Y ActiveOctoberPlayscheme 2017
Monday23rdOctober– Friday 27thOctober 2017
Playscheme is a great way to keep kids engagedduring the school holidays while keeping them fit, active and having fun. The Playscheme day runs from 8.30am - 5.30pm and includes:
- Sports and Fitness
- Swimming – Even for those who can’t swim yet!
- Cooking
- Bouncy Castle
- Games
- Arts Activities
- Day Trips and Outings
It is open to all children who have joined as Y Active members between the ages of 4-12 and the scheme is run under the careful supervision of qualified play leaders, trained staff and sports coaches. We also provide opportunities for 13+ year olds to participate as young volunteers.
The Timetable
Earlybirds: 8:30am – 9:30am. This session will involve ‘quiet’ activities to start the day. All children must be signed in on arrival and carers cannot leave until 8.30am.
Morning registration:9:30am–10:00am.
Main programme:10:00am – 4:00pm.Children are organised into peer groups and participate in a wide range of activities both on and off the Club’s premises. Activities will include multi-sports, swimming, arts activities and much more.
Lunchtime:12:00pm– 1:00pm. All children will need to bring their own packed lunch in a labelled, sealed container. There is no refrigerated storage area. Snacks will be available to purchase at certain times during the day, soplease provide pocket money for your child if you wish.YMCA are a provider that promotes healthy eating. If you would like some ideas please visit: change4life.com.
Twilighters:4:00pm - 5.30pm. The last session of the day will be spent playing games, watching films, reading etc.
Please Note
Clothing - comfortable clothing should be worn at all times. Children will take part inoutdoor activities everyday so please ensure they wear suitable clothing. The timetable will sometimes change, so it is recommended that the children bring theirswimming kit in every day.
Valuables -valuables should be left at home as we cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage.
Nut-free - due to children with serious allergies, we are sesameseedandnut free. Please check product ingredients when making your child's packed lunch.
End of the day- all children must be escorted to and from the premises and signed out at the end of the day. Those collecting children must be aged over 16.
Bank holidays - playscheme does not operate on bank holidays.
Early booking prices / Standard prices(If booked on or before 06thOct) / (If booked on or after 07thOct)
Daily / Daily
1st child / £25.20 / £28.00
2nd child / £18.00 / £20.00
Concession* / £13.50 / £15.00
Earlybirds / £2.50 / £2.50
Twilights / £3.50 / £3.50
Please note all bookings are non-refundable and non-transferable.
* Proof of concessionary status must be shown e.g.Employment and Support Allowance entitlement letter. Please contact if you require guidance on this.
Methods of payments
Playscheme places can be paid for by cheque (made payable to Central YMCA), cash or childcare vouchers. Please do not post cash. (Ofsted registered – 116360)
How to apply
Please pop into reception to make any bookings. The address can be found over leaf.
About Y Active
The Programme
The Y Active programme has been developed to promote health, sport and fitness in children (6 months to 13 years) and includes specialist sports sessions and after-school activities. All the Y Active courses run the length of the school term, three times a year. During the school holidays there are no classes but instead we run a comprehensive Playscheme. We also run an activity filled, drop-in Saturday Club alongside the courses.
The Staff
The programme is run under the careful supervision of qualified play leaders, trained staff and sport coaches.The ratio of staff to children is in line with Government guidelines. Our experienced team of volunteers are also on-board to help.
Membership and Prices
All children must be a Y Active member (£30 per year) to take part in any activity. Term-Time Courses or Playscheme places are then paid for at the time of booking.
All Y Active sessions must be booked in advance (with the exception of the Saturday Club). Please contact Club Receptionfor more information.
For further information on any Y Active activities please contact Muminur Jalil at Central YMCA Club, 112 Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3NQ | 020 7343 1729 | | ymcaclub.co.uk/yactive
Term-Time Courses
Y Active runs a comprehensive set of after school courses for 4-13 Years. Courses include Swimming, Trampolining, Free running and many more. There are also courses for under 4’s and crèche facilities for parents who want to use the gym.
Saturday Club
Saturday club is a great way for Y Active members to start the weekend. Children can enjoy Swimming, Trampolining, Basketball, Football, Pottery, Art, Bouncy Castle, Games, Table Tennisand Capoeira. Sat 10-11.30am and 11.30am-1pm. £3.50 drop-in per session.