Scope of Work

Maryland Electronics Collection and Recycling Program - Municipality


Many counties and municipalities elect to separately collect and manage electronic goods to prevent their introduction into the solid waste stream. This not only saves valuable landfill capacity, but also protects public health and the environment from the potential effects of harmful metals and chemicals that may leach from electronics.

To assist in the collection and recycling of covered electronic devices (as defined in the Statewide Electronics RecyclingProgram Law, Title 9, Subtitle 17 of the Environment Article, Annotated Code of Maryland) (CEDs), including desktop personal computers, laptop computers, computer monitors, and certain video display devices, the Maryland Department of the Environment (the “Department”) is making grants available through the Statewide Electronics RecyclingProgram to counties that have addressed methods for the separate collection and recycling of CEDs in their solid waste management plans and to municipalities for local electronics recycling programs. The Department will enter into an Interagency Agreement (IAA) with each county or municipality that is awarded a grant under the Statewide Electronics RecyclingProgram in FY 2016. This Scope of Work is an integral part of the IAA and is hereby made a part of and expressly incorporated into the IAA as Attachment A.


Under the provisions of the Statewide Computer Recycling Program, the Department plans to provide, upon grant award, grants of up to $5,000 to municipalities that submit qualifying grant applications to implement local electronics recycling programs. Grant awards in FY 2016 will be for a period beginning on the date the Departmentexecutes the IAA and ending on March31, 2017, with the possibility of not more than one six (6) month extension. These grants will be awarded based, in part, upon available funding, the existence of a current electronics recycling program,proposal for a new program, scope of CEDs to be managed by the grant proposal, financial need, and likelihood of success in increasing electronics recycling, as determined by the Department through its review of the Scopes of Work and Workplans submitted by counties and municipalities. The objective of these grants is to increase recycling of electronics by residents.

Department Staff Responsibilities

The Department shall:

  1. Review, within 30 calendar days, grant applications and Scopes of Work and Workplanssubmitted by municipalities.
  2. Award grants based on a number of criteria, including, but not limited to, amount of money available through the State Recycling Trust Fund; the type of CEDs (as defined in the Statewide Electronics RecyclingProgram Law) to be collected and recycled in the Scope of Work and Workplan; the existence of a current municipality electronics recycling program;the scope and extent of a proposed newprogram;financial need, including per capita income;potential for the proposal to make a significant improvement in an existing program;and potential of the program to increase recycling of electronics by residents.
  3. Issue a Notice to Proceed on approved grant proposals.
  4. Reimburse the Municipalitytwice during the grant term for eligible actual costs incurred in implementing the Workplan up to the pre-approved amount of the awarded grantupon receipt of invoices and related documentation and deliverables in accordance with Paragraph 2 of the IAA.
  5. Inform the Municipality of any problems with invoices and provide an opportunity for the Municipality to correct any deficiencies.
  6. Have the right to conduct random audits of Municipality records relating to contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) activities, invoices, and contract documents; facilities associated with the grant; project personnel timesheets, work logs, contracts, and salary schedules; equipment and materials receipts; and any other documents or information needed to determine compliance with the grant.
  7. Have the right to withhold payment for any work that was not performed adequately, or for an invoice containing a discrepancy or inconsistency in the billing amount, or for incomplete or insufficient backup documentation or deliverables. The Departmentagrees to work with the Municipality to obtain resolution and send a written explanation for the denial to the Municipality.
  8. Designate a representative to resolve any disputes regarding work performance or invoice discrepancies.
  9. Refer any persistent problems with Municipality invoices to the representative identified in the IAA for review. The Departmentmay refermatters to the Department Internal Audit Services unit, which may take further action.
Participating Municipality Responsibilities

The Municipality shall:

  1. Provide a detailed Workplan for the proposed electronics recycling program to be administered and implemented by the grant including, but not limited to: a description of the current or proposed Municipality electronics recycling program; the location of the proposed grant activity; any costs to residents; types of electronics to be collected and recycled; equipment to be purchased; personnel salary costs; contractual services; supplies and materials; types of advertising and costs of advertising; and the time period covered by the grant. Upon grant award and acceptance by the Department of a proposed Workplan, the Workplan shall become a part of the IAA as Attachment B.
  2. Specify in the grant application/Scope of Work/Workplanthe amount of the grant requestand theminimum amount of money needed to implement the Scope of Work/Workplan.
  3. Pay all costs related to the activities in the Scope of Work/Workplan upfront prior to seeking reimbursement from the Department; proposed costs related to capital improvements will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and may be considered for payment by the Department upfront.
  4. Submit reimbursement requests to the Department a maximum of once every six (6) months from the start of the grant period. The final reimbursement request and invoice shall be due no later than45 days (i.e., May 15, 2017) after the end of the grant period, and shall be accompanied by a Final Report as described in Paragraph 11 below.
  5. Submit the following required documentation and deliverables to the Department in connection with the submission of an invoice:
  6. A copy of the IAA, including the approved Scope of Work, Workplan, and budget detail;
  7. A status report, and all associated deliverables, for the period covered by the invoice, which shall detail the following: a comparison of actual costs incurred compared to the amount originally granted; details of activities undertaken;the total weight of CEDs collected during the period; the weight by category of thedisposition of CEDs collected (i.e., reused, recycled, disposed); and who managed the disposition of the materials collected, including the names and addresses of contractors and subcontractors who handled the disposition ; and
  8. A detailed invoice, on Municipality letterhead, that breaks down expenditures by approved budget categories (see “Invoice Summary Section” at the end of this paragraph5.c. for a list of approved categories). The Department should be able to verify the individual budget category totals from the backup documentation submitted. The invoice shall include the Municipality federal ID number, invoice number, and address for reimbursement. The following shall also be submitted with the invoice:
  • Copies of all contractor and subcontractor invoices and proof of payment itemizing and detailing costs incurred for the project; copies will be retained by the Department for audit purposes.
  • A schedule or salary allocation for all personnel costs; the Municipality and all subcontractors must provide other evidence of manpower expenses, including timesheets, for the period of the grant so that the Department can verify personnel costs.
  • All receipts and proofs of payment for costs for which the Municipality is seeking reimbursement from the grant, including, without limitation, all receipts and proofs of payment for equipment purchases, and any other receipts and proofs of payment required by the Department.
  • Detailed cost breakdown (e.g., crane rental @ $50/hour for 5 hours = $250 or crane rental @ $250/day for 1 day = $250; in both cases, reportingsimply “crane $250” will be deemed insufficient) and proof of payment for rental equipment or services.
  • An explanation of expenditures identified in a non-budgeted category.
  • Other support documentation necessary to justify that grant commitments have been satisfied and to support the line item totals in the invoice.

Invoice Summary Section

/ Approved Budget / This Invoice / Invoiced YTD / Balance

Salaries, Wages

/ $
Tech & Spec Fees / $
Communications / $
Travel / $
Fuel & Utilities / $
Motor Vehicle Op / $
Contractual Services / $
Supplies & Materials / $
Equipment / $
Grants, Subsidies / $
Fixed Charges / $
Land & Structures / $
Indirect / $
Total / $
  1. Retain and maintain all records and documents relating to the grant for five years after final payment by the Department or for any other applicable statute of limitations, whichever is longer.
  2. Make available for inspection upon request by the Department or its authorized representative(s) all records relating to the grant; promptly grant access to Municipality facilities to the Department or its authorized representative(s) for review of documents, to obtain information, and to conduct interviews of Municipality personnel.
  3. Accept payment by the Departmenttwice during the grant term in accordance with the terms of the grant, without charging for lateness in payment by the Department.
  4. Submit a written justification in response to any charges that have been denied by the Department.
  5. Designate a representative to resolve any disputes regarding work performance or invoice discrepancies.
  6. Submit a Final Reportto the Department within 45 days (i.e., May 15, 2017) after the end of the grant period detailing: final costs; a comparison of final costs incurred compared to the amount originally granted ; details of activities undertaken; the total weight of CEDs collected during the grant period; the weight by category of the final disposition of CEDs collected (i.e., reused, recycled, disposed); and who managed the materials collected,including the names and addresses of contractors and subcontractors who handled the disposition; and a comparison of tonnages collected under the grant to tonnages collected in the period immediately preceding the start of the grant (same timeframe). Payment of the final invoice shall be withheld until the Final Report is received and accepted by the Department.
Workplan (Attachment B)

The Municipality shall provide a Workplanas part of its grant application,which shall provide at least the detail stated in Paragraph 1 under Participating Municipality Responsibilities above. Additional details are welcome and encouraged as they will provide greater clarity as the Department evaluates grant applications and determines grant awards. Upon grant award to a Municipality, the Workplan submitted by the Municipality and accepted bythe Department shall be a part of and incorporated into the IAA as Attachment B.

Date: March 10, 2016Page 1 of 4

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