Miss Smith Hamnavoe Primary School Primary 12017/2018

Literacy English
/ Reading
Primary 1 will begin reading this term. They will start by learning about Oxford Reading Tree’s main characters and reading picture books which have no words. They will be encouraged to tell the story by looking the pictures. A range of vocabulary and discussion will be built into this.
This term we will be taking part in Scottish Book Week (week beginning 27th November) where we will spend a lot of time looking at and sharing books. Each pupil in P1 will receive a Bookbug Family Pack which will include 3 books. We will be doing various activities related to these books in class.
We will continue writing in news jotters every Monday. Primary 1’s will be encouraged to draw more detailed black line drawing first and then try to construct a sentence using their knowledge of Jolly Phonics and tricky words. We will also be writing different texts throughout the term and encouraging use of Jolly Phonics sounds. Texts will include factual writing, senses poems, instruction writing.
Listening and Talking will be encouraged through all areas of the curriculum. During Scottish Book Week everyone will have the chance to do a Show and Tell about their favourite book. We will be working on how to ask and answer questions.
Maths Numeracy
/ Number work will be focused on numbers within 20 and 30. We will be spending time counting forwards and backwards, identifying numbers before/after/in-between, using our fingers and number lines to help us count and also practising number recognition and number formation. Primary 1 will also be learning about number stories within 10 and the basics of addition.
Topic - Time
Primary 1 will be learning to sequence the days of the week, learning about the 4 seasons, exploring different devices for time and will be learning to tell o’clock times.
Social Studies / People, Past Events and Societies
We will be learning about the history of Bonfire Night and Guy Fawkes.
Expressive Arts
/ Art: The class will have Art with Mrs Burr on Friday mornings.
In class we will continue working on our drawing and observation skills.

We will do some crafts relating to Halloween, Bonfire Night and Christmas.

Drama: The role play area will change a few times this term. We hope to have dressing up (Halloween) at the beginning of term, train track and cars out during road safety week and a role play library set up during Scottish Book Week.
The whole class will get the chance to perform on stage at the end of term for the Christmas Concert and the Christmas carol service in the Pink Hall.
Music: Music will be on Monday’s after break time with Mrs Pottinger.
Technologies / Primary 1 will design and create a model vehicle as part of Road Safety week.
RME / This term we will be learning about the Christian celebration of Christmas through the nativity story and we will be discussing our own Christmas and Winter traditions.
Health and Wellbeing
/ The class will learn about safety around Bonfires and Fireworks and Road Safety.
Most days in class everyone brushes their teeth after lunch. We have regular visits from the ChildSmile Team.
The class will have gym with Mr Kirkness on Tuesday afternoons and class gym on Thursday afternoons. In class gym we will be working on creative dance.