Sportsmanship Grading Policy

Section Two of The RiderUniversity Social Conduct Policy:

Individual Interaction- Respect for the dignity, rights and personal safety of the individual is expected from all members of the campus community.”

5 points –Excellent Sportsmanship

Participants show outstanding cooperation with officials and their calls and rule interpretations. They show other participants and spectators the utmost respect. Team captain maintains full control of his/her teammates as well as fan support throughout the duration of the competition. Team members would communicate with each other in an encouraging manner with regards to play and effort. At no time did the team receive a warning about conduct on the field.

2 points – Acceptable Sportsmanship

Participants show a general cooperation with officials and their calls and rule interpretations. They show other participants and spectators an acceptable amount of respect. Team captain maintains an adequate control of his/her teammates as well as fan support. Team members would communicate with each other in a positive manner, with perhaps a minor exception or two. Team may have encountered a minor incident, but no official penalties were given.

0 points – Insufficient Sportsmanship

Participants show an inadequate cooperation with officials and their calls and rule interpretations. They show other participants and spectators no respect. Team captain maintains little control of his/her teammates as well as fan support.Team members would communicate with each other in a negative manner as much as a positive manner. Team encounters 1 sportsmanlike penalty, i.e. a yellow card in soccer, an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty in flag football, a technical foul basketball.

-2 points– Unacceptable Sportsmanship

Participants show no cooperation with officials and their calls and rule interpretations. They show other participants/spectators disrespect. Team captain maintains no control of his/her teammates, as well as fan support. Team members would communicate with each other in a negative, bickeringmanner. Team encounters 1-2 sportsmanlike penalties.

-5points – Season Ending Sportsmanship

Participants are completely out of control before, during, and/or after the competition. Team captain maintains no control, as well as promotes lack of sportsmanship. Team encounters multiple sportsmanlike penalties and or ejections. Teams which receive a -10rating are subject to immediate dismissal from the league play as well as removal from the Campus Points Race.Team Captain must meet with IM Coordinator before team is eligible to play again.