
· What's New
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Printable Reports
Create printable reports (Adobe PDF format) with this new feature on the Reports tab. Click on a report name to open a window on which you can specify parameters for the report. For the "Downline" report, you can specify a leg (personally sponsored distributor and his or her downline), number of levels, and paper size.
You can also create a printable report based on any filter, search or web report results! To do this, click the "Report" button at the top, right corner of the page when on the Results View.
Rising Star Team Bonus
View your progress towards earning the Rising Start Team Bonus on this section of the Bonuses tab by clicking on the Rising Star link. Only personally sponsored members that currently have a 100 PV Autoship will be displayed. Verify the amount of OGV (Organizational Group Volume) in each leg to determine share qualification.
Click here for more information on the Rising Star Team Bonus (PDF)
Label Utility
On the Results View (results from a filter, search or web report), click the "Labels" button at the top of the page to create mailing address labels (printable Adobe PDF format) for the members who matched your search criteria. On the small utility window that will appear, select a label type and click "Create Labels". Once the PDF document appears, verify that the appropriate type and number of label sheets are loaded into your printer. Then, click Adobe's print icon (directly above the document) to print the labels. No scaling or other document manipulation should be used.
Downline View
The Downline tab allows you to see your organization in a full tree view. Use this feature to explore your organization. The first time you see the Downline View, you will see yourself and those sponsored by you. Clicking on the '+' symbol next to a name will expand the tree underneath that individual. Clicking on the '-' symbol next to a name will collapse that section of the tree. To the left of the name of each distributor is an icon with his or her rank number. Hover over the icon with your mouse to see the corresponding rank name.
Quick Filter
The Quick filter is available on the Downline view. Using the Quick filter, you can quickly filter your entire downline, showing only those people who meet the specified criteria.
When filtering name and/or member ID, the Quick filter will perform partial matches. For example, typing 'John' in the name filter will return as results not only 'John Smith' but also 'Dennis Johnson'.
The Quick filter supports logical operators for numeric fields as well. You'll notice that each numeric field is assigned a default logical operator. You can modify these as needed to support your filtering needs.
Valid numeric logical operators include:
> Greater than
< Less than
= Equals
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
After performing a quick filter search, you may use the filter headers to further sort your search results. For example: After filtering Autoship dates, you may click on "Autoship" to view the dates of your downline members in ascending order. Click on "Autoship" again to view the dates in descending order. The same logic works with each filter option displayed.
Web Reports
The goal of the Web Reports section is to place frequently used and useful queries about your organization at your fingertips. Each report will have a description indicating the information the report is based on. Watch this area in the future, as we will be introducing new reports based on distributor feedback.
The Search tab of the application has two functions. One function is to show the results of a filter, report, or search query. When a Quick filter or report is executed, the focus of the application will shift from the Downline or Reports tab to the Search tab. Here you will see the results of the action just performed.
To modify the Quick filter inputs, simply click on the Downline tab. You will see that any Quick filter settings are preserved, allowing you to modify the filter and review the results.
To switch or re-run a report, simply click on the Reports tab, and you will see all the available reports. Select the desired report and the results will be shown on the Search page.
The second function of the Search tab is to allow for custom searching of your downline. To see the fields available to search, simply click on the Search tab. You will see all the available search options. Executing the search returns a result set for your review. To modify the search criteria, simply click on the top of the Search tab. Notice that previous criteria are preserved, allowing you to try different search combinations.
The Search function is a powerful tool. Some example uses of the Search function might include:
· Show all of my downline in Japan.
· Show all of my downline in a particular city (e.g., Boston).
· Search by zip code.
· Search by address or phone number.
Feel free to experiment with this feature, and watch this area for future enhancements.
Results View
After performing a filter, search or web report, simply click the white "X" directly above the "Name" column to close the Results View. This will take you back to the previous page you were viewing.
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What are the filter functions?
The filter functions are the small input boxes located at the top of every column within the Downline viewer (Downline view). Each box represents search capabilities within that specific group of information. For example, if I wanted to find everyone with the name 'John' in my downline I would type 'John' in the input box directly under the word Name. I would then perform the filter by clicking the vertical FILTER button located to the far left of the table, or by pressing the 'Enter' key.
Note: Multiple filters can be applied simultaneously to narrow your search.
What does each Action item do?
/ / This icon indicates that this person has an e-mail address on file. Clicking the icon allows you to send a message to this individual.
/ / Click this icon to display the member information page for this person. The color of this icon represents what type of member they are. Orange = Distributor, Blue = Retail Customer.
/ / If a red 'x' appears on this icon, this member's account is on-hold.
/ / If a blue 'x' appears on this icon, this member's account is about to go inactive.
/ / (Results View only) Click this icon to display the sponsor path from the selected individual to the logged-in member.
/ / Click this icon to display those people that have been personally enrolled by this distributor.
/ / Click this icon to display the qualification status of the individual selected for both the old compensation plan and the new compensation plan.
Note: Tool tips are available by hovering your mouse over each icon.
How do I e-mail someone in my downline?
To e-mail someone in your downline, simply click on the small envelope icon located in the Actions column. A small utility window will open and a step-by-step explanation of the process will appear. To e-mail more than one individual simultaneously, simply perform the filter, search or web report that will provide you with the desired recipients. Then click the e-mail button at the top of the page. This will cause a blind carbon copy (Bcc) message to be sent to everyone who displays an e-mail envelope icon.
How do I access a member's contact information?
To access information about a particular member, click on the small member icon located in the Actions column. A small utility window will open and detailed information about that member will appear. Note that some countries may require us to restrict the display of personal information.
How do I know if an Autoship order has taken place?
Autoship information is displayed on all pages of the Downline viewer in the Autoship column. In this column you will see the scheduled Autoship date, and whether or not it has been shipped for the indicated period. If an Autoship has taken place, the box will be marked with a check. By placing you mouse pointer over the checkbox, you will be able to see the amount of PV associated with that member's Autoship order.
The page is cut off when I print. How do I fix that?
Be sure that the 'scale to fit' option is selected in your print screen properties. It is also recommended that you set your page setup to the horizontal layout.
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What is the Downline Viewer?
Did you know that you can see everyone in your downline? Simply log in to virtual office and select "View My Downline Volume" from the navigation pane on the left to access the Young Living Downline Viewer. It not only gives you visibility of your downline, it also lets you quickly and easily send e-mails to individual members of your downline, your entire downline, or to select groups within your downline. You can also see your commission, run reports, view a member's information, see who you've personally enrolled as well as a member's sponsor path, and who's qualified for bonuses for the selected period.
If you're not using Young Living Downline Viewer, log in to check it out today. Over the coming months watch for tips on how you can use downline viewer to its fullest potential.
Use Downline Viewer to Send E-Mail
Quickly and easily e-mail individual members of your downline, your entire downline, or select groups within your downline using the Young Living Downline Viewer. Here's how:
  1. Log in to virtual office and select "View My Downline Volume" from the navigation pane on the left.
  2. Select the "Search" tab.
  3. Select the group(s) you want to e-mail. For instance, if you want to e-mail all your customers, select check "Customers" under "Limit search to" and click "Perform Search."
  4. When the search is complete, select "E-Mail" from the top right.
  5. Enter a subject line and the copy for your e-mail.
  6. Click "Send E-mail."
It's that easy.
Use Downline Viewer to Create Reports
Quickly and easily create reports about your downline, member activity, and more using the Young Living Downline Viewer. Here's how:
Option 1: Reports from Search Results
You can perform a search in the downline viewer on individual members of your downline, your entire downline, select groups within your downline, members with accounts on hold, members about to go inactive, or members by rank, and instantly create a report of your search results. To do this simply:
  1. Log in to virtual office and select "View My Downline Volume" from the navigation panel on the left.
  2. Select the "Search" tab.
  3. Select your search criteria. For instance, if you want to see all Executives in your downline, check "Executives" under "Distributors who have achieved the following current rank(s):" on the right.
  4. When the search is complete, select "Report" from the top right.
  5. On the Printable Report window, select a paper size and click "Create Report."
  6. Save the PDF to your desktop.
It's that easy. You can create reports using any or all criteria available on the "Search" tab.
Option 2: Reports from the Reports Menu
  1. Log in to virtual office and select "View My Downline Volume" from the navigation panel on the left.
  2. Select the "Reports" tab.
  3. Choose any option from the list on the left to view a report of the listed criteria. Follow steps 4 through 6 from Option 1 above to save the report. Or, select "Downline" from the right to print a report of your entire downline, including name, level, member ID, PV, OGV, PGV and Essential Rewards information for the selected period.
Hint: Use the E-Mail and Labels buttons to send an e-mail to or create mailing labels for everyone on a report or search result.
Using the Filter Functionality in the Downline Viewer
Quickly and easily see specifics about your downline by using the filter functionality in the Young Living Downline Viewer. This functionality works much like a search. What's more, once you've performed a filter, you can e-mail, print labels, or run a report on the results. Here's how:
  1. Log in to Virtual Office and select "View My Downline Volume" from the navigation pane on the left.
  2. Select the "Downline" tab, if you aren't already on it.
  3. Select the criteria you want to filter for to the right of the "Filter" button on the top left.
  4. If you want to filter for everyone on your third level, select the "Level" field and enter "=3".
  5. If you want to find everyone on your first through third levels, select the "level" field and enter <=3 (<= means less than or equal to.)
  6. If you want to find everyone with 100 PV, select the "PV" field and enter "=100." You can also enter "<100," or ">100" to find people with less than or more than 100 PV.
  7. Once you've entered your criteria, click the "Filter" button.
  8. If you want, you can send an e-mail to, print a mail label, or create a report for everyone in the filter results. Simply select the "E-Mail," "Label," or "Report" tabs on the top right.
It's that easy.
Have a suggestion for the Young Living Downline Viewer? Simply e-mail .
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