Seeds of Jealousy by Juliet
Summary: Brian's old friend comes back into town with some shocking news and Justin has a hard time adjusting.AN Thx to Tonya for all her hard work on the site.
Rating: PG-13
Categories: Fanfic
Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor, Original Female Character, Cynthia
Genres: Angst, AU, Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Published: 12 March 2005
Updated: 07 June 2005
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 1:
Thanks to the Plot Bunny: Lidyah for this idea. Also thanks to Sid for spending hours with me on sending it to her for her opinions. And as for the names in the story, I couldn’t think of anyone else who fit more then my sister Denise. Also thanks to my beta Lidyah for doing a great job as well.
“Brian, there’s a young lady here to see you. She doesn’t have an appointment. She told me to tell you that it’s Dee,” I hear Cynthia tell me over the intercom.
“Send her in” I tell her as I let up off the button, my mind flashes back to ten years earlier.
Ten years Earlier
“I can’t believe you are going off and leaving me.” Dee tells me. Dee has been my best friend for most of my life. We went to high school together. We shared a lot in common, including abusive parents. I was going off to college and she wasn’t. She said that colleges are for those who don’t have lives. She was a rebel.
“I’m not leaving you. I’m just going to college.” I pull her into me.
“You don’t understand. It’s supposed to be us. You and me.” She starts to cry. I hug her closer.
“Dee look, I need to do this for me. I need to show them I will not be just a weak person. I know we said we wouldn’t do anything to prove ourselves to them, but I need to do this for me. It doesn’t mean we can’t still be friends and hang out.”
“Brian, you will be too busy for me once you get there.”
“I will never forget you. So stop acting like I will. We will keep in touch.” I hug her to me.
We didn’t keep in touch like I thought we would. We lost contact somewhere in there. She left town and I never heard from her again. That was ten years ago.
I look up to the knock on the door. “Come in” I get up as I see my old best friend walk in the door.
I walk over to her and hug her. “Dee, it’s great to see you.” She smiles up at me.
“I can’t believe it. You own your own company. I saw one of your ads and thought I would look you up.” She tells me.
“Yes I do. My partner and I have had it for a few months now. Come in. Sit. Tell me what’s going on.”
“Well I know you are wondering where I went. I took off and went to Boston. I needed to get away.”
“Dee, look we kept in touch for a few months afterwards, why didn’t you tell me you were leaving?” I look at her eyes. I know she’s not telling me something.
“I had to go. I had no reason to stay. But I had a reason for leaving.” Just then a pretty little brunette walked in who couldn't be more than ten years old.
“Mom, can I have some change for a drink?” She looks at me and I see the splitting image of my eyes looking at me. “Hi” She said to me.
“Hi. I’m Brian.” I tell her.
“Cool, I’m Brianna” She tells me as she takes change from Dee.
Brianna walks out and I look to Dee. “Pretty thing.”
“Why name her Brianna? It’s sweet you named her after me.” I look at her.
“She’s named after her father.”
I stumble back and lean against my desk. “You better mean another Brian,” I say to her.
“Brian, the night we got drunk to celebrate graduating we didn’t use protection. Well when I found out, you were in college and I didn’t want to bother you with it. So I left town.” She tells me.
“And you didn’t stop to think that I would want to know. Fuck. She’s what, ten now. I have a ten-year-old daughter that I haven’t heard about. Fuck me Denise. You could have told me.” I sit down as she gets up and walks over to me.
“And what would you have done?” She asks me.
“I would have quit college and got a job and took care of what is mine.”
“Right, and then you would resent us both because we took you out of something you wanted to do.”
“So why now?”
“She was asking about her father. I never spoke bad of you.”
“Glad to know. Denise, I could have been helping you out with money. Damn Dee this is a shocker, even from you.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?”
“It means the rebel never left you. Always looking out for yourself and now me by doing this.”
“Bri, I never meant to hurt you.”
“I know” Justin walks in with some sketches.
“Brian, here are the boards you wanted.” He looks over and sees Denise and looks at me.
“Sorry didn’t know you had a client. I’ll come back.”
“No Sunshine, stay. I want you to meet Denise, also known as Dee. She came to visit me and give me a surprise.”
“Hi Denise, I’m Justin.”
“Hi, please call me Dee.” Just then, the door opened and in peeked Brianna. “Come in” I tell her.
“Justin this is Brianna, my daughter. Brianna, this is Justin, my partner.”
“Nice sketch.” She tells Justin.
“Umm thanks. Brian?” He looks at me.
“I just found out as well so don’t give me that look.”
“Brianna, go get yours out of your bag.” She nods and walks out.
“Brian, how did you not know.” Justin looks at me.
“Because she never told me.”
“Why is it any of your business?” Dee has always been one to speak her mind.
“Because I’m his partner.”
“Shit, Brian do you mean you really are gay?” She looks at me.
“Yes, what did you think it was a phase?” I say resisting my urge to my roll my eyes at her.
“Justin, he didn’t know because I never told him," said Dee looking at Justin.
“And now that I do know, things will be different.” I look from Denise to Justin. He has a look on his face that I don’t know about just yet.
“Brian, I didn’t bring her here to make you change your life. I came back because I miss you and Brianna wants to know her dad.” Dee looks so lost, more then I have ever seen her.
I go over and sit down and pull her into me. “Dee, when have I ever left you to deal with things alone? When our parents beat us, we were there for each other. And if you would have told me about our daughter, yes I would have not gone to college, just yet, but I would have sooner or later. Dee, you were the only one I could talk to then. We were like as one. You shouldn’t have taken off. That wasn’t what the rebel I knew would do.”
“Fuck you Brian. I did it because I am a rebel. Then, now and always will be,” we both laugh and I look over in time to see the door shut and see Justin was gone.
“I’m sorry Brian.” Dee whispers.
“No need to be sorry. Look, I know having a kid changes things. I now have two kids.” She looks up at me. “I have a two year old son. Well he’s almost two. His name is Gus. I met Justin on the same night. He actually helped name him.”
“I’m impressed.” She looks away.
“Denise, don’t feel bad. Justin has a lot to take in as well. He’s my life partner.” I hope he still is this is all I shock to me, but as usual I put on the Kinney facade.
“I know it’s a shock to you.” Damn she still knows me better then me.
“Well of course. Fuck, you come back ten years later and tell me, no show me I have a daughter. How am I supposed to act?”
“Brian, yes having a kid changes the way you live, but it doesn't mean you change as a person.” I see her lift her sleeve and I see on her arm a Black Panther, looking like it’s tearing out of her skin.
“Damn, that is awesome Dee. Why this?”
“Its sexy and sleek, but yet powerful.” I look at it closer. “Very cool.”
“Ya well there is another form of machine I love to have power on. And feel the power of. It’s my 2005 Ford Explorer Sport Trac.” She smiles at me.
“What do you do? I mean without an college education and bringing in big bucks your making me jealous,"
I raise my eyebrows disapprovingly at her.
“I’m an escort. I escort men and women to parties. Don’t give me that look. I have never had sex with any of them.” She tells me as the door opens and Brianna walks in.
“I need to use the restroom. Brianna, stay in here and I will be right back.” I look at Dee who smiles and walks out.
I can see she’s a tad bit nervous. “So how was your trip?” I ask her.
“Long. But it was fun. So are you my dad?” I look at her and I see the look in her eyes.
“That’s what I have been told.” I see her smile a bit.
“I know my mom didn’t tell you about me. She told me you are a nice man though,” She looks so shy.
I laugh a little. “Well I guess we are all a bit shocked today.”
“Yes, especially Justin.” She tells me.
“You talked with Justin?”
“Ya, he was in the art department. I went to look at some stuff. He said I have something special in my talent.” She beams. Shit, even though Sunshine is upset, he still makes her feel at ease.
“Did he seem upset?” I ask her.
“Ya, he said that he can’t believe that this is happening.”
“Makes a few of us.” I whisper.
“My mom meant no harm.” She looks straight into my eyes. She has my look.
“I know she didn’t. And Justin and I will work things out.” I smile at her.
The door opens again and Dee walks in. “Brian, here is the number to the apartment.”
I take it and look at her. “Ok, I’ll call you soon.” I give her a hug and before I knew it I have my arms full of a smaller image of me.
“Later Dad.” She kisses my cheek before walking out with her mother.
“Later” I say back and can’t help the smile on my face.
I look up to find Justin standing in the door with one of his non-readable looks on his face.
"Oh Shit, here we go".
Back to index
Chapter 2:
I look up to see Justin standing there in the doorway. "I don’t believe you are just going to take her word on the fact she’s yours. I would want blood work done." I look at him and know he’s right. I simply nod my head thinking on how I can tell my best friend that I want proof that the kid is mine. But I hate having to deal with a jealous Justin. I dont know which is worse. I guess I will find out.
“Justin, I believe her. The kid looks just like me. How could she NOT be mine?” He looks at me with those eyes that I hate when he is in his jealous moods.
“None the less Brian, for everyone else, you should do it. Especially for you and Brianna.” I look out the window as I feel Justin wrap his arms around me.
“Ok I will do it for those reason, but more so for you.” I lift his hand to my mouth, kissing it.
“Thank you.” He whispers to me.
“What do you mean you want proof? Brian, we have never lied to one another.” Dee tells me.
“I know, but this will help Justin feel better as well as anyone else who would want proof. Like Deb.” I tell her.
“Ok Brian, we will do this for you, for them, for us. I know that you are the father. But it’s okay. I understand.” She smiles at me. I know she would never lie to me, but she just doesn’t understand how Justin can be when he wants something.
After going and having this test done we head to the loft. Once we get there Justin is working on the Brown board.
“Hey Sunshine” I lean over, kissing him.
“Hey,” He looks up at me. “Just finishing up these boards.”
“Oh wow, you are good.” Brianna tells him, looking at the boards. “Wouldn’t it look better with these letter’s down here? Like you have to look at the whole thing to know see the full effect.” Justin looks at her and back at the board.
“I was thinking the same thing.” Justin smiles.
“Well we should get back to the hotel.” Dee announces.
“Look why don’t you both stay here? Save up the money and get a place. I know you have money, you have proven that with the truck you drive, but why waste it on a hotel.” I look down at the boards once more.
“Brian?” Justin looked at me.
“Congrats, it’s a girl, and she’s mine.” I tell him, handing him the paper that shows that Brianna’s mine.
“So it is.” Justin hands it back to me. “But we don’t have room.”
“Sure we do. It will be fine Sunshine.” I pull him in close to me. “I have ten years to make up with my daughter.”
“Sure, it’s fine.” He picks the board up and looks at me.
I look at Brian, smiling. I know he loves me. And I can’t say shit because this is his best friend, and his daughter.
I shouldn’t feel threatened. I don’t other then the fact Dee just gave me a look of satisfaction. I just hope she isn’t as sneaky as Michael.
“This will be great dad. We can hang out and get to know each other.” Brianna tells him.
“Ya, we have a lot of time to make up on.” Brian puts his arm around her. “And it will give you time to get to know Justin.
“Yea, can’t wait” I smile at them both.
Three months later, I am sitting at the desk when Dee comes over, leaning over me. “You won’t keep him”
I look at her in wonder ‘what the fuck?’
“What are you talking about?” I ask her, not taking my eyes on the computer.
“Brian, you won’t keep him. I have something more precious then your love. I have his daughter. I have known him a lot longer and we share more then just a past. We share a child Justin. And one thing I know is that his child is more important to him then some blond boy ass.” I look at her in shock.
And that is when it started. When she become a threat. Oh who am I kidding? Brian loves me. But yet, she’s right. Brian has been spending more and more time with them.
Not that it matters. I mean Brianna is his daughter.
“Justin?” I look up to see Brian and his daughter standing there, with looks on their faces.
“Ya, sorry.”
“We are going to go out and have some father daughter time. You want to come?” He kisses me.
“Not in that way Sunshine” I smile even bigger.
“Naw, you go ahead. I have to finish these boards for work. The boss is a real stick in the mud sometimes.” I reply smiling.
“Well I have it on good terms that the boss wouldn’t be pissed if you took a break and joined us for awhile.” I nod and smile, grabbing my bag.
“You to Dee. Let’s just make it a family day.” He looks at me, leaning over, kissing my lips. I love those lips.
“Let’s go then” Dee splats out.
We decide to go to the park for a picnic. The whole time I feel like the forth wheel. Like somehow I didn’t belong. But I do belong. I belong with Brian.
“Sunshine?” I look up from my sketchpad to see Brian standing over me, smiling, with a Frisbee.
“Care to play fetch?” He leans down, taking the pad from me and pulling me to my feet.
“Aren’t you playing with your daughter?” I lean into his body. Reminding myself I have nothing to be worried about. It doesn’t matter what Dee thinks, or said. Brian has enough room in his heart for us all.
“I would much rather throw you across my bed.” He whispers to me. I give him a big ‘sunshine’ smile.
“Brian, your daughter is waiting.” We look at Dee who smiles at Brian.
“Okay, let’s see what you’ve got ladies.” Brian moves away from me, throwing the Frisbee to Brianna. Dee just looks at me with a smug smile. She is so after Brian.
“What do you think? What? That he will give up his daughter, and the mother of his child?” I look at her.
“He has a son you know? Gus, so I know how he can be. But I also know how he is with me.” I tell her. “And it’s different. He loves me.”
“Not for long. He will see that there is to much of us to have you around. See how he is? I know the pain he went through when he was beaten up by his father. I know the pain of how he is when it comes to not wanting to do that to his own kids. Look Justin. I know you have something with him. But can it compare to his daughter?”
“First off, this isn’t a competition for Brian. He has enough for us all. You want to see something?”
She nods her head. I look over at Brian. Walking over to him, sliding my arm around his waste, kissing his neck. He leans into my touch, moaning. Holding my arm with his hand. Smiling at me, he turns into my arms.
“Well looks like Sunshine wants to play?” I smile as I lean up, kissing him. He pulls me into him, kissing me harder, deeper.
Coming up only when air was needed to breathe he looks into my eyes. Placing his head on mine, smiling down on me.
“I love when you kiss me like that” I look into his hazel eyes. Placing his hand on my cheek.
“I love you Justin Taylor. More then you could ever imagine.” I break out into my ‘sunshine’ smile. Making Brian smile before taking my lips into his. Kissing me once more.
“Dad” We hear Brianna. We look at her.
“Yes dear?” Brian mocks.
“Just never mind. I think it’s sweet you show your love like that.”
“Really?” Brian looks into my eyes. Getting that look as I nod my head. Brian mouths one, two, three.
We both tackle Brianna, ticking her and place little pecks of kisses on her face.
Dee POV:
I sit here, watching Brian, the man of my dreams. The man I love more then anything. Well other then our daughter.
I watched Justin walk over to Brian. I saw the looks, the touches. That fucking kiss. Ya, I need to get that blond out of the picture or I will never have a chance.
Brian belongs with me. He said he’s gay, but he made love to me once. I can get him to do it again. Making sure I get pregnant again. He will never have time for him if he has three kids. Gus and the two with me.
“Enjoy it while you can ‘sunshine’ because he won’t be yours for long. I will have him.