HighlandWoodsLand Stewardship Committee
Thursday, September 3, 2010
310 Glen Thistle Ct.
Present:Hayden McCann (presiding), Kathy Collins, Elham Milani, John Schimmelman, Joyce Rose, Suzy Buenger, Marie Barroquillo, Jess Benjamin, Carol Geiger, Barbara Broser, Marc Silberman (minutes)
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[no email address for Barroquillo or Benjamin]
[note: call Broser after emailing minutes so she knows to download them]
The meeting was called to order by chair Hayden McCann at 7:05 pm.
1. Introductions around the table.
2. Hayden reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting on July 22, 2010. Barbara asked for clarification of “interim committee” and the procedure for the decision to move on the OMR remediation project. Hayden will send out copies with these minutes of the Agrecol bid for plantings and the bid for erosion remediation behind 221 GHR.
3. Update on land activities: Marie described the owner-funded remediation now being undertaken behind units 311-309-307-305 GTC with the HWCA Board approval.
4. By consensus it was decided to have the Fall Volunteer Day on Saturday morning, Sept. 25, 9 am – 12 noon. Residents are invited to meet at the circle at the end of GTC. Bring gloves and any useful tools you might have for cleaning up deadwood or removing buckthorn. Marc and Elham are tentative team leaders. Hayden will email all residents.
5. Hayden asked all those present to review the 2010-2011 projected budget to come up with ideas for what kinds of projects can be discussed for 2011. As an example, she reviewed problems with the Madison “public mulch,” suggesting 2 alternatives that might be considered and their costs (ground wood mulch, bark mulch). The LSC could solicit bids and present them to the HWCA Board for consideration.
6. Copies of the 2004 Bur Oaks plan for forest stewardship were distributed. Hayden will provide the list of Bur Oaks suggested plantings.
7. By consensus it was decided that the LSC will meet on the first Thursday of the month from March through October, at 7 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 7, 7 pm, at 301 GTC (Milani residence).
8. The LSC considered a request from the resident at 106 GTR to cut down an apple tree near the house.
A motion (moved by Silberman) did not pass to have the tree removed if it is immediately replaced by a quality tree at the resident’s expense.
A motion (moved by Rose, with a friendly amendment by McCann) passed unanimously to express the LSC’s commitment not to support the removal of healthy trees and to defer this request till Spring 2011 so that alternatives can be considered.
Hayden will report the motion to the HWCA Board.
9. Buenger raised the issue of emerald ash bore and whether there is anything we can do to anticipate it in our woods. She will contact the University Extension Service for information on the ash bore as well as oak wilt and report back to the LSC at the next meeting.
10. The five-member voting committee was constituted by consensus:
Hayden McCann (chair), Barbara Broser, Suzy Buenger, Kathy Collins, John Schimmelman
All residents are encouraged to attend LSC meetings or to communicate with the voting members about their concerns.
10. Hayden will communicate with Chris Weisskopf about the chemical spraying in Highland Woods (by Tru Green?), including the time schedule, the products used, and specifically what product was used behind 302 GTC after the buckthorn was removed.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.