The County will pay appointed counsel for all time reasonably necessary for adequate representation of a defendant, as approved by a Judge, according to the following fee schedule adopted as provided under Article 26.05(b), Code of Criminal Procedure.

I. Non-Capital Trials: For the trial of criminal cases, whether to a Jury or the Court, and including contested disposition hearings such as Motions to Adjudicate/Revoke, appointed counsel shall be paid $75 per hour for all documented time that is spent on the case that reasonable professionals would agree as necessary for a competent, qualified defense attorney to represent the client, with a minimum fee not less than the scheduled amounts for disposition by plea or dismissal.

II. Death Penalty Capital Trials: Fees for lead and second-chair counsel shall be negotiated and confirmed in writing as to an hourly rate, and preferably, a maximum cap, subject to increase as approved by the presiding trial judge. Lead counsel must be capital certified as approved by the Presiding Judge of the Second Judicial Administrative Region.

III. Uncontested/Plea Dispositions: For the disposition of a single case, a flat fee of $250-$350 shall be paid unless a judge determines the $75 per hour feeshould be paid for documented time that is spent on the case that reasonable professionals would agree as necessary for a competent, qualified defense attorney to represent the client. Also, fees for the contemporaneous disposition of an additional case for the same defendant shall be determined by a judge based upon documented time reflecting additional time expended for multiple cases.

IV. Investigative/Expert Expenses: Payment of investigative and expert expenses shall be in accordance with the hourly rate and maximum expenditure as approved by a Judge upon ruling on an ex parte confidential Motion filed by appointed counsel seeking authorization for Investigative/Expert Expenses.

V. Non-Capital Appeals: Appointed counsel shall be paid $75-100 per hour, as determined by the presiding trial judge, for all documented time that is spent on the case that reasonable professionals would agree as necessary for a competent, qualified appellate attorney to represent the client.

VI. Capital Appeals: Fees for appointed appellate counsel shall be negotiated and confirmed in writing as to an hourly rate, and preferably, a maximum cap, subject to increase as approved by the presiding trial Judge.