First Name, SURNAME, Cohort, Unit 4 Minor

UNIT 4: MANAGING DOWN: Operational Management in the Public Sector

Participants – complete your details and attach this sheet to the front of your minor assignment.Your assessor will provide feedback and your grade on this sheet.

Participant to complete
Participant’s name: / State/Territory:
Participant’s email:
Date of submission:
Assessor to complete
Assessor’s name: / Mark: /100
Title (give your project a title that conveys the problem, issue or area for improvement and the organisation)
1.Introduction, context, and background with specific reference to chosen topic from Unit 4, and to public value (directly or indirectly)
2.1 Aim
2.2 Objectives (tested)
2.3 Stakeholder mapping, including ‘the public’
3.Design – define the limit and scope
4.Proposed approach or method to achieving the aim and objectives (including literature search to establish evidence base). Identify any alternative approaches considered and reasons for choice.
5.Project timetable – at the broadest level
6.Resource schedule – at the broadest level
7.Risk management – at the broadest level
8.Evaluation and dissemination
Other comments (whether the proposal is related to adding public value, is convincing; the scope of the project; whether in your opinion it is do-able and suggestions for improvement; whether it is significant enough; whether the project produces an end product; and in particular what the participant would need to do to get a higher mark and what has been done well, aspects requiring additional information, suggestions/recommendations for improvement etc.)
Project timetable – plan is comprehensive and structured with detailed steps listed and a date (day / month / year) given to each.
Resources, personnel issues and budgets if applicable have been addressed
Risk management – provides sufficient detail and analysis, identifies risk, likelihood, consequences and treatment in a structured format. If your agency has a risk management protocol use it.
Other information provided
Other comments

Assessors make comments and corrections in the document using track changes, and provide written comments above for each section.

Participants – see over page for your Assignment Check List and Declaration, which you are required to complete before submitting your assignment.

(Double click the shaded box, select <Checked> in Default Value. Click <OK>
Have you:
Completed the participant details?
Pages numbered?
Used 12-point font?
Justified the text?
Spell checked and grammar checked?
Inserted word count at the end of your proposal? (Word count excludes reference list and title)
Name, cohort, unit and assignment information should all be included in the header (doing this excludes this information from the word count)
Proofread a hard copy?
Included the Assessment Response and Marking Criteria sheets at the front of your assignment (a single document in word 2003)?
Included the completed sponsor’s declaration (see below)?

Participants, please complete

(Double click the shaded box, select <Checked> in Default Value. Click <OK>
I am aware of the University's policyon Academic Integrity, and, except where appropriately acknowledged, this assignment is my own work, has been expressed in my own words and has not previously been submitted for assessment.


I endorse this proposal and will support the participant/s to complete the project and produce a report by the due date.

I understand that I am responsible for indicating the organisation’s agreement with the project objectives before the project report is submitted.

I agree that the project will add to public value, directly or indirectly.

I agree that this project is suitable to meet the requirementsof the PSM Program.

Name:...... Date:......


Agency/Section or equivalent:......



Criterion / Fail
0-49 / Pass
50-64 / Credit
65-74 / Distinction
75-84 / High Distinction
Understanding / Incorrect or incomplete understanding of how the project links to evidence based policy and practice. No demonstrated understanding of the process and/or potential impacts and outcomes. / Basic understanding of how the project links to evidence based policy and practice. Limited understanding of the process and/or potential impacts and outcomes. / Sound understanding of how the project links to evidence based policy and practice. Demonstrates an understanding of the process and potential impacts and outcomes. / Deep understanding of how the project links to evidence based policy and practice. Strong understanding of the process, potential impacts and outcomes. Awareness of different perspectives and how the project process and outcomes may be used comes through clearly. / Nuanced and in-depth understanding of how the project links to evidence based policy and practice. Excellent understanding of the process and the potential impacts and outcomes. Application and examination and integration of different perspectives incorporated.
Analysis / Confuses fact with opinion and/or little evidence of critical & analytical ability. Insufficient analysis of evidence, process and outcomes. Project proposal and plan is descriptive with insufficient analysis to demonstrate that it is original, ethical, and feasible and adds public value. / Some identification of assumptions and/or limitations of context. Some analysis of evidence, process and outcomes. Project proposal and plan includes some analysis to demonstrate that it is original, ethical, and feasible and adds public value. / Adequately identifies assumptions & some evidence of critical awareness through recognition of potential ‘for and against’ positions. Sufficient analysis of evidence, process and outcomes. This ensures that the project proposal and plan clearly demonstrates that it is original, ethical, and feasible and adds public value. / Able to compare, contrast and critique potential ways of undertaking the project. A high level of analysis of evidence, process and outcomes. This convinces the reader that project proposal and plan is clearly original, ethical, and feasible and adds public value.
Some evaluation of evidence or positions. / Able to critique and evaluate a range of debates, evidence based policy & practice and relevant literature. Deep level of analysis of evidence, process and outcomes. Evidence of synthesis and/or original thought clearly comes through the project proposal and plan that it is ethical, feasible and adds public value.
Argument / Very little or incoherent argument. Does not use evidence or examples in support of views. / Opinions expressed but not fully developed as an argument. Examples and evidence not specifically linked to overall argument or may be misunderstood. / Statement of argument made but not well developed through body of text. Links between examples and evidence and overall argument may not be clear. / Clear statement of argument which is supported by reasonable evidence. / Argument supported by convincing and integrated evidence and/or examples. Clear ‘case’ is built and argument ‘signposted’.
Style & presentation / Does not comply with required format or style requirements. Language may be unclear or contain significant errors. Project proposal and/or plan lacks a coherent and logical structure. No consideration of how the project will be presented. / Complies with required format or style requirements. May be minor errors in language but meaning clear. Structure shows an adequate understanding. Limited consideration of how the project will be presented. / Good example of format or style. Language clear and unambiguous. Structure is coherent. Clear demonstration of how the project will be presented. / Excellent example of format or style. Clear and precise use of language and structure to convince reader. Highly developed ideas of how the project will be presented to different stakeholders. / As for D plus high level of engagement of reader through compelling use of language. Excellent articulation of how the project will be presented to the relevant stakeholders.
UNIT 4: MANAGING DOWN: Operational Management in the Public Sector

Participants use this template for your project proposal and plan. Insert your details in the header. Complete the template in sufficient detail for your sponsor or manager to approve the project. Delete the prompters from the template headings (the parts in brackets) before submitting.

Participant’s name: / State/Territory:
Phone No: / Email:
Title (give your project a title that conveys the problem/issue etc and the organisation)

PART A: Project Proposal

1.Introduction, context and background (the problem, issue, area for improvement etc; with explicit reference to the chosen topic from Unit 4, workplace location and description; your role; the significance of the problem to the organisation or workplace, how the project is linked to public value. This section must be brief. Append any excess description, background, history etc.)


2.1 The aim(a concise statement identifying the topic - problem to be solved, issue to be addressed, change to be implemented etc)

2.2 Objectives(objectives that have been subject to all eight tests in PSM Program Unit 4 Topic Ten with details of each test)

2.3 Stakeholder mapping(see PSM Program Unit 4 Topic Ten; this mapping should include the sponsor and any other person who has approved or had input to the proposal. You should have discussed your Work Based Project idea with your sponsor and Facilitator prior to submitting. The mapping must be more than just a list, it must identify the stakeholder, their interests and influence and your management plan for them in a structured format. It MUST identify the clients/public and the project impact on them)

3.Design (define and limit the scope of the project, see PSM Program Unit 4 Topic 10)

4.Proposed approach or method for achieving the aim and objectives (how you go about this will depend on your topic, but as a minimum it must include a literature review to provide material for the evidence-base of your chosen topic from Topics 1 to 9 in Unit 4. You may also choose to use the logic of the problem solving cycle, action research, the PDCA cycle, formal project methodologies or some other method or technique relevant to your topic).Identify any alternative approaches considered and the reasons for your final choice.

5.Project timetable (overall plan at the broadest level of the project – you will provide a more detailed timetable in the plan)

6. Resource schedule (at the broadest level - you will provide more detail in the plan)

7. Risk management (at the broadest level - you will provide more detail in the plan)

8. Evaluation and Dissemination strategy or protocols (these protocols should include both evaluation of how the project was conducted as well as evaluation of the product of the project, e.g. the solution developed by the project.If you have already identified some potential solutions these can be mentioned in the proposal. Evaluation should address time cost and quality using SMART measures where possible. Dissemination of the outcomes and what was learned from the project should also be mentioned)

9.List of sources consulted for the proposal(a project proposal would not normally be referenced in reality, however you must provide a list of sources consulted at the end of the proposal for academic assessment purposes. In-text referencing is not required. It is expected that a project management source would be cited here. The list of sources consulted does not count in the word limit)

10Appendices (these do not count in the word limit)

UNIT 4: MANAGING DOWN: Operational Management in the Public Sector

Participants - use this template for your project plan. The assessor will provide your total mark and feedback on the Assessment Response Sheet for the Minor Assignment

PART B: Project Plan

You must address the following in your Project Plan:

  1. A full time/task plan in a table, figure or other structured format (see Unit 4 Topic 10 or other project management techniques).
  2. A full risk assessment.
  3. Resources required including personnel and budgeting issues.
  4. Any other details from your proposal that you wish to expand on.

You may use tables, figures, charts and if you have them, templates from your workplace to provide the details required for the project plan.

Insert your information in this template and delete the prompters above in italics.

PSM Program Unit 4 Minor TemplatePage 1 of 7