ONLINE MEETING of Souls English, 23.10.2015
Dear friends,
Welcome to our Meeting of souls tonight all over the world, whatever the time on the globe it is. Here in Germany slowly autumn arrives and summer has gone...a plentyful harvesting of fruits and crops and cereals is already finished and it is amazing how God – our Father – is providing us with natural food and organic nurture. This year our apple tree was really full of wonderful green and red apples. Let us thank God for this and that we are allowed to live within this paradise.
As we know not everywhere on this planet the conditions of living and the nurture is beautiful. There were still wars and destructiongoing on in the near East and millions of people are looking for refuge now, travelling to Europe and want to live at a better place, where is peace, harmony and enough food for growing their families. We actually are living in hard times and we as Bruno Gröning friends are in duty to help the refugees, wherever we see and get aware of them.
I have watched great things here from my German neighbours, who are not joined with Bruno Gröning but though feel obliged to help the refugees from Syria and many other countries. Especially from Dortmund, where some weeks ago several trains full with refugees arrived and the authorities of the City were not able to handle the situation. Quickly a girl from Dortmund with name Özlem organized a facebook group and collected volunteers from all about to receive the thousands of people sitting on the trains arriving at the trainstation in Dortmund. In 25 minutes she got 20 people who connected to help. During the following days more and more people joined her and they built teams for cooking, contribution of food a collection of clothes and toys etc. donated from the public around the area. Well done, well done, well done, Özlem!! From early in the morning until late into the night they spoke with refugees about their needs and helped where they could. Özlem didn’t see herself as boss and said: “Here we are just helpers, we are all waiters, house-keepers, chaplains and organizers. Beginning with students to house wife’s, or doctores or legal’s, we are just humans…
Dear friends, this is praiseworthy and absolutely excellent!!
However, the opinions are going apart in this topical subject, but as we know: Bruno himself was the one who helped many refugees after the Second World War from East Europe and he founded a relief organization to provide living rooms, flats and food to help them. In a tape he spoke about this very clear and that WE ALL are obligated to help our brothers and sisters, wherever they are in need. They are people like you and me. Bruno said: “After the war there have been people, for example farmers, who have been so rich, they had lost nothing during the War, yes, even the carpet in the cowshed has not been missed. But they gave nothing to the help seekers, their hearts were cold and they were not able to feel the need and misery of their brothers and sisters. I have to warm up their hearts, that they will be able to feel again and this was a hard work too.
Later we will listen to this lecture from a tape with Bruno’s original voice, it was the 6th of October 1958 he delivered in Springe, Germany, during a community hour.
But now let us relax first and let us prepare to go into a calm mood to be ready for the Divine power, the Healings stream, please sit down with a certain posture: If possible don’t use the back of your chair, sit straight with a straight spine and put your hands with open palms up on your thighs. Observe your body what you feel. Let us first listen to a music.
At first let us listen to something from Eileen Caddy from the book “GOD SPOKE TO ME’:
A helping hand(page 86)
Each day stretch out a helping hand to those in need of help and understanding. Keep your heart wide open so that MY LOVE can flow forth and answer the need in hungry hearts. Listen patiently to all who come. Let my guide your every word of advice; then you can only help that soul and not hinder by wrong advice. Say nothing rather than the wrong thing. When you are in doubt, be still. In that stillness doubts will vanish and you will know the right answer. Give it with confidence and authority, knowing that it is MY authority. It doesn’t matter whether the advice is approved of or not; you are not pandering to the little self, you are reaching up to a higher self in that soul and the higher part will recognize and accept it.
It is vitally important that you do all from the highest motives. You hold a great responsibility; therefore, let ME guide your every step. Accept today as a very special day and give, giv,e give.
“I am the vine” (God spoke To Me, page 112):
“Always remember that I am the vine and you are the branches. I AM the source of all. You can do all things through Me but without Me you are nothing. With Me you are all things and can do all things. Never separate yourselves from Me in thought, word or deed. Seek that complete oneness with ME and abide in it forever and ever.
Abide in Me and I in you and know that great shall be the works that You shall do in My name. Miracle upon miracle shall come about. The light shall shine forth for all to see and they shall be drawn to the light and shall abide in the light and there shall be no darkness. The time has come, when all shall recognize Me in all that is taking place. You do what has to be done because I ask you to do it. All my promises shall come about. I withhold nothing from those who believe and do My will.”
2. Time witness report
As you know, dear friends, we are still in that month, the nineth of the year – September – when 66 years ago, the nights of the great healings occurred on the TRABERHOF, thisstudfarm near the German town Rosenheim. There thousands and more thousands help and healing seekers gathered and waited for the “Miracle Man” Bruno Gröning, who was able to heal them and give them refreshment and relief from all kind of diseases. The most healing seekers were sick and just wanted to be released from their illness and misery. Bruno Gröning was just allowed to speak to the people for several weeks until the prosecution of his works was accomplished. During that time biblical scenes happened and great healings occurred, when Bruno spoke from the balcony to the crowd. Even when he was absent, more and more healings happened and the mind of so many was haltered. This was not fathomable for the most people but they experienced it lively. In our German session at the 9/9 we listened to an experience report of a young lady – Miss Illgner – she spoke all what she have seen during that time on a tape and we could listen to it. But this tape is not translated into English, it’s a quiet long tape, and if here is anyone who want to help by translating…please contact me at my Email:
Today I would like to read an already translated speech of a time witness, it was a Benedictine Monk, who was among the crowd and who was a dear friend to Bruno Gröning and he spoke himself from the balcony of the restaurant – Traberhof – following words:
The Benedictine monk at the Traberhof
24/09/1949 copy (PDF)
“After Groening on September 24th, 1949, had spoken to thehealing seekers in front of the theTraberhof, a Catholic clergyman from Italy, wearing the Benedictine monastic robes, steppedto his side and asked for permission to direct a few words at those assembled.
Joyfully welcomed, he made the following speech:
My beloved!
I am deeply moved by the words of Mr. Groening and I must confess that I am reminded of the words of the Holy Scripture: "By their fruits ye shall know them." The Divine Saviour says so in relation to every person; and the fruit is a good one. Therefore, the individuals who have made it their intention to enter into the way of this man of God, are to refrain from it; because the fruit is a good one.
Individuals are not so much becoming so pleasing to God and similar to God than by bringing health to others. And when Cicero said this in relation to the medical profession, this also applies to this man of God who is mandated to heal the sick. We see it, begun since Christ to the present day, we read this in the Lives of the Saints, like the Saints with great faith have performed miracles similar to this one here. And the Lord himself said: Thy faith hath saved thee!
I can see, that you are inspired by a deep faith for this man of God. And if physicians and scholars, who are hostile minded to him, answer he does not have completed anystudies like they do, then, this is ridiculous, because God is not to be stipulated what he does. The Spirit of God dwells where he wants, and he reveals his greatness and omnipotence most often to the humble individuals.
Particularly the German people should be glad (about) that a man is called to bringhealth and the grace, the peace to the frightened souls, to the withered bodies.I hope that in the future, still reason will prevail and that the works of God, which thereby, are being revealed, become obvious and come to light so clearly that no one in the future can resist these any more.
And as Mr. Groening already indicated, it is very good that Medical Doctors make a preliminary investigation and a follow-up. For the wickedness of mankind is very much. They have persecuted Christ and they have persecuted his disciples, and they persecute every onel; they have also persecuted devout priests who have healed the sick in the name of God.
Therefore, dohave courage and trust and follow that which Mr. Groening tells you. This morning I have waited in Munich at a pub to which Mr. Gröning was supposed to come. And there, I was very anxious when I heard the depressing news from the press and otherwise.
And there, the Scripture has again come to my mind: And they let themselves not be advised for long time by the false Herod, and they made their way just straight to Bethlehem and they went there and found the Lord.
The works of God are to be revealed in the future. Therefore, do have confidence. And if he no longer will heal from here, but must enfold his work on another site, then, see in this the will of God and have great confidence and double your prayers. And against the opponents hold the word of scripture: "By their fruits ye shall know them" and also that "Willst Thee not slander my prophets."
In fact, the gift of healing the sick is higher than the gift of prophecy. After all, what could be more beautiful than bringing healing to Mankind. Like the divine teacher has moved through Palestine and helped the sick, laid hands on them, and they could speak or hear, or who was tormented by evil spirits, was liberated from them.
Mankind today, we are all under the influence of the evil spirits.
To banish this power we must have a very great faith, and this mountain-moving faith, a certain aura, flows from this man of God.
Therefore, do have confidence and take your cross, as also I am to carry a cross. I am not yet a priest and have a severe journey of life behind me, however, trusting in God - I myself am sick - and with the view at the Crucified we must take up our cross.
May the Sacred Virgin bless you, protect the man of God and keep him for many years available for the German nation, that he may bring it happiness and health. May God and the Sacred Virgin prevailthis.
(The waiting crowd sings the Te Deum)
Deeply impressed with your devout faith in God, I would like to address a few words to you. I want to give you some advice: Everyone bear one another's burdens, and be good and kind to each other. The commandment of charity is the greatest commandment of God's love. Judge not, lest ye be judged. The degree to which one measures out, will become one's measure, says the Lord. And what you are speaking, he strains through three strainers: Through the strainer of truth, necessity and love. If you do have to judge, then, strain also this through these three strainers. Because the measure of the love of God is the measure of charity. The lighthouse of love is to radiate and is to illuminate the darkness of this world.
I havetoday in Munich seen a woman who hopelessly scolded about the God man and miracle worker. I've confronted and asked her if she had ever seen him.
She replied with „no“. Consequently, I have said: How can you judge something which you have never seen before? Had this woman filtered that (=her opinion about Groening *) through the three strainers, she then would not have judgedthe way she did. Beware of persecuting a man who does God's work, because this will result in punishment and misfortune. I have already seen many supernatural things, and I'll tell you: Where there is the finger of God, when individuals oppose it, they will be struck down. Therefore, stand against the enemies of Groening, who never had the good fortune to see him. They better be careful. That, which is not true, that must not be spoken. The woman has left me angry, and I sentthe holy sign of the cross afterher.
The Divine Savior has redeemed us by his precious blood, and he has demonstrated to us how we must live in the days of tribulation.
You have been fortunate to see the man of God before you and to hear his salvation bringing words. Therefore, do have trust and pray for him, so he still may perform quite a few years the charism of healing the sick, and do pray to Mary that she takes him into her motherly heart, and that the Divine Heart shall protect him against all hostile deception and against the enactment of malicious individuals working on the instigation of hell against him.
You can think of it the way you want, but it seems to me; we live at the end of time, and the prophet Joel says. "And in the last days, saith the Lord, I will pour out my Spirit, and there are individuals who have vision and accomplish cures"
And when we see the gift of the Holy Spirit act on the one hand, on the other hand we also see the opposite. And we look over at those German land areas, where Communism is, which with its mouth is standing in front of the Bavarian land and threatens to swallow it – there, the Bavarian people have the (divine) mandate to maintain the mission of love and the mission of faith. Bavaria is (requested to) be aware of this hour that it may accommodate such a man of God in its country. And it shall conclude it to be pretty good towards all the refugees and expellees in this country.
We want to be children of the light, and perform the works of light. And we look up to God, the giver of good, and we give him alone the honor. I have so edified at the humility of the man of God, he has considered himself only as a tool of the Most High. That has impressed me deeply. Because the scale of humility is the measure of God in people.
Source: TRAMPLER, Kurt, Dr.: Die großeUmkehr, Seebruck am Chiemsee: Heering, 1949, PP. 104-107
* Note of the translator
Now let us come back to nowadays times. Alfred Hosp, called Freddy, he wrote 3 books, which one of them is already known „Powers of the spirit“, this is already translated. The next one would be “Spirit rules over matter”, and he made a whole chapter about the fact that everything is vibrant energy. Let us listen to this interesting chapter now:
3. Spirit rules over matter
by Alfred Hosp
Chapter: Everything is vibrant energy, pp. 66-69
The spiritual being, Man, forms a resonant circuit together with the body. Every thought the individual takes in and thereby changes one‘s feeling, has an impact on the frequency of the resonant circuit.
This can be compared with a clock pendulum: if you increase the weight hanging down, the pendulum, otherwise having remained the same, is swinging slower. Viewed in this light, it is comprehensible, that almost everyone changes their characters in the course of their lives.