
Document PM93

  • In general, selection will be based on ability.
  • Where there are two Wolves teams in the same grade, the teams should be evenly matched.
  • If two players in an age group but who were born in different years can not be separated in ability, preference will be given to the younger player because of the likelihood of more rapid improvement
  • The advantage that players who are advanced physically have must be considered in selection. Selectors should keep a close eye out for the smaller players with potential and rank them higher than any less skilled but physically more powerful players.
  • Parents need to be made aware that the borderline player who just misses out on a team in a higher grade is not necessarily disadvantaged. In fact, the opportunity to play in a key position in a lower team can accelerate development compared to being a struggling player in the higher team (refer to Playing Time Policy).
  • In general 12- 14 players is the viable range of players in a squad. In the higher grades, especially the A’s, the players (and their parents) tend to be more committed and a squad of 12 or 13 is preferable. In lower grades, up to 14 can work because absenteeism is higher.
  • Trials are to be held in all age group divisions. These are to be organised by the Age Group Co-ordinator with assistance from the coaches and other qualified personnel (eg from the Seniors). These trials need to be held prior to the end of Term 1 holidays so that all players train with their actual team before the first fixture.
  • The number of trials will be greater for younger age groups, where there is less prior knowledge of players. The U/11 trials need to be very comprehensive considering the big influx of new players.
  • Trials are to be conducted on grass where none of the teams in that age group play on turf.
  • Preferably team lists should not change after the season starts but where change is necessary (eg an obvious error in a player’s selection or when two supposedly equal teams are clearly uneven) it should be no later than the third game.
  • Since the beginning of 1998 the Club has had an official 5-4-3-2 policy. That is, the maximum number of teams we should have in U11, U13, U15 and U17 respectively.

The reality is, whilst the Club has tried to limit growth, the policy has not been adhered to, especially in the younger boys’ and older girls’ teams. In U11 boys there have been very high numbers registered and the current (2000) cap is 6 teams. Where numbers are too high for the Club to handle, the following criteria are to be used in selection:

(1)Whether registration was on time

(2)The presence of siblings and/or parents who are already Club members

(3)Ability/ readiness

(4)Parental involvement (especially in coaching or Age Group Co-ordination)

The parents of those whose registrations are not accepted should be given advice/assistance on alternatives. e.g. “Nines” or another Club