problem diagnosis at different parts of the country.

2. The graduates shall be able to conduct independent research on problems faced by the farmers in the areas of managing destructive and useful insects.

3. Entomology graduatesshall have updated professional knowledge and skills to make their careers in national and international organizations.

The program outcomes are the by-products of the program objectives and are interrelated.

Tablel-2: Relationship between Program objectives and Program outcomes

Program Objectives / Program outcomes
1 / 2 / 3

Alumni, Graduating Students and Employer Survey:

The following surveys were conducted by the Program Team of the Department of Entomology. A total of 11 alumni, 09 graduating students and 04 employers responded to the surveys.

Survey of Graduating students through Questionnaire-session: 2010
Question / Score in %
1. The work in the program is adequate and induces a lot of knowledge.
2. program is effective in enhancing team-working abilities
3. The program administration is effective in supporting learning
4. The program is effective in developing analytical and problem solving skills
5. The program is effective in developing independent thinking
6. The program is effective in developing written communication skills
7. The program is effective in developing planning abilities
8. The objectives of the program have been fully achieved
9.Whether the contents of curriculum are advanced and meet program objectives
10. Faculty was able to meet the program objectives
11. Environment was conducive for learning
12. Whether the Infrastructure of the department was good
13. Whether the program was comprised of Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
14. Whether scholarships/ grants were available to students in case of hardship
15.The Internship experience is effective in enhancing
a. Ability to work in teams
b. Independent thinking
c. Appreciation of ethical Values
d. Professional Development
e. Time Management Skills
f. Judgment
g. Discipline
h. The link between theory and practice / 71.67

General comments of the students:

1. More emphasis should be given to practical especially field work.

2. Provision of additional research funds for research in different areas.

3. The curriculum should include advanced courses

4. Establishment of computer laboratory for Entomology students in the Department.

Alumni Survey through questionnaire for Academic year: 2010
Questions / Score in %
I. Knowledge
1.Math, Science, Humanities and professional discipline / 66.84
2.Problem formulation and solving skills / 85.79
3.Collecting and analyzing appropriate data / 86.84
4.Ability to link theory to practice. / 82.63
5.Ability to design a system component or process / 82.11
6.IT Knowledge / 76.84
II. Communications Skills
1. Oral Communication / 91.05
2. Report writing / 89.47
3. Presentation / 90.53
III. Interpersonal Skills
1. Ability to work in teams. / 84.74
2. Ability to work in arduous /challenging situation / 80.53
3. Independent thinking / 81.58
4. Appreciation of ethical values / 81.58
IV. Management/ Leadership Skills
1. Resource and Time management skills / 81.58
2. Judgment / 79.47
3. Discipline / 84.74
VII. Department Status
1. Infrastructure / 71.11
2. Faculty / 80.56
3. Repute at National level / 86.11
4. Repute at intemationa11eve1 / 75.56

General comments of the alumni:

1. Student Internship Programs may be promoted through viable linkages of the department with Agricultural Research Institutes / Stations. Besides public, private sector and national and international NGOs may also be involved

Employer Survey through questionnaire for Academic year: 2010
Questions / Score in %
I. Knowledge
Math, Science, Humanities and professional discipline / 76.80
Problem formulation and solving skills / 75.20
Collecting and analyzing appropriate data / 73.60
Ability to link theory to practice. / 75.20
Ability to design a system component or process / 74.40
Computer Knowledge
II. Communication Skills
1. Oral Communication / 80.00
2.Report writing / 76.80
3. Presentation skills / 73.60
Ill. Inter personal Skills
1. 1. Ability to work in teams. / 79.20
2. Leadership / 74.40
3. Independent thinking / 76.80
4. Motivation / 77.60
5.Reliability / 85.60
6.Appreciation / 84.00
1.Time Management Skill / 72.80
2.Judgment / 72.80
3.Disipline / 78.40

General comments of the employers:

1. On-job training should be given to the employees regularly to keep them updated

2. Modern equipment in labs.

3. Practical awareness about research should be highlighted

4. Linkages between theoretical and practical aspects should be strengthened.

5. Internet facility.

Standard 1-3: The results of program's assessment and the extent to which they are used improve the program must be documented.

a) Actions taken

  • Procurement of new equipment for laboratories
  • Provision of visual aids for teaching
  • Access to latest literature via HEC Digital Library
  • Internet and computer facilities provided

b) Strengths and weaknesses of the program

i) Strengths

  • Foreign qualified faculty with Ph.Ds in different fields of Entomology(Insect Taxonomy, Physiology, Apiculture and IPM)
  • Laboratory facilities (four teaching/research laboratories).
  • Farm facilities for on- farm research.

ii) Weaknesses

  • Unavailability of funds for conducting research and maintenance of laboratories.
  • No departmental computer laboratory
  • Shortage of class rooms

c) Future development plans

  • Establishment of apiary for demonstration, Technology Transfer and Trainings.
  • One conference room for the department.
  • Establishment of an insect museum at the department.
  • Establishment of pesticides testing lab.
  • One class room each for under-graduate and post graduate students.
  • One computer laboratory for students.

Standard 1-4: The department must assess its overall performance periodically.

a) Student Enrolment

S.No / Year / M.Sc (Hons)
2008 / 28
2009 / 30
2010 / 29
2011 / 14

b) Student/ Teacher Ratio3:1 (for 2011)

c) Time for M. Sc (Hons) in Department Minimum 2 Years

d) The average student grade point (CGPA) 3.65

e) Employer's satisfaction

Employer's Survey displayed that they were satisfied with overall theoretical and research

background of the students of the Department. The students can design experiments, analyze and interpret the data appropriately. Further, they have the ability to translate theory into their practice. Students of this Department have good oral communication skills. One employer showed his dissatisfaction over report writing skills of our graduates. Same employer however commented that our graduates are capable of working independently as well as in team. Further, they are well disciplined and skillful.

f) Student/faculty satisfaction

Students are satisfied with the overall learning environment, team work and student teacher interaction. They are satisfied with cooperation they received from faculty members. The students commented that the contents of curriculum are advanced and meet the program objectives.

The faculty of the department is satisfied with interaction with students, cooperation received from colleagues and administration. They are motivated and satisfied the overall climate of the department.

g) Research activities

The faculty publishes almost 6-10 research papers on annual basis. On the whole, the faculty has more than 300 publications, which include articles published in national and international journals, technical reports, lecture notes and manuals. Currently almost 2 research projects, funded by national and international organizations, are ongoing in theDepartment. Workshops and Seminars are held in the Department on regular basis.



Criterion-2 Curriculum design and organization

Program of studies offered

The Department of Entomology is running its academic program through semester system of examination. M. Sc (Hons) is a 2 years degree program. Scholars usually complete the course work during the first year. The courses offered at M.Sc (Hons) level have been approved by National Curriculum Revision Committee, HEC, Islamabad, which is in-line with the international standards (Course syllabi on page ).

List of Courses for M.Sc. (Hons)

Course No.Title of the Course Credit Hrs.

M. Sc. (Hons) Previous

Ent. 701Research Methods in Entomology3(2+1)

Ent. 704Advanced Insect Morphology3(2+1)

Ent. 710Insects in Relation to Plant Diseases3(2+1)

Ent 714Insecticides Toxicology3(2+1)

WS 704Integrated Weed Management4(3+1)

PPr.704Biological Control4(3+1)

TOTAL ………………………………………………………………….. 20

Fall Semester

Ent.703Environmental Entomology3(2+1)

Ent.707Advance. Insect Physiology, Embryology3(2+1)


Ent.721Insecticides Application. Equipment3(2+1)

PPL 717Integrated Plant Disease Management (Elective)4(3+1)

Stat 711Experimental Design and Analysis3(2+1)

TOTAL ………………………………………………………………….. 20

SemesterSpecialization CoursesElectiveTotal

Spring12 8 20

Fall13 7 20

TOTAL2515 40

Course strengths

All the courses are designed by the subject experts identified by the HEC. Courses are designed by these experts in a way to provide theoretical and practical foundation in the field of Entomology. These courses enable our students to design experiments and collect, analyze data and discuss the data as well as link theory with practice. Courses also enable the scholars to think independently and generate intuition.

Standard 2-1: The Curriculum must be consistent and support the program's documented objectives

The following table (Table 2.2) manifests how the program content (Courses) meets the program objectives.

Table 2.2: Courses vs program outcome

Courses / 1 / 2 / 3
Major Courses
Elective Courses
Practical (Field and Lab)

Standard 2-2: Theoretical background, problem analysis and solution design

must be stressed within the program’s core material.

The following table (Table 2.3) indicates the elements covered in core courses:

Table 2.3: Standard 2-2 requirement

Elements / Courses
i) Theoretical Background / All courses offered by the Department
ii) Problem Analysis / All courses of the Department
Elective courses
iii) Solution Design / All courses of the Department it
Elective courses

Standard 2-3: The curriculum must satisfy the core requirements for the program, as specified by the respective accreditation body.

The Department follows HEC requirement for each Degree Program in, Entomology as per decision of the National Curriculum Revision Committee and duly approved by statutory bodies such as Board of Studies, Board of Faculty and academic council.

Standard 2-4: The curriculum must satisfy the major requirements for the program, as specified by the respective accreditation body/council.

The Department follows HEC requirement for each Degree Program in, Entomology as per decision of the National Curriculum Revision Committee and duly approved by statutory bodies such as Board of Studies, Board of Faculty and academic council.

Standard 2-5: The curriculum must satisfy the general education, arts and other discipline requirements for the program as specified by the accreditation body.

Program / Statistics, Basic Sciences / Engineering Topics / General Education / Others
M. Sc (Hons) / NA / NA / NA

Standard 2-6: Information technology component of the curriculum must be integrated throughout the program.

For admission to M.Sc. (Hons) degree programme in Entomology, a student must have passed B.Sc. (Hons) from an HEC recognized university. These students during their Bachelor degree programme take courses in Computer programs like MS Office and training on the use of some statistical program in general courses such as CS-311 Computer Application and Stat-511 Experimental Design and Analysis of the undergraduate program. However, this aspect of the program needs to be further strengthened through advanced training on the use of various latest statistical and graphical soft wares such as MState-C and Corel Draw. These scholars already are well equipped with the information technology component. The department of Entomology follows the HEC criteria and only recommended courses are offered for Master degree programme.

Standard 2-7: Oral and written communication skills of the student must be developed and applied in the program.

Students are encouraged to participate in extra curricular activities like debates and quizzes. All studentsof the department are required to deliver compulsory seminars in defense oftheirsynopsis and then another seminar is delivered in defense of thesis. Moreover, in all major courses of the department, frequent presentations by the students help them significantly to develop their oral communication skills.



CRITERION-3: Laboratory and Computing Facilities